How is that upgrade itch treating you anons?
How is that upgrade itch treating you anons?
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it's pretty bad, but i'll wait for 20xx series before i upgrade my 1080
not upgrading my CPU though; i'm not a flaming fucking retard.
What do you have?
I've sold it all to a friend for a decent price, gonna build it for him tomorrow.
Nah. I've got a 6BG 1060, i7 some numbers I can never remember, and 16 GB of RAM. I'm set for a while and I usually wait a long time before upgrading computers anyway. I might get a higher refresh rate monitor. Most games I play I can get 200+ FPS but i'm on a 60htz monitor overclocked to 75.
I5 8400 or 8600k?
Do you want to overclock?
I'm on a laptop and I can't wait to actually get a desktop toaster.
I'm hesitating between 1050Ti and 6GB 1060. On the one hand, 1050Ti is more than enough for 60fps 1080p, but on the other hand the 1060 is sure to be good for quite a while now, and I'm afraid the 1050Ti might become obsolete much faster
If you can afford it go for the 1060. Or a 580/570 if you can get them close to MSRP.
1050Ti is a nice budget card, but I wouldn't bet on it lasting more than 2 years.
>tfw still rocking on the 2500k
>tfw know that will probably have to upgrade in the next year or two
Thankfully I managed to get a 1070 before they shot up in price, so that'll at least hold out for a few more years.
How much can you get out of a 8600k before it gets too hot?
Varies with each CPU, but on a decent board 4.8 should be doable even with a dual tower air cooler.
Have a 1080 since last year and I just mildly OC'd my 4690K to 4.2 after letting it sit on stock clocks for two years so I'll be good for a while.
My rig is 5 years old, but I dont really wanna upgrade right now.
What should I upgrade?
>i5 3570K at 4.0
>16gb ram
my newest part is the 980 but I've had that a a couple of years. As it stands I see no reason to upgrade further for a long, long time.
the fuck you need i7 for?
might want to get more ram only if you need it. Otherwise you're good for a while
>no optical drive
I really want to upgrade and I keep looking at upgrades but then it hits me: There are zero good games currently worth playing so there is no need to upgrade.
Same here. I've been playing games from 2013 and back.
>the only thing I'm looking forward to is Classic WoW
Not upgrading anytime soon I guess.
Video games
to not completely bottleneck his 1080TI?
CPU probably.
An R5 1600 maybe?
>no ryzen
>expensive as fuck mobo
You fucked up
i5 8600k performs better in games lol
I want to upgrade my GTX980 to Njewias new card line that's supposed to be out early next year. Not only because of muh graphics but my card developed horrible coil whine.
Pretty good, picked up another 4GB of DDR2 RAM last month for $10 and I'm just waiting for it to arrive
What for? 8700k is almost matching 1800x in multithreaded tasks (pic related) and kills it in games.
Ryzen is a really good budget option, but I wanted to indulge myself a bit.
think i'm going to run my 290 into the ground before i buy something else. Most demanding games i play are siege, bf1, and dying light and i can run all of those at 1440p 60fps high.
>mfw my friend bought kepler instead of hawaii
>770 2gb can't even run 1080p these days
Since I have a Freesync monitor, I'm waiting for Navi.
The last thing I bought was two fans, the last """upgrade""" was Ryzen because my 4690k died and the last actual upgrade was from a 550ti to a 290x.
>no ryzen
you mean no i9 since amd is shit
nvidia disagrees
It's pretty bad, but so is my rig. Planning on going from an FX-4300, shitty $50 mobo, 8GB 2024mhz RAM, and 1TB HDD to an R7 1700, Asrock 370 Taichi mobo, 16GB 3200mhz DDR4, and 2TB SDHD. Gonna keep my GPU until the new Volta cards come out. Kinda need a job before I can upgrade anything, but I'm working on it. Gonna cost about a grand sans GPU, but I'm hoping it'll last at least 4 years without needing an upgrade
Best of luck user.
Appreciate it!
Also, GPU is a 3GB R9 280. Still solid for 1080p, but I need muh frames. Life as a performance whore playing on a budget rig is suffering
My brother had that card until last year, it was a neat little monster. Tahiti is eternal it would seem.
It really is. I can play Witcher 3 at 1440p/30fps almost ultra settings with HBAO+. Only settings below ultra are NPC count (weak CPU issues) and draw distance at high. Pretty ridiculous for a 2012 card
DESU I don't feel the need to upgrade my computer. Running a 660 and a 4960K that I haven't even overclocked. 8GB of ram I think? Maybe 6.
Honestly I want to build a FreeNAS box, a VM host, a PFSense box, and get a home lab going. I've got 3D Printers and an messing around making various robots with arduinos.
I've got a PS4 and a Switch. There's not much I can't play. Just moved into a new house and there's tons of outside stuff I'm doing. Making fires constantly.
an i5 wouldn't bottleneck a 1080ti my guy
I'm good. I ran a 560 before I got my 1080. I'll probably rock the 1080 for 5 generations before I upgrade.
I got a i7 6700k sitting at 4.2 ghz. I'll just keep bumping the overclock as needed until it fries.
Over the course of the past four months I've almost completely rebuilt my PC. Granted I had outdated hardware and suddenly got into PC gaming proper, but still. The only remains of my original rig is my power supply and ram.
Fuck ryzen, I paired it with my 1080ti and it's my one biggest regret.
Have myself an gtx 950 paired with a i5 6400. The gtx 950 can run recent stuff fine, but it's struggling on some of the newest games. Going to upgrade to a 480 in a couple. Maybe more ram too. I think the CPU is fine but I'm not sure.
>having a processor with great multithreaded performance that barely gets worse meaningful in game performance than pre coffee lake Intel CPUs and having an AM4 motherboard capable of upgrading to Zen 2 which will destroy everything Intel has to offer is one of your biggest regrets
Spotted the shill
>>having a processor with barely better multithreaded performance and notably worse in game performance
Like also how you had to specify pre coffee lake since even the i3 shits all over most of the lineup, and the 8700k matches or beats the 1800x in multithreaded tasks outside of meaningless benchmarks.
>upgrading to Zen 2 which will destroy everything Intel has to offer
I hope you don't actually believe that.
i5 4460 and gtx660
12 gb ram
currently playing gta 5 and bf4 at mostly ultra settings at 60 fps because playing at low resolution
i want to upgrade to 1920x1080 but am worried how the GPU will handle 1080p gaming?
i'm upgrading next month after having a gt520 for like 6 years and being a console kek
is the 1060 3gig any good with R5 1500?
Pretty fucking hard. My CPU is from 2014 and I want to change it, my MB and the RAM so bad.
It'll take a hit for sure. I have 660 ti. Most new games run on low-medium and some of them don't even run at 60fps. My CPU is i7 3770k, 8 gb of ram. Going to get 390x from a friend pretty cheap though.
saw a deal for a pc with
8 gb ram
i5 3470k
gtx 470
1tb hdd
i5 4440
16 GB budget DDR3
A fucking GTX 1080
The bottleneck is real, dudes.
probably not 470 is ancient
>notably worse in game performance
>b-but that was on a vega
>Like also how you had to specify pre coffee lake
>a newer processor is better than an older one
>even the i3 shits all over most of the lineup
I could stand to get a new SSD for my boot drive, but I'm sitting pretty on everything else. I future proofed this computer as best as I could when I got it. Got an i7, 16 gigs of RAM, and just upgraded to a 1070 from a 770 that had burnt out.
Forgot to mention, but as you already know it all depends on the optimization and what kind of game it is. Like for example I'm playing the remastered .hack trilogy right now and it has no problems running on max at 60fps, then there's Nioh, running on low at 60fps with dips. Prey ran on medium, I believe, at 60fps. Evil Within 2 on high at 40-50fps but that port was fucked as there was barely any difference between the graphical settings.
I got a BD drive in my computer and I can't remember the last time I put a disc into it. I know I've never used it to install any games because even if you buy a physical copy of something, all you get in the box is a download code. I think I might have put a movie disc in once.
>burning out a 770
That board was the sturdiest piece of shit I ever had. I usually only switch out components that stop functioning, but I never managed with that one.
Did you perchance try to render a movie with it?
not him, but do you have a link to the video?
Man when I built my last computer getting an optical drive was like pulling teeth. I literally argued with the sales guy for almost an hour.
>He was right.
take a wild guess
I am 99% sure it was either a power surge or a static shock that fried the card. It still worked but it would glitch out and/or crash often. All I know is there were burn marks on the old card when I yanked it out and put in the new card.
oh i have currently the ancient 750 ti the 470 i could give to my bro i will upgrade in summer to 1060/70 tho
neither are in stock for anything but ridiculous prices.
still rocking 4690k and a mexican meme 970. plays everything im interested in. i'm only considering upgrading for maybe ace combat 7. and like this user said if classic turns out to not be a disaster i could easily get lost in that rabbit hole for ages.
went from a 770 to a 1070
coming in sunday or monday I couldn't help myself
probably going to upgrade my i5 4th gen next year to whatever new intel shit is out or amd if they can reach 4th gen single core performance which is hilarious that they still cant
planning to upgrade my shitty CPU soon
i made some terrible decisions my last few upgrades, first i panic purchased a 970 because the new total war was coming out, 1070 came out like 2 weeks later
then i bought a 3440x1440 ultrawide that my 970 can't run well
i'm a fucking genius
that's a very nice setup user, I hope to upgrade to that stuff once the price gouging stops hopefully next year.
>4th gen i5
Welcome to the same problem as me, and be ready to have to change motherboards as well, because socket LGA 1151 which literally every intel generation after that one uses.
>post yfw you built your rig right before the crpytocurrency meme spiked gpu and memory prices through the roof
I hope both of those monitors are 1440p 120hz or higher, or that is the hugest waste of money I have ever seen.
Yeah I got my 1070 last september for 350 and 16gb of 3000mhz of ram for 95 dollars. Fucking bitcoin miners are gonna ruin PC gaming.
Why did you post that benchmark specifically when there's clearly GPU bottlenecking going on, it wouldn't be because Ryzen looks like fucking garbage when it's removed or anything would it, I mean it's earlier in the video why did you skip past it.
Diminishing returns
PC gaming is not as fun
>meaningful in game performance
Do you play games at 720p user?
Good thing bitcoin is finally dying.
higher res is more GPU dependent, raw fps however is CPU. So lower res shows the power of the CPU rather than the GPU.
After a lifetime of drooling for games I can't play I finally build my first gaming-grade PC (for lack of a better term and to avoid memes). It has a Ryzen 3 1300x and a 1050ti, yeah it's a budget PC but fuck you, in this third world country this is as good as it gets.
not just the mobo but ram as well
$350 for a new cpu
$200 for 16gb if we are lucky
>So lower res shows the power of the CPU rather than the GPU
It shows the raw clock speed of the CPU because that's how most games utilize a CPU. Going entirely off 720p video game benchmarks isn't the greatest way to show Ryzen's stronger multitasking ability over most of Intel's lineup.
If you want to see the power of a CPU, use synthetic benchmarks.
If you want to know performance in a real world scenario like gaming, use real world resolutions.
Low res gaming benchmarks give you no meaningful information.
nothing worth upgrading for so I dont have any itch
1440p won't always be so GPU dependent. There's a significant gap between ryzen and intel even at 1080p, even at 1440p using something like a 1080ti would paint an entirely different picture. The gap is only going to get bigger as newer cards come out in early to mid 2018
>but zen 2
If you dropped a couple of hundred dollars on a CPU just to dump it in a few months, I'm afraid you're a fucking idiot.
>If you want to know performance in a real world scenario like gaming, use real world resolutions.
I agree 1080p is the best standard. But benchmarks start going all over the place above that resolution and is game dependent. Like i7 7700k start outperforming the 8700k in Rise of the Tomb Raider at 1440p and even more so at 4k.
I need a new GPU. My 290X is slowly giving up.
Too bad everything between 1060 3GB / RX 570 and 1080 / Vega 56 is waay too overpriced.
Should I just buy a PS4?
I'm jealous of all that new swag
I'm just at the point in my life where I am making some good money, can't wait to buy this kind of shit.
I sold my R9 Fury Nitro because it was such shit. It had a power surge problem where if I booted up any game it would hard crash and reset my entire PC. There's been a ticket up on AMD's site for like a year and it's never been addressed.
Never buying AMD again
I guess buying anything better than a G4560 is pointless.
That's obviously a game that is unoptimized as fuck as is limiting the performance due to the GPU. Look at Ashes of the Singularity benchmarks, 8700k crushes everything.
>The gap is only going to get bigger as newer cards come out
actually the difference is getting smaller as modern games are increasingly better optimized. It will eventually reverse as the focus shifts to multi-threaded performance.
Just got my 1080 yesterday so that itch is gone for now
NOT AT 1440P+
All of the FPS numbers are the fucking same, meaning the game is cucking the CPU and is hammering the GPU.
Is it safe to fall for the 4k meme now?