Go to Amazon

>Go to Amazon
>See "Video Games" tab on main page
>Normies playing Switch in public

What did Amazon mean by this?

>mixed race couple
incoming Sup Forums meltdown

the agenda is COMPLETELY undeniable now though. not even Sup Forums but doesnt do anyone any good to ignore an obvious agenda

too late

>nigger male + white female yet again
They aren't even hiding it anymore. A new cleansing is long overdue.

>Playing while standing up on the train

Daily reminder white women
If you date blacks don’t expect a quality man to never be with you after.

life is getting surreal with now out in the open all the evil parasites of the world are becoming

>114 tonnes of paper gold dumped into the market by (((someone))) in a span of less than 15 minutes
>in 2017, the entire world output of gold was 39 tonnes

the average peasant cant even fathom that kind of economic manipulation
people in the past got killed over a lot less

I wonder (((who))) was behind this ad.



Great way to humiliate an old guy in university at Mario kart.

He was actually really nice, used the gyro and auto steer



You cant deny it at this point. Meme all you want, this is reality.

Which episode of BLACKED is this?

tl;dr faggot

You will die like a farm animal within the next 10-15 years.

i'm not even white so lmaoing at you sweetie

>its only about whites

Im not white either you fucking subhuman. Kikes are EVERYONES enemy.

youre still a goyim

u r fagg lol ;)

Jew detected.

>assuming they're a couple
they could be friends you mong.

>mixed raced means we still exist right???
Why are niggers this stupid?

You clearly know deep down you have absolutely no chance in the future.

lol niggers

>the master race fights fake posters and morons on an anime board all day for no rewards and has no actual life goals

>Man and woman standing close to each other
>They must a couple
Is being near women that uncommon for you?

>tfw you'll never be reborn Black and have the BBC instead of your pathetic dick

>non whites demand to live in white nations
>refuse to acknowledge the countries they literally fled from are fucking garbage

Silly triggered Caucasoids

Sup Forums is always right

couples don't take the bus together

its getting depressing

>don’t expect a quality man to never be with you after
fuck off

>crying about race
Is this fucking tumblr



wrong projection nigga

t. coal burner that got triggered by the truth and thinking about her future