>You have to beat the game to unlock the hard mode.
You have to beat the game to unlock the hard mode
>you have to beat hard mode to unlock easy mode
>you have to beat the game to beat it
Dead Space 2.
>You have to beat easy mode to unlock very easy mode
>No difficulty settings available
>game's hard mode literally has no benefits, cheevos or unlocks associated with it
>hard mode boss fights are radically different such as having new forms and attack patterns
Only time this makes sense
>hard mode is DLC
>hard mode gives more xp
>hard mode gives less xp
Which is the superior game design lads
>easy, normal, hard and nightmare are all playable on the first playthrough, final difficulty is locked
>the final difficulty is just hard difficulty, but there's an extra challenge like ironman or limited saves
>the highest difficulty is easier than the 2nd highest difficulty
In all seriousness though why did this become a thing? Why did someone have the idea that hard mode should be locked until you beat the game normally? The fucking kicker is that the only games that do this have no replayability. I don't want to fucking play it twice. Just let me put the goddamn shit on hard, learn the difficulty curve, and play the fucking game the way I want to play it.
Actually I don't think anything should ever be "locked" in a single player game. I paid money for the game. I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want with it.
More xp
>you have to beat chapters 1, 2 and 3 to get to chapter 4
What the fUCK
>hard mode is preorder exclusive DLC
Hard Mode can serve as New Game+. I sort of agree, though.
Been playing RE5. Veteran Mode is available, but a super-hard mode is locked. However, I don't see how someone can even manage Veteran to begin with without is being a fucking slough of misery.
>former means you'll end up overleveled without trying, and end up breezing through the game easier
>latter means you'll be forced to grind more to get past roadblocks
Both are shit senpai
legit retard
Ah, yes, every platinum trash ever
>You have to lose to unlock easy mode
Hey the way same game journalists want it, there should be an option that skips you straight to the final cutscene and credits, seeing as challenges are bigotry
>you have to have the game to have it
in TW101 at least, hard mode changes the enemies patterns and combinations. An enemy who requires the claws to break its defense spawns at the beginning of the game, and it'd be extremly difficult to defeat it, and also it'd be missing the point