What's going through the heads of Bethesda's marketing team right now?

What's going through the heads of Bethesda's marketing team right now?

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"I wonder if we can sell another Skyrim remaster"

Paddock did nothing wrong and should have shot more whites

"How can we blame this on alt-right trolls?"

"Our game failed because it lacked forced multiplayer and lootboxes"
That's the only message the industry takes away from everything you faggots buy them up even though you pretend to hate them.

What's the source of this image and what is "Score rank"?

>claim not to be nazis, that it's leftist propaganda
>bitch about a nazi killing simulator
They're thinking you just proved their point

They're thinking that next time they'll ditch singleplayer entirely and be sure to toss in some more microtransactions

>What's the source of this image

>what is "Score rank"?
What percentile of games it is in based on user reviews on Steam

to them anyone who voted for Trump is a nazi

>pc is a relevant market

Their point is making profits. Yet all of their fucking singleplayer games have failed this year. Prey, Dishonored 2, Dead of the outsider, The Evil Within and now Wolfenstein.

They're gonna shelve everything except for open world games and MMOs, I bet. And the actual cause for all of the other genres failing so hard? It's difficult to say.

>mainstream singleplayer fps comes out
>despite claiming not to be nazis r/pol/_Donald gets butthurt because it triggers them
>entire industry points and laughs, reminds everyone "This is why we don't do singleplayer and have lootboxes"
Wow, you sure showed (((them))) guyz

>waves a nazi flag, votes for trump
>why do you think trump supporters are nazis?

Oh I see, contrary to what the OP is implying, it looks like it's being shit on in Steam reviews for technical and gameplay reasons.

>6 posts from this ID

Imagine being this pathetic. wow

>we shouldn't have catered to the NeoGAF/ResetEra audience.


>call anyone who disagrees with you a nazi
>make a game about killing nazis
>say anyone who doesn't like the game is a nazi
how many levels of dishonesty do you have to pretend you don't understand what happened?
well... I suppose it is possible to actually be that retarded. that seems unbelievable, though, doesn't it? can such a thing even exist?

posts from this ID

How exactly do you know this? The counter shows IPs and posts, not how many posts a particular IP made.

>voting for trump = a nazi flag
Just because one guy did it
No you know what
If you haven't figured out basic logic then just remember your no better then any faction that has tried to destroy humanity and the world. Stupidity has always been the mostly deadly of killers.

>Sup Forums claims game meant to offend nazis failed because it was boycotted in mass
>but not by nazis though
Honestly the game failed because it's a fucking singleplayer fps, Doom 2016 also failed despite it's reviews and endless praise on Sup Forums. But if you go around saying this game failed because of a boycott then you're the one claiming a decent chunk of Trump voters are nazis, not Bethesda. You're literally walking right into a trap and complaining when somebody tries to warn you.

you're going to continue losing if you refuse to understand why you lost in the first place

maybe it's more like people don't like being accused of nazis

Fucking epic.
>inb4 im le pretending xD

People just don't want to play twitter tier political games
You know their is a middle ground between offended and supportive, right? Like apathy?
Because thats how most people feel about this game. Even most of the people who are trying to push the nazi dialog are apathetic about buying this game.

I hope there's another church shooting and more dead christcucks
>posters: 22
Well look at that

Everyone say it with me
>Social Justice Doesn't Sell Games
>SJWs Don't Buy Games

We've been through this before plenty of times but no one seems to be learning this.

why would you wish death upon innocents like that? what's wrong with you?


Your post still doesn't make sense - regardless of the ratio of replies to IPs, how do you know the particular guy you originally replied to made 6 replies?

those are boring short as shit games with no replay value and they charge 80 bucks for it let singleplayer DIE

Be careful, some newfriend might call you a Sup Forumstard

Hes a leftist, they arent human.

>we aren't nazis we swear. It's all kike propaganda spread by (((them))) which is why we need to gas them all. Hitler warned us of this. 14/88

I don't buy the failure being related to politics in any way. I think it's a singleplayer game that went up against Mario Odyssey and Asscreed: Origins and has way less content and replayability than both of those while being priced the same. Even if you think Odyssey doesn't directly compete with a cross platform game like Wolfenstein, it still got thoroughly trounced by Origins.

doesn't help that as a sequel to a shooter, it has pretty shitty shooting mechanics. Especially by the same company that brought us doom.

No matter which side wins worthless faggots like you have 0% chance of surviving.

hillary lost lol

# of posters doesn't increase when the same IP replies. Stop spreading disinfo

Did someone bitch about killing nazis in CoD:WWII? Maybe that's not why people are bitching

>caring about PC

Not even once

If the armband fits...

>you're fucking right and I'm not going to bother hiding it: the post

The gameplay is kind of weak, but the story is pretty good. Yeah, Sup Forums does hate it because of it's anti-racist message.

>maybe we shouldnt have divided our fanbase by insinuating people who voted for a political party are "nazis" in a game about killing nazis as it emboldens retards to go out and label anyone to the right of mao a nazi to feel justified in assaulting them.

Have fun while you can kid, its clear you know deep down that you are nothing.

Dont bother replying, I wont read it

Petty, self-destructive spite?


Just like with the last war amirite?

>"Damn we should've put more black cocks in the game"

Bullets, hopefully.

Id say about 90% of this board deserves to get drafted and die.

>Dont bother replying, I wont read it
Because that's how someone who's right reacts

You mean the one that didnt make it to the homefront and the most damage done on the homefront was some suicidal gooks in pearl harbor?

No real sources posted yet except for the steamdb, which isn't great.


Take this with a grain of salt as it's physical copies, which are obviously shifting out in favour of digital, but selling less than half of Wolfenstein 1's copies can't possibly make it a successful launch even if digital sales make up a larger margin.

I honestly wonder what the cause is for all of Bethesda's flops, because I haven't the foggiest.

The problem with Wolfenstein 2 is that it isn't worth the price of admission. It's a 20 dollar game with a 60 dollar price tag. No fucking content, no replay value. Even for a fucking single player game, it's pathetic.

any game that tries to virtue signal before release is a guaranteed flop

Oh look, it's this impotent pinkboi strawman again. It's fucking hilarious how often you guys just spam this shit making it obvious you didn't listen to anything anyone was saying.

>worthless faggots like you
I'll see you there

That logic doesn't apply to all Bethesda launches this year though. Maybe Dead of the outsider and Wolfenstein 2, which are far from the only commercial failures.

Anyone who's white and simultaneously votes democrat is engaging in willful self-destruction, yes.

Sup Forums are nazis though

They should have marketed it as a game with good gameplay instead of advertising it with the gimmick that your enemies wear "Nazi uniforms".

No they aren't.

I wasnt applying it specifically to bethesda. The reason the others failed is because they fucking sucked and they didnt even bother trying to pay to advertise to build hype and cover the bullshit.

Fallout 4 was complete fucking garbage but it sold well because of hype and advertising.


The people who made this game are the NeoGAF/ReserEra cucks.

This. Its not even remotely up for a debate anymore. A white democrat is a mentally ill masochist.

>They're gonna shelve everything except for open world games and MMOs

didn't they give up on the subscription model for TESO?

The Bethesda shopping/defense force only works for fallout and elder scrolls.

Stop it you'll trigger the Sup Forumscucks

This is why nobody likes you guys. Everything you don't like is a nazi. You're the reason people had a problem with this game and you don't even have the self-awareness to see it.

Exactly, get over it

I guess all Obama voters are nation of Islam members?

They wouldn't keep being posted if you faggots stopped trying to take credit for it. Doom (2016) failed too remember? It failed because normies love lootboxes and forced multiplayer. There was no market for Wolfenstein II. It was a flop before any politics came around. But if you r/The_Donald reddators keep claiming we did it it only strengthens thr leftist argument that a big chunk of gamers and Trump supporters are nazis.
You are playing directly into their narrative.

Another neonigger that has never even been there.

they literally are

As a person with 100% completion in NWO and OB, I didn't buy it because of the gameplay trailers and the shit I saw posted on Sup Forums.

I actually really liked the non-gameplay trailers like the game show, the two brothers and the mechadog 'assisting' the car.

Sup Forums's pretty nazi though

From what I can tell it's buy to play with an optional subscription service on top.


SJWs are ten times more annoying than the christfags were during the '80s and '90s. Nobody likes being pontificated to. Nobody likes having progressive dogma sermonize to them while they're looking for entertaining escapism.

I was just there right now
Are you going to go with the "they're just pretending" maymay?

>Haha hey paying customers, if you voted for X you are just as bad as the people you get to kill in this game

>Why wont you give me your money???

Go buy it again and waste four more hours on the game for me because those retards lost a sale.

And everyone the alt-right doesn't like is a communist. I love how the internet has turned political discussion into a argument between two babies crying at each other.

Liberals amirite? What's nazi about openly claiming to be nazis?

Because it annoys you.
Don't you see?
They're pretending to be Nazis because it annoys you.

Reminder: Replying to a post validates it. You idiots basically upvoted this user's post.

Nobodys talking about Trump and comparing him to Hitler is the most retarded statement anyone can make

>everyone I don't like is nazis and if they aren't I will be as dishonest as possible to make it so
You guys are getting sad now.

The reddit and neofaggot invasion is insane, this place will never recover.

We need the gore spammer oldfags again.

>Everyone who is a rightist wants to kill jews
>Everyone who is pro white wants to kill jews
>Everyone who doesn't like immigrants wants to kill jews

And finally
>The alt right wants to kill jews
They are a soft core reactionary/white nationalist clique. The most they want to do is deport Mexicans

Orwell was right

No they aren't.

Give me one advert or piece of marketing that called Trump supporters nazis. Go on, I'll wait

im ready to kill these subhuman faggots. they are holding back and bringing down our entire species

So they're just pretending to be retarded? Also, who said I gave a shit? I don't live in gunland.

The only actual Nazis around today are the NSM and Traditionalist Worker's Party. Most people in the far right are not Nazis. Hell most fascists and ultra nationalists are not Nazis either

>But I'm not a nazi!!!

>Trump? Nobody mentioned Trump