A realistic depiction of Lena Oxton

A realistic depiction of Lena Oxton

Why this was not the final design is beyond me

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This is how Pharah should've looked ingame.

Ovewartch shouldnt exist ddue

you shouldn't exist ddue

What would you say if i told you that neoposting is a meme that needs to die?

Why do these people celebrate ugliness?

dude funny one lmao whered you get it from your refridgerator or smmething maen

ayy lmao
Has the artist ever seen a human before?

How should doomfist look

That's not how noses work

why are women obsessed with making other women ugly and fat just like them?

is there something wrong with a womans brain that causes them to not accept the fact there are people better looking and in better shape than them?

for what purpose

nah maen my refridgerator 2 fast still runngni cant catch up im 2 slow

It's a traditional depiction of English beauty. Amerisharts wouldn't understand, just as they can't fathom a woman at a healthy weight.

Why do people go to Tumblr, find artwork they don't like and bring it back here?

Like this

men see a mountain and strive to climb to the top
women see and mountain and complain that it should be smaller so everyone can climb it
i dont have the screencap

maebye try excerzie my dude then you cdhen cetch regrfridgeratroere


unga bunga


They're bored and want attention.

Aw man I missed moon over june.

Also this artist wouldn't be bad as a cartoonist or caricature artist but they clearly don't have a style for recreating specific characters accurately.

fuck off and never speak about that goddess ever again.

The design is the same but the style is different.

You meant this, right?

>head is 1/rd of torso size
>arms appear to reach about knee height instead of mid thigh
>eyes are fucking gigantic
its not anime its not realistic im not sure what this is

I want that.

a nice respectable aryan super hero that punches evil

Why is her fist so tiny?!



The TRUE Mercy of Overwatch!

Is this a Jojo reference?


What is it with tumblr artist always drawing noses all fucked up.

this is how most mercy mains look like irl

Yeah that looks like an A*glo

>inb4 assblasted A*glo fucks

But it is a realistic depiction of an Anglo woman

Realism sucks though. That's how you get uncanny valley shit like Injustice 2.

The REALISTIC version of D.Va!

I would Unga that Bunga

The Thai version of D.Va

I remember there was this art of Dva with a black lives matter shirt

head too big again. how hard is it to learn basic anatomy

No thanks


She's got a more masculine figure that most guys I know

Pretty hard actually.

You might not like it, but this is what the ideal female looks like


Pick one

Well, she looks pretty good.

Hold on, is that supposed to be a trap or something? What's the catch?

*notices bulge*
OwO what's this?

Art is supposed to be idealistic, not realistic.

She's from a Hi-rez game


I miss Tribes...

Crystal pussy

Superior Tracer and D.VA designs

COR BLIMEY *becomes obese* WUAARGH I SED BLOIMEY *bleaches hair* FOOKIN WAHEY INNIT *applies no less than a kilogram of fake tan and makeup* ERRAAH LUV *binge drinks to point of vomiting* FACKIN DEANO WAHEY *urinates against shop while flashing strangers* LEAVE IT OUT DEANO 'E'S NOT WORTH IT *watches love island and made in chelsea and thinks it's real* I HATE BECKY SHE'S A SLAG *eats kebab sat in litter*

I disagree, THIS is the ideal female form.

You people say this is unrealistic but she looks just like Benedict Cumberpatch
Pic is what real beauty is

It's coming back.
Sadly, Paladins is definitely about to die.

Who draws this shit

I wanna know that too


There was that "Out of the blue" update, but I didn't hear anything since.

She's a "Princess"(Streetwalker) with a "Heirloom Rifle"(Nerf sniper gun)

Does anyone have that horrific Blood Elf artist who draws rabbit ears on them. It looks worse then it sounds


The solution is to add a new currency

Delet this right now.



It's cartoonish.
The same artstyle used to satirize politicians.


>Everything is fine up untill her face.
Fuckin how does this happen ?



You've got a real BOUNCE to your chest!

It seems to be in rude health on PS4.


Like this.


>it's realistic because it looks like me teehee
Why are women so fucking mentally fragile? I mean seriously, every problem they face in society right now is all in their heads.
>Oh no i'm being discouraged from getting a good job, better not try to get a good job
>oh no women who are more physically attractive than me exist, better change the standards of beauty completely
>oh no media lacks strong female role models, better genderswap existing male characters



OPs Tracer still has a slim athletic body. She just has an A*glo face.

Reverse image search gives me this.


I'm no saying we should, but is it really wrong to gas every deviantart user?


So is everyone on tumblr a jew? Is that why they draw characters with such huge fucking noses?

I thought tumblr noses were small?

this is one of the comments on this guys page

d.va.....easy on those carrots

>that face

Haha le racism meme

so funny xD

I agree, the tribal neck rings are a bit much considering the lips and monkey nose already gets the point across.

mind to share sauce?


>tfw you've seen this guys 'art'
>it's all the same shit that is terrible in every single way

is that pharah or genderbent winston?

This legitimatly scares me