Why are there no video games where the main protagonist is an evil cactus?

Why are there no video games where the main protagonist is an evil cactus?

because thats a stupid idea you faggot

Because it sounds like a stupid idea that wouldn't make any money.

It's a stupid idea for someone who doesn't like fun
otherwise it's a good idea man

considering youve explained nothing about why that WOULD be fun, i'm inclined to remain in my mindset that it's a pile of faggot trash

Explain how a video game about a flying evil cactus that can operate a LASER gun and fire spikes into people's faces while nightcore music plays is bad?

Can it be a Cactus boy?

No, it can only be a genderless catcus
No other fucking option is allowed.

oh wow ok, you actually are a faggot. i was just throwing the slur around. pardon me.

is there something wrong with being gay? Is that what you're tying to say to me? And I'll tell you that I am not gay, Iam 100% straight. Ok?

Why would there be?

Fuck off.

>tying to say to me?
the only tying that's gonna be done is the noose around your faggot neck as I drag you in my car

I'm in my thread. You are the one posting in my thread buddy, how can you tell me to fuck off? why don't you just leave? I don't barge into your threads and make fun of you and then tell you to fuck off do I?

I have no problem with you, just please no be rude ok? Just be nice :)

Why do you have to be mean? I'm not mean to you, no one is less important than anyone else. You are important, so as I. We just have different taste in shitposting and bait.

get raped to death by a thousand AIDS infested niggers you cum guzzling faggot trash

I'm am trying to understand your mindset. Is it just a joke? Probably. I don't hope anything bad happens to you, in fact, I hope you have a good day tomorrow. You are a fine person.

you really want to know why i'm calling you a faggot?

because nobody else gives a fuck about you. so at least being called a faggot is more attention than you will ever get in real life

It hurts my feelings you know. But I don't want to hurt your feelings. I am just confused. I hope there are people who care about me in real life, but I honestly have a hard time telling sometimes. I just want to cry now. But I am glad that you won't feel bad, genuinely I don't want you to feel bad.

OP, stop being such an unfunny prick.

How can you say that while the sony squat poster is on a rampage? This is just a typical shitpost. Half the posts on Sup Forums are of this quality anyways ddue.ss

FF5's main protagonist is literally an evil tree.