

the fact that it's dobson makes this funnier

The best bit is he still looks smug and condescding to Miss Carrage.

does anyone have that comic about a character who sees a dream about becoming a bird and watching the world grow old? He flies over a number of landscapes before coming home.

Thank you for your help.

No sorry, but that sounds intresting.

Add the calm thine tits textbox to the final panel.

what if he sucked his girl in during her pregnancy through his ass to cause the miscarriage

>5 posts
>No pics
>No 2cat

>Dobson Thread
>Ded on arrival


didn't dobson stop being an artist or something? heard he deleted his deviant art account



>wireless xplorer
my guitar hero autism is tingling


_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___


If their genders were reversed this would be sexual harassment.


Isn't the the ending of Terranigma?

>Pull the lever so they gain knowledge on what is about to happen
>Pull the lever again before the trolley changes track


Even me?


Even you!

___ ____ _______ __ _____ ____ __ ____ _____ _____!


I love these.

>his smug face in the final panel



They make me really uneasy, like something terrible is just about to happen.

me too

Stop, your going to give me diabetes

Sounds like you have some paranoia or insecurities. Let go and just enjoy life, user.

Yeah. You're pretty certain there's a dead kid hidden in the background or something.