
Where can I find a decently priced PS3?

Also I heard I should avoid the super slim model because apparently it dies easily?

Is the one in my pic the super slim?

The one in your pic is the super slim.

I have had mine for a few years and I haven't had any problems. I really haven't heard of the super slim having a lot of problems, but any console can fail.

If you are looking to buy one, check a place that has a warranty. A pawn shop, or maybe FUCKING GAMESTOP, might be the best place to get one that works, and can be replaced if it stops working.

My first PS3 was the super slim and it died after around 9 months. They're indeed notorious for being pieces of shit. I RMA'd it and the replacement super slim I got has lasted for 3 or something years so far and still going strong.

FAT PS3, easy to tell it's the bottom one here.
SLIM PS3, middle one in this pic.
SUPER SLIM PS3, the top one here and the one in your pic.

Super Slim is the cheapest at 60 to 70 usd. However, if they're selling 12GB it has no hard drive. Can be used but you need a hard drive for game installs, you need to also get a hard drive caddie to hold it in place since it doesn't come with one. It's great otherwise, the fact that it's a top loader like PS1 and PS2 Slim could annoy you. It's very reliable so the opposite of what you heard.

Fat PS3 have no value today due to their size, age, and heat consumption making them the least reliable. If a fat PS3 had 4 USB slots in the front it can play PS2 discs.

Slim PS3 are the favorite because they are quiet, the Super Slim has it beat in smaller size so the only advantage is the disc drive is slot based over top loader. Good, but rare to find new so it's second hand lottery for shopping.


*Super Slim at 12gb has no hard drive inside, it is the only model that requires you to get a hard drive caddie when getting a hard drive, it's inexpensive but plan to buy both at once.

You forgot to mention that the PS3 is also the only console you can play every MGS game on

You won't notice any speed gains from a faster hdd on a PS3, keep that in mind. Also don't really need a caddie, you can just jam some cardboard in there so the hdd doesn't move around inside and it's all good.

I got a 12gb super slim. Those cheap bastards at sony.

So put a dirt cheap hard drive in it.
You really should be complaining about the hard drive caddy prices.

OP, fuck 3. PS4 is on sale for $200 on black friday.

Yeah but you don't want to play GZ/V on the PS3. It's a miserable experience.

>PS4 is on sale for $200 on black friday.

Isn't that the regular price? Tell me when the ps4 pro with vr headset are bundled together for $200

I had fun, 200 hours of MGS5 on ps3.

ill sell u mine for $90

works fine

120gb slim

i fired it up today and realized i never play this shit and likely never will

i hear different opinions all the time, you seem knowledgable:
if youa re willing to mod your console, is a modded fatps3 better than having a not fat one? is it better at playing ps2 games?

There's nothing good on ps4 that you cant play on ps3 besides bloodborne.

Just get a $80 ps3 off ebay, buy a squaretrade warranty, if it dies, get money and buy a new one.

>Isn't that the regular price?

>Tell me when the ps4 pro with vr headset are bundled together for $200
You will be waiting a long time poorfag.

>Where can I find a decently priced PS3?
Internet, ebay or whatever other store, depends on what you consider decently priced.
>Also I heard I should avoid the super slim model because apparently it dies easily?
Yeah, the model is kind of shit, it overheats and dies easily. It once died right in front of me while the clerk was testing a used games he was buying from a client. It wasn't the first time i heard about it either, i once heard the console can only be played up to an hour or two before it starts overheating but i can't really confirm anything.
>Is the one in my pic the super slim?

I still use my PS3 frequently and ps+ is a blessing to play the games i missed or getting them for cheap.

Got pic related this week and i'm waiting for the delivery package. each of these games here in rbazil cost at least 20 bucks

It's also worth noting that only the Fat and Slim models support Custom Firmware. The Super Slim does not.

The Super Slim being the newest revision from 2012 is probably the most common one on the market right now (as far as i can tell the PS3 is still in production in the States)

Just be warned the Super Slim is a top-loader with a sliding plate that's kind of easy to break if you're not careful

were the DS3 controllers better quality with the PS3 came out? I bought a PS3 last year, and the controller is creaky and cheaper feeling as fuck.

The DS3 wasn't around until like a year after the PS3 launch due to a dispute over the rumble patent.

That being said i've never had issues with mine. If you bought yours used then of course it might have issues from wear and tear or the previous owner treating it like shit.

Also note that if you bought and or are intending to buy DS3 off Amazon be advised that while you have a chance at getting a legitimate one the majority of ones sold are Chinese knock-offs that work for a bit then just die

all models will support cfw after the new release comes out, supposedly christmas

A soft modded PS3 can hijack Sony's built in emulator to play PS2 games you download. The PS3 console doesn't really matter, all of them can use the ps2 emulator since sony sells ps2 classics that use it. The word is hijack, because once a ps2 ISO is read on a modded ps3 it uses the same emulator to brute strength it. I wanna say a good 60% of ps2 games will play with little problems on any modded ps3. Now if you mod a fat PS3 with 4 usb I'm front (these models have literal ps2 hardware inside), emulation will be perfect.

The PS1 emulator on the ps3 is region locked, so the only point of using custom firmware on ps3 to play PS1 games is to bypass the region lock of PS1 games.

Given how Playstation consoles last 6 years and ps4 is on year 4, gonna pass. My massive backlog of ps3 keeps me busy, that's not even including the ps2 and PS1 game I need to play on it. Look, you clearly like the PS4. There was a huge rush for new consoles when the PS4 came out, the people who don't have a ps4 to this day don't need a sales pitch in a ps3 thread. I watched bloodborne on YouTube and had my filling, I could use the menu to buy a switch or PC parts instead of the remasterstation 4.

You don't want to play GZ or V period.

The quality went to shit imo. Most people don't know this, but you can totally use ps4 controllers on a ps3. Hook it via USB then sync it with Bluetooth for wireless play. There's no general rule of thumb fir what games work on it or not, but it's worth trying out if you got an extra dualshock lying around. Maybe 60% to 70% ps3 games work with the PS4 pad, a neat bonus for people who loathe dualshock 3.

what's wrong with V?

>both my ds3's died over time
>have 2 ds4's

Thanks user

You can also use them with the Vita and Playstation TV.

Real neat that Sony would make things compatible with all their shit. Wish the Xbox 360 controller worked on Xbone

I like how the Super Slim is a top loader. In theory, it helps with the console's longevity since it involves less moving parts internally.
Microsoft should have done the same with the hideous 360 E they launched alongside the Bone. What were they thinking?

The 360 E was slightly smaller than the S, but ultimately was just a redesign to bring the look more in line with the then-new Xbox One. Only problem was they literally only changed the outside. Internally it was identical to the S, and cost the same to boot.

The Super Slim is lighter, a little more compact, and more quiet than the Slim (or at least mine was), but it does feel cheaper because of the plastic.

The slim dying fast myth is totally true. I was gifted one and I had to send it back in a coffin in just under a year

>finally hack my PS3
>want to play Grand Theft Auto IV
>regular edition doesn't even start
>complete edition is modded by Russians and loops at the loading screen
What a waste of bandwidth. At least P5 is fun.

My super slim is still going strong since 2013. Just make sure to clean it atleast once a month or else the dust and dirt can overheat it.

i spent $249 on a fat ps3 that had teh 4 usb ports in front. it plays ps2 game discs as well. anyways i got it off ebay and im waiting for it. the guy that sells them refurbishes them which includes reballing and resurfacing what ever that means. howd i do Sup Forums?

I clean my super slim every 6 months with compressed air cans. Been going strong for 4 years and I'm happy it can play my favorite ps1, ps2, and ps3 games. I bought a shit load of PS1 and PS2 classics for less than 3 dollars on sale.

I haven't cleaned my N64 for 20 years and it runs fine, my PS3 broke after like 3 years the fan was so loud and it always crashed or froze, and when I reset it it said I turned it off the wrong way and it can fuck up my system. I hate the PS3 such a piece of shit

NJ here, where u at?


My PS2 DVD lens died, my GameCube lens died, Wii lens died to smash Bros dual layer discs. I don't hold grudges.

I use my PS2 and GameCube all the time they're the only consoles I have hooked up right niw

scammed. you can get a ps4 for $200 this black Friday.

>works on my machine :)

Thank god one can easily hack a Wii to read games from an USB (included GC ones if you have a classic controller) or connect a PS2 to the PC via Ethernet to read games from the hardrive.

I got on for less then a hundred so if you're not trolling you got raped in the wallet

its the very first launch model they came out with. it has memory card readers and 4 usb ports which i could care less about, but it also plays PS 2 game discs. it has the PS2 hardware in it as weel as PS3.

OP here. I decided to get a used super slim then considering I can find them really cheap. Thanks guys. I'm going to shop around. There are new ones on Amazon, but they're $270. So fuck that.

If you want a good use of your time and money, get a regular slim ps3 with 3.55 firmware on ebay or something. Get the latest Rebug CFW, slap it on a flash drive, plug it into your ps3 and update from usb. Then install multiman. Boom, ps3 library is free.

>tfw got PS2 slim and PS3 slim from my friend for 50€
Two years later still play on them. Thank you based Lukas.