Hey guys what are your thoughts about Gintama Rumble?

Hey guys what are your thoughts about Gintama Rumble?

Not rumbly enough.

does it have special moves?

>AV edition

*sigh* as a Gintama fan, I wish it's Ishin style

>More musou crap this shit is DOA

Who's best Gintama girl?


If someone say Kagura I swear.

Might buy the Asia region version for subbed game, even though Musou are bad.

Would also get the Last Movie if it was subbed like the Benizakura movie.

Drunk Tsukuyo

She qt

I stopped watching gintama around episode 80 I think. Is it worth to keep going? How long is the series now?

I would hope not

Yes. One of the best desu.

It's somewhere in the 300s right now but it'll be over very soon.

I don't think I can handle another 250 episodes.... It's not its fault, I just don't think I can handle 300+ episodes of anything

Just don't binge watch it, take it an episode a week or something unless it's an arc (about 4-8 episodes usually).

I'd say so. Some of the anime exclusive storylines are pretty good but I have shit taste.

>One episode a week
>Take 300+ weeks to finish the whole series

You can keep trying but I don't think you'll be able to justify its length. How could all of those episodes be good? I'm sure there are a lot of shit ones

It's not like a typical shonen that runs as long. For example Dragonball had Namek which padded the shit out of episodes. Gintama never does that. The format is very different. It's about a great cast getting through very strange and whacky adventures. There might be shit episodes, but the ratio of good to shit is a lot higher than most anime and definitely higher than all anime that run as long. Anyways if you don't want to watch it just don't.

It's actually mostly a comedy series. The filler is amazing.

i'd say the only thing in gintama that lasted longer then it had too was the Otaku contest between Toshiee and Shinpatchi, which was like 8 episodes of the same thing, while i did overall like it, they could've really cut down half of that amount.

this, if your wanting an action shonen, you're looking at the wrong series, gintama is around 70% comedy and 30% serious, granted the serious arcs won't hold as much meaning or context if you don't go threw the comedy as well.

where is Taka chin now I wonder

>granted the serious arcs won't hold as much meaning or context if you don't go threw the comedy as well.

Yeah I noticed the Yorozuya Forever movie only gets more impactful as you watch more episodes/read more chapters. It's a really interesting movie in that sense.