Seven dabbing sony wojak threads at once

>Seven dabbing sony wojak threads at once
>over 12 in an hour
How long until a thread is stickied to tell Sup Forums the wojaks are banned?

Other urls found in this thread:


i seriously don't get that shit someone can explain me or is it to high level for a mortal like me

Fuck off newfag

Hopefully soon. The wojak edits on Sup Forums have become more autistic than the pepe edits on Sup Forums.

Shitposting doesn't need explanation.
If it makes people feel unpleasant, that's all they need.

Remember when image macros became widespread obnoxious shit to the point moot made posting image macros a bannable offense as part of the rules?

Good times.

if sakura fish can get banned, then wojaks have all the more reason to be eradicated from the board

This is actually a very valid tactic, erode at the sanity of the jannies with more inane, fucked up, and outright retarded shitposting. The more outlandishly stupid it is the better.

>that autistic shit finally got banned
Took long enough

He's not wrong about it being s hit, unfunny meme only liked by underage
>muh board culture
Only children or people with shit taste find consolewars even slightly entertaining.

>tfw Sup Forums removes Pepe on site
>Sup Forums will forever be plagued by lolsorandumb wojak edits


Mods don't give a shit outside of a few boards like Sup Forums

Butthurt nintenbro

Sup Forums can be full of fucking retard but holy shit they have the best moderation on this shit hole

i don't give a fuck about nintendo. i'm just tired of seeing the retarded wojaks. they aren't funny at all, even baneposting is better

Worthless post because Baneposting is the pinnacle meme artistry.

>i don't give a fuck about nintendo. i'm just tired of seeing the retarded wojaks. they aren't funny at all, even baneposting is better

>tfw you find the wojaks and brapposting absolutely hilarious

Too bad for you nofun fuckers who don't enjoy them.

>hating analvore means you like kiketendo now

>nintenbabby this mad

That rule should be erased, Sup Forums doesn't have a culture. Every shitpost is some social media shit or from different boards.

sorry i don't have the humor of a three year old in diapers watching disney movies

Sounds more like the sony cuck is so mad he started spamming in an autistic rage and got banned

This is how I can tell someone hasn't been here for more than 5 months.

Butthurt nintenbro

best threads on Sup Forums since i been here (2003)

This board would be a much better place if wojaks and pepe were banned

t. angry sony cuck with no 97 meta critic sony games

Sup Forums will still somehow be worse next year

this board would be a much better place if it had Sup Forums's mods

Butthurt nintenbro

>only times mods really cared was making an angry post about NeoGAF and banning that shit until hiro stepped in
>can't clean up daily shitposts
Lads prove me wrong about this.


Kill yourselves
>b-but it's ironic
I don't care, kill yourselves please.

This flood isn't even as good as the ones in 2015.

I doubt anyone is even balls enough to flood every single post like the "he does it for free" sp flood. Remember when EVERY SINGLE THREAD was ">he does it for free" with the Arthur janitor?

You PCfats are cancer

Sucks to be you butthurt faggots, this shit makes me laugh so hard I can barely breathe. You'd think that if you were the oldfags you imply you are, you'd have learned not to take Sup Forums seriously and enjoy making the life of jannies hell.

>they aren't funny at all, even baneposting is better

>oldfag enough to know this is what makes Sup Forums 4chan
Never change Sup Forums, never change...

Post examples of people getting sucked in



Kill yourself


if you want "normal" discussion about games I suggest you use one of the reddit-likes out there

Remember when people put effort into their MS Paint comics?

I've used Whoosp for years because of this comic

How to spot a newfriend.

Wojack and pepe have always been cancerous. The only mildly entertaining thing to happen with either of them was when Pepe got labeled a hate symbol.

Wojak is a part of Sup Forums culture newfag

t. newfag

Honestly I'm hoping soon. I'm so fucking sick of seeing wojak and pepe fucking everywhere. No other board is as bad as Sup Forums when it comes to this shit.

Anything that's creative or requires effort is outed as "reddit" nowadays, especially comics

>tfw people keep calling tfw guy wojak
>dont know why

>Normies get pissed off at wojack and people and WE
Not disappearing until your tears do.

>Inplying /biz/ doesn't have the most autistic wojaks

because its mostly children here, mods are so fucking done they dont care

Brap posting is fatthicc fag chemo.

I get so butthurt at thicc threads that I brap post in them. Then everyone ignores me and the post gets deleted but I pretend it does something so I can feel like a big boy.

>go to butt thread and brap fags try to start shit
>same thing with tits and fucking global consensus crap and "modern men"
It's a failure at its job

You guys can keep laughing and having fun all you want. Just remember, in a few months from now, there will be anons unironically posting and defending anal vore as a perfectly normal and healthy fetish. Don't call it the death of Sup Forums, it's the future you helped create.

>tfw falseflag as a consolewarrior being an sjw so i can make people associated Sup Forums whiners with consolewarriors so that people hate both
>mfw it's actually working

Porn is supposed to not be allowed on Sup Forums and look what that did

So why not just make the wojak shit reddit or facebook?

But running memes into the ground is also supposed to be reddit

Funny, considering wojack posts have less effort than work average MS paint comic AND are more "reddit" than anything else.

Less affort and work than the average MS paint comic*

Fuck, don't how I messed up there.

Sorry dude, but a certain mod that shall-not-be-named allows his reddit pals to shit up this place. Plus the fact that hiro wants to make a quick buck on stupid phoneposters and "meme lord" children and teens shows proof that this site is a rotting corpse that faggots piss on every day.

>but a certain mod that shall-not-be-named
What's his name?

Lurk moar.

I didnt even know they had names

Guess i've been too busy actually discussing VIDEOGAMES

Only newfag want to actually talk about games.

Shame on me


>I can barely breathe
We can only hope you find a Wojak even funnier than the current set, then.

No fault of WHIRRRRRR RR poster
Video games will be worse. Prepare yourself for the true lootbox zenith.

Go away. I fucking mean it, i'm not being le cutely ironic. You need to fucking leave.

post it fag

Butthurt nintenbro

Make me lol

>he’s too much of a brainlet to understand Nolan’s cinematic masterpiece
Just off yourself already, hothead.

>stop memeing on Sup Forums
you poor poor brainlet. maybe you'll understand someday sweetie :D

I still don’t know what game this is about.

Oh fuck I think this means business.

What game did the PS4 get that is pissing you xbox/nintendo bros off?

All of them

So long gay Sony

For some fucking reason the mods have been completely ignoring my reports today unless its full on blatant porn that you can tell even from the thumbnail. The mods are such garbage.

>wasting janny's precious time with frivolous reports of memes you don't like

>precious time

Their time is completely worthless. They could actually contribute some good if they did their damn job properly.

been here forever and its a breath of fresh air. chuckled a bit at them.

>tfw AV is actually one of my fetishes but i fucking despise wojacks with a passion
It's not even drawn well, god fucking damn it. It's just disgusting and ugly, like every fucking Wojack edit.
Human preds are shit anyways.

Doesn't seem to stop Garbage Post Bitch.


AV only works on different-sized furries.
Everything else is disgusting.

I don't know what mod he's referring to either, but
>I didnt even know they had names

Jesus christ nigger how new are you?

You fags get butthurt so fucking easily. No wonder they spam that shit so much.

Case in point got deleted fine but not the other 5000 shitposts around Sup Forums.

No porn isn't the only rule, janny. Quit half-assing your "job."