what went wrong?
What went wrong?
I dunno
you tell me
Donkey Kong not playable again
Petey Piranha shoved into a MP1 minigame for no reason other than to ruin the charm of the original
Koopa Kids removed from the series; replaed with sterilized NSMB Bowser Jr
Freeshop when?
I forgot about this, does it have real boards where you can fuck each other over or is it amiibo party tier shit?
they can't follow a fucking basic formula and for some reason keep dividing boards and minis further apart each game. Well, now they finally did it. Now we have a MP game with practically no board.
>Toadette not playable
Would've given it a shot but fuck it
>Toadette not playable
brb buying this
Is it a nice perfect even 10 games each per Mario Party?
mario party 1 & 8 have the lowest amount at six and three.
>1 basic board
If it's supposed to be a celebration of the other games at least port 1 board from each game over. All their gimmicks intact and everything.
>wanting nintendo to expend a single iota of effort or creativity
stop being so entitled, they've earned this break
It's a celebration of just the minigames, silly.
It's on the 3ds
>ONE board
>some of the remixes suck
>some minigames got different songs
>they added victory themes for each party depending on the minigame, but they're all the wrong song
>instead of the top 10 minigames from all 10 games, games got ridiculously uneven numbers (some got more than 10 while others got less than 5)
>a lot of the minigames they chose are shit
>DK isn't playable
>janky as fuck movement that feels worse than usual for a Mario Party
>Still no online
>Mic games, spin the control stick and pure luck games made the cut
Fuck colorblind people
That's pretty cool.
Sometimes I forget some things might not work for the colorblind.
Like puyos
>Nostalgia pandering yet braindead CPU even on Hard pandering towards kids
>Certain minigames have been modernized, changed, or had their music changed
>Fundamentally the same games like Diddy Dancing where the goal is to walk around dizzy and get notes and the bowser one where you're dizzy and need to get to the end in the same compilation
>RNG games in a 'best games' compilation
>No classic boards
>No online
>Feels soulless
It's alright for a pirated game but jesus, really getting that 2013 Nintendo feel again which wasn't good. Thought Nintendo had started to improve and make unique and different experiences. Like I said before it just has the soulless Mario feel to it.
Weren't puyos given special faces?
Or maybe bust-a-moves
I think those are all just plain orbs.
Even being on 3DS seemingly misses the whole point. Playing on the couch on one screen is half the experience.
It wasn't on the Switch
Not to mention it's a 3DS game missing the point entirely but doesn't even have Mario Party DS minigames which use what the 3DS has.
>Minigame island
>Already lost half my lives trying to come first in a fucking RNG game
Putting MP games on a handheld.
>ONE board
At least 50 turns is still an option.
Nothing, the best, most fuckable Mario girl being playable makes it GOTY.
Koopa Kids were beta Bowser Jr. anyways.
>Retards don't think we're gonna get a proper Mario Party on Switch
We are, it's going to be shit like every other post-Gamecube Mario Party
I would not even suprised if they brought the car in again, like they did with 10 after island tour.
Release date, 3ds piracy
Holy fuck, which retarded dev thought RNG games belong in a 'best of' game? They're not fun in the slightest.
>Limited lives
>Keep losing because I can't beat a 1v3 where I'm expected to guess where 3 of them are hiding
3DS game
Can I play as Toad?
No fucking boards
No online play.
>No boards
>no online
Why did everything go so wrong?
they should just release 1, 2 and 3 HD Online on Switch
easy bucks
3 > 2 > 1
I agree with this opinion only because
I'm close to the end and there's no sign of that god-tier mech game from 5
If it's not there I'm going to fucking kill Reggie
>>instead of the top 10 minigames from all 10 games, games got ridiculously uneven numbers (some got more than 10 while others got less than 5)
This is a good thing. Wii era doesn't need to take up 30 slots with bad unmemorable minigames for no reason other than to be "even".
Holy shit so many buzz words
I mean, this game roster is basically MP3's, just swapping DK for Rosashit.
I would have fucking loved a proper best of collection of Mario Party for a proper home console, but this just seems kind of pointless. It’s for the worst possible platform and the minigame choices are odd, not even to mention the lack of boards. It’s really a shame, considering the fact that it could have been the ultimate party game at its best.
>DK removed from roster again because they wanted to add DK minigames
>because DK is removed they have to remove Diddy too
>no Toad and Toadette is just bizarre
honestly that's just disgusting
Some minigames use songs from other Mario Parties (For example the Golf One from 3) because they were too lazy to make 70+ songs that would only play in one Minigame.
>no DK, Boo, Shy Guy, Toad, Toadette, Koopa, Dry Bones, Birdo
what were they thinking
>the roster is like 8 characters in total
Who thought this was alright
>2013 Nintendo
Don't you mean 2015?
Actually that's in there. Not sure if the minigame it's generally associated with is (Aces High)
Aces High is not in the game.
I waited this game more so than Pokémon UltraRehash, just to enjoy the good old minigames...
But no, some feel out of place. Favs in my books like Hexagon Heat and Bumper Balls get shitty movement values, and from here you can tell this "top" collection is a mere cash grab. Also:
> No Tick Tock Hop
> No Dungeon Bros.
> DK games
> RNG games
> Mic games
*sigh*... Such dissapointment
>No Mario Mechs
I want to see the people who decided what should and shouldn't be in the game and punch them in the face holy fuck.
In whose world is this a Top 100?
>> Mic games
fuck this
2013 had TW101 and fucking Pikmin. The most noteworthy 2015 Nintendo games were Xenoblade X and Devil's Third. And a nice handful of remakes/ports to 3S.
>literally just the Mario Party 3 roster but with shitty Rosalina instead of based DK
>no Dungeon Duos
>no Day at the Races
>fucking DK minigames
>fucking Microphone minigames
This was incredibly easy to not fuck up but they did anyway
I guess because they just HAD to use that 3DS microphone.
Choicest Voice or bust
>complains about rng
>muh day at the races
Where the fuck is Move to the Music?
8 was pretty good.
>deck hands
>daisy gets the three higest cards
First place never
Bump. Mini game list?
Why the fuck are Button Mashers and Heat Stroke in? Those are like, the worst games from 5.
Shittest taste
It's one star rush board.
>what went wrong?
It's a Mario Party game. It went wrong when they decided to make one.
>The tandem log cutting minigame from 2
I don't understand the thought process they're using to pick minigames
not on switch, no boards
>it has none of the Minigames that used this song in them
Rosalina being in the game at all
The opposite actually, no one likes that shitty Peach clone
Her being in means that its a shitty game
>has neither of these
>another 3DS mario party
>no online
>mario speedwagons
>literally go straight and ends in 10 seconds
I dont either.
>shitty clone Rosalina over Donkey Kong, Toad, and Toadette
game was shit from the very start.
Back in like 2005 when they introduced the Wifi I was so hyped to play mario party online with my friends and then hugely disappointed that mario party 8 didn't have online.
And I seriously cannot believe the fact they still keep doing this stupid decision in 2017.
>no Dungeon Duos
>even considering adding post-Gamecube minigames instead of only focusing on 1-6, maybe some of 7
>locking half the minigames behind fucking SINGLEPLAYER
>only one board
>said board is half the size of the fucking stadium mode from MP1
>the board play is Mario Party lite, closer to Star Rush in mechanics
>no online
I'd be fucking ecstatic if Mario Party 11's development has the devs carefully studying Mario Party 1-6 (mostly 2-4) and taking what made them so great and adapting it to the Switch, but at the rate we're going we'll never see that happen, and it doesn't have the clout Smash has so no one's autistic enough to make a clone game
>mic minigames can't be changed to button press
>tilt controls
other than that it's pretty fun. there are a few minigames I would have liked to see and a few where the changes in physics feel weird to me but it's still decent.
>party game requires all players to own the console
It shouldn't have existed at all. hopefully this was a final test and they see people want a real mario party with full boards like the first 8. Hopefully they release a switch marioparty by holiday 2019, with regular boards. the switch is probably the perfect console for it too
>They didn't include fucking Fun Run, the best mario party 7 minigame
decrypted rom when
You are a sodomite. I'm ignoring your orders.
stay mad you shit taste possessing pleb, while you jack off to cartoons I'm out here fucking REAL girls.
>trying this hard
t. underaged redditor
>being this assmad
>le reddit boogeyman
t. turbovirgin newfag with shit taste in waifus
>redditor gets called out and has 0 arguments
>"NO U ARE THE MAD!!!!!"
Give me this outfit in Odyssey right fucking now.