Witcher for its epic storytelling or BoTW for the never before seen physics?
Who innovated more?
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I don't understand why this thread always gets posted. How innovative a game is has little to do with my enjoyment of the game. A game can be innovative while still being boring and shitty. And a game can be rather unoriginal while still being really fun and immersive. Ultimately I think focus tends to age better than sprawl.
Fucking neither
Assassin's Creed Origins is unironically better than both
Witcher wasn't really innovative, it just did all the right things pretty much perfectly. And most people were perfectly happy with that.
BOTW was a breath of fresh air and the only people that don't like it are the ones who haven't played it.
>did all the right things pretty much perfectly
none of them innovated at all
>BOTW was a breath of fresh air and the only people that don't like it are the ones who haven't played it.
I am tired of reading this over and over again.
I bought a Switch. I bought the game. I have it. I don't like it. Every time I try to play it, I get bored quickly and get the urge to play other, more interesting games. BotW is just boring. The traversal mechanics are cool at first but it gets boring so quickly.
>BoTW for the never before seen physics
Throwing and manipulating objects in a game world has never been seen before? What the hell are you talking about? It's statements like this that make me think BotW was the first game you've ever played.
Name any game that implmented them the same way botw did
BotW fans can't seem to wrap their heads around the idea of someone not enjoying their "perfect" game, so they throw the "you didn't play it" argument like they would even know. That shit annoys me too.
Go away moron.
he can't user, because he never played BoTW so he doesn't understand how it was implemented and thinks it was just throwing things
Have you ever played Half-Life 2?
You do know that's more than 10 years old right.
of course he didn't. That game came out before he was born.
Then you probably don't enjoy open world games, or zelda games in general, in which your opinion is kind of irrelevant?
Not trying to say that in a rude way, either. If you get bored so easily despite the massive world to explore it sounds like it isn't the right genre for you.
Not him, but I have BotW, and it's weird. Everyone talks about how great the physics are, but when actually playing the game, they seem rather inconsequential. Most of the time you are walking around and climbing stuff. There are not a lot of situations where you naturally see the really cool physical interactions that people always brag about. The game becomes disappointing when you realize it serves more of a function of being used to post cool webms, than actually being a game that's enjoyable to play on your own.
Every time with you fuck heads. I'm glad you're easily impressed by physics that have existed for years now just because you've never seen it in a Zelda game before.
Educate yourself
It's fun to fuck around with physics though, why would you not do that? Makes it much faster and easier to travel too
Plus all the shrines use physics
I have and it's not the same. Every time sonyfags bring up
>just cuase
>some other stupid shit
none of it is the same. It's not just that you can move shit around user its how fire/electricity work and how consistent everything is. Its the only game I've ever played where every time I thought "I wonder if I can do this..." I could.
The Witcher might be the most overrated game I've ever played. I dropped it after 4 hours.
>If you get bored so easily despite the massive world to explore it sounds like it isn't the right genre for you.
I like exploring, and I like open world. The problem is that the world in BotW is just so outrageously boring to explore. It is seriously the most boring world I have ever seen in a game. I simply do not understand how everyone says it is so well designed. It's not. To even say this game is about exploration feels generous, it's more about seeing something in the distance and figuring out how to get from point A to point B. It's not like there's a big sense of mystery of what might be waiting for you.
I'm so sick of reading comments like yous. "If you don't like BotW, you must not like exploration." No. I like exploration. BotW just does not offer GOOD exploration because its world has absolutely no depth or mystery. I had very little desire to explore this world because you'll always just encounter a shitty boring moblin camp or a shitty boring shrine. The only really cool part of the world was the Thyphlo Ruins. This game desperately needed more things "under the surface" like old temples, tunnels, or things that give the impression of history or lore.
Explore? What is there to explore? All the "interesting" landmarks are just window-dressing. There's never really anything of note, but a Shrine or a Korok Seed--the game is vapid as hell.
You do it because it's fun user, have all the "cinematic experiences" so effected you, you can't fathom doing anything that's not advancing directly toward a goal with maximum efficiency?
Holy shit, that's fucking garbage.
If you think all there is in the game is shrines or korok seeds you really haven't played it much. Again, the game favors exploration. There aren't quest markers to hold your hand telling you where to find interesting things
None of them introduced anything new.
I played both of them and they have their own pros and cons.
I found The Witcher 3 more enjoyable, personally. The story, side-quests, characters, monsters, locations and lore are intriguing as fuck. The combat and controls in general are a bit sluggish and took me some time to get used to.
The weapons that could break in seconds in BotW immediately killed my enjoyment, and music is a huge fun factor for me, and it was mostly ambient and boring. The intro is really amazing, though. The controls are also fluid and responsive. I couldn't care less about the story and the world it took place in because I didn't play the other games and I didn't grow up with the series.
>teh player's reward for autistically finding all korok seeds is a literal golden pile of shit
>if you didn't like BotW your opinion is irrelevant
The worst part about liking Nintendo games is being lumped in with underage fuckwits like you.
based nintendo trolling autistic completionists
t. guide addict
Ok, so tell us what's there to explore and discover in BotW? I got bored after 15 or 20 hours and just rushed the main quest with minimum of side activities, which admittedly was pretty good.
>despite the massive world to explore
yeah i love traversing these copy paste plains and forests
OP for levels of faggotry never seen before
What the one unique thing of fire updrafts? Whoopdie fucking doo soooo innovative everything else has been done
You need to play more games user botw is not that unique with physics
>If you think all there is in the game is shrines or korok seeds you really haven't played it much
Such as?
So what else the 4 dungeons that are disappointing? What else Hm?
i loved witcher 3 + dlcs and i loved botw.
both are fantastic for very different reasons.
>100%fags finally BTFO forever
there is inovation in witcher 3?
Witcher 3 for Gwent alone.
but it is
fans want validation for their purchase so they come to Sup Forums to shitpost instead of playing the game they love so much.
I don't think either is incredibly "innovative" as far as open worlds, but both are worthy of praise. Both are great but for different reasons.
I think as of yet, Witcher is probably the pinnacle of storytelling in a game like this, while BOTW is the pinnacle of gameplay. BOTW for instance really only made a few changes to the general formula by allowing for gliding and freeclimb but it completely changes the way you play and explore, the physics engine is great, and combat / puzzle solving is tight and intuitive. Witcher's combat is awful, but the presentation and storytelling are amazing.
Neither innovated in the way you think it did.
Witcher wrapped every side quest in a unique story, even if the gameplay for all those sidequests was just walking from point A to point B. Kind of like every other open world game where it's actually a linear game slapped over a big world, just without copy pasted story.
Zelda's physics aren't anything new. It's more about how it doesn't guide you with quests or how to get places. Navigation is it's own fun and challenge, and it's one of the few modern open world games to actually promote exploration rather than linear missions in open areas. Xenoblade X did this as well, but before that all I can think of is Morrowind.
I enjoyed Breath of the Wild but I don’t think it’s amazing. It’s a solid 8/10 experience, one I may come back to in the lead up of the next Zelda. But that’s it.
I don't know why I find BotW so boring. I always lose the urge to play it about 30 minutes in.
the storytelling in witcher was shit, it had a few nice NPC that saved saved it but it was still far from good storytelling
> BoTW for the never before seen physics
I like Breath of the Wild, but does anyone else think Link walks way too slow? It drives me nuts. I understand you can run but its tedious to just keep doing it over and over. Link's normal running speed is too slow.
Neither game was very innovative
Aside from all the Towers, Shrines, Korok Seeds, and the five main dungeons there's: a shitload of treasure and equipment to find, the three dragons, like a hundred sidequests including the one where you build a village, literal hundreds of enemy encampments to raid, overworld challenges involving physics puzzles, mazes, tons of ruins to explore that reference locations and events from previous games. Sure the game is a big scavenger hunt if you're the kind of pleb to use a guide, but it has a shitload of variety, and since when is having more of a good thing suddenly bad?
It's nothing like that, i remember that fight and that looks like it was modded to be bad
your banned from Sup Forums for your shitty taste
>modded to be bad
Only Toddlers are obsessed enough to do it.
>BoTW for the never before seen physics
I think the real take away from Zelda is how proactive devs should be when laying out the basic geography an open world.
This image shows a heatmap of playtest data from the devs, of the paths that players took and the locations they visited.
The older data on the left shows how playtesters rarely walked off the beaten path. Their experience with the game was often described as guided and linear.
In response, the devs created guidelines that prioritized controlling sightlines with simple shapes on the geography, like triangles (eg hills and mountains) and rectangles (eg trees and towers).
The map on the right doesn't seem so radically different from the one on the left in terms of layout or content, but the interest playtesters had with it is much more pronounced and their paths were more evenly distributed across the whole thing.
People act like level design is a non-concept in an open world game. It's such a big meme even game developers believe it. They really only need to scale up the necessary tools.
>believing PR statements like this