We want the LGBT Battleborn audience

>we want the LGBT Battleborn audience

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>that bulge on the left

We want the KLK and David Bowie audience

heres a not shitty render that not by the games shitty render
atleast use this its not vivians falut hirez is silly


OwO whats this??



Vivian "The Cumming". Calling it now.

>another human chick with a gun

what happen to good Paladins designs?

last time we got massive rock man with axe
this design was made by some autistic chink

>Can't recognize the artist.

Oh user, you're so retarded.

'Puffy Vulva' Vivian.

>tfw Ash is the only one with a gun with a good design

why the hate for Battleborns designs?

they are more unique and creative than Overwatch

thats paladins, mr. shitposter

Why is Paladin's character design so awful?
for most of the human character at least
>angry person with a semi-unique gun
>if grill then they're cheap fap bait

To be fair, it's difficult to tell artists apart when you can't see their sameface.

They should do furry girls

Which doujin is that?

willo is the best fap bait ever

one of the worst designs i have ever seen

The girls are not pretty. They are not waifu material. They are too edgy. Blizzard knew what they were doing when they designed beautiful, cute, sexy female characters.

Terminus was good

lol 2bh that looks like a retarded artstyle thing
its possibly salvageable
i think

>left is hot
>right is some tumblr shit
paladins on point like always

That bulge is photoshopped...right?

One of his mahou shoujo ones as you can tell by the clothing around the girl's neck. Considering the dark hair it is either Misa, Yui, or Erika in the later renditions of her (since she was drawn without shaded hair in the earlier versions but her hair is shaded dark now to match her red hair). From the look of it, it might most likely be Yui.

Montana started out as a character in a scrapped Brothers in Arms game. Borderlands' typical roided-out proportions would be more appropriate for him.

The art design is all over the place, yes. It's like they hired a lead artist but forgot to have them sign a contract to work for a majority of the game's lifetime, and then subsequently fled the scene once Overwatch came out. Now freelancers or the lead's understudy are tasked with the art style.

Here's Montana's original incarnation btw.

>Can't tell that it's erika on sight
Fap more pleb

Shit are these really the same artists as
That one looks like utter horseshit what the hell

another character from what was going to be another shit game by gearbox

Yes, same artist. As is this architectural work. The guy's strong suit seems to be more in architectural than in biological, but I'm sure him making his women that way is just his preference as his males are actually really rugged looking while his female are always quite soft looking.

>As is this architectural work.

Woops. Meant this.

Uuugh. What's the artist anyways? Maybe the mahou shoujo doujin will be good anyways..

banana mctitties

Dumb bitch, you're not supposed to swallow your gum.
This is a fetish now? seriously?

Top left/right corner.

Would be nice to see Raita in charge of world design for an RPG. The guy can make some really neat looking places.

what audience OP?

Surely you mean
>we want the 20 people who play Battleborn?

is that a tayra skin?

>implying my fishfu isn't beautiful

have you even heard her voice

> more unique
> more creative
no, please FUCK OFF back to where you belong Randy; in the fucking trash. OW and Paladins may be trash but they're less trash than you're unbalanced piece of shit mess of a game. Your designer have no fucking talent, the artstyle is shit, the characters and their backstory are shit (non respect of any anatomy and non consistency between any of the characters or reasonable size for limbs and shit, nope better make a characters with an arms the size of his body and a tiny other arms, so creative! but especially ugly)


> they really made a trans character

fucking hell, how degenerate can a game become? We are literally enabling those mentally challenged people to go further in their mental illness by making them think it's fine and it's okay when it's not.

>he gets this upset over other people's opinions
>he actually thinks a CEO of a developer uses Sup Forums
Top tier autism, m8. Go see a doctor.



ahahah good meme randy now you have to go back :')

>implying that those two designs are the same

Vivian looks sexy as fuck, and her short hair looks feminine. The EXACT OPPOSITE of Moira.

I imagine that is really hard when the game you like gets shitty content OW player, still, you have to deal with it instead of trying to shit on the competition. (competition that is doing a way better job with its characters by the way)

No, I don't play games with sound.

I mean, hey, if they want a scandal associated with their game about those lunatics from tumblr sending death threats to people for not drawing fanart a certain way then that's their prerogative, I've got plenty of other games to play that aren't whatever this is.

One game desperately tries to lure in horny Sup Forumsrigins like to play their shitty fuckfest.

Overwatch doesn't even have to try. It'll continue to be successful while Paladin babies will continue eating shit.

>not liking mon mothma

Whoa, is the left altered? I might have played Battleborn if I knew that was there.

ok but just so you know

Can't wait to see her boipucci get ravaged in the fan arts

>face looks 40
>voice sounds 17

Why this thing

give me femdom porno