why does she do that with her feet? is she autistic?
Why does she do that with her feet? is she autistic?
Guess it takes an autist to know an autist.
tfw no fish puccy
No she's just a pandering weeb fantasy
why are you focusing on women's feet
That Fish's body is horrific. The thought of someone wanting to fuck that disturbs me.
Is that a real question
Nips and weebs all have an unspoken fetish for girls with physical disabilities (easier to control and less intimidating than able-bodied women?). Thats why so many anime grils are pigeon toed.
Is Zelda pregnant?
Champion’s Ballad is confirmed for next month. Why haven’t they given any details?
Because it's really bad and they're trying not to draw too much attention to it
She will be soon
learn science you retard. You don't fuck a fish you masturbates onto the egg.
Why is Link so small? Is he 12-13 years old?
Because she's wapanese.
looks like she's pigeon toed. its a mild birth defect that causes your feet to point slightly inwards whilst walking or standing.
I was born with that shit too. its fairly minor and doesnt really effect anything other than people constantly making fun of your faggy way of standing.
Link has always been a manlet.
Is... there more?
Well I mean, it's a tetra style situation. Royal line has to repopulate and it's not like anyone else is around who's a viable candidate
That artist actually has done some porn but not any from BotW yet
Having your feet pushed in like that is a sign of submissiveness in Japanese society, usually used for dainty female characters. This is before Zelda has truly gained confidence in herself. By the end of the game you see that she's walking with her head held high and stepping confidently.
Shame, romantic impregnation is my fetish.
Enjoy TP Zelink instead
>Urbosa amiibo has no abs
The fucks the point then?
>hey Link eat this frog
yeah she has autism
I guess none of you fags have worn a long slim dress, there's not much space to spread your legs.
t. cross dresser
why are you guys so obsessed with autism?
It's something about that particular dress.
trips for link's son name
>Be Zelda's beta orbiter
>She doesn't give a fuck because she only wants to fuck Link
>Be jelly at first but end up writing a song about how great it is that Link is fucking your waifu
Is there anyone more cucked than Kass's teacher
It's nice to see art of Link and Zelda together for a change, instead of trap Link or Link getting cucked.
Fuhnee word. Also, there's a considerable amount of legit autists in the board.
Yes foot fags are fucking scum of the earth
There's nothing wrong with liking cute girl feet. As long as you're not obnoxious about it.
It was just part 1 in "Let's see how much sick shit my knight is willing to do for me"
7 years later his waifu was still waiting for Link, then she dies.
So its a sex thing
Yeah, by the 20th request she is going to be asking him to let her use him in an eugenics experiment.
Actually didn't take a good look of her body before, and yeah you're right. But people are going to change it in porn anyway so it doesn't matter