I hate that fucking challenge. Take a picture of the completed face with your phone, then copy it as best you can. Worked for me.

did i do it right

>Being a pleb
Just use the outline as references and remember where you placed the previous ones. It's not hard.

i tried it but the fucking 2nd one complete erase mario face and only the big outline left making it much harder

first one i got 89 easy, 2nd one i keep fucking up and hit 69-70. gonna just come back to it later

the switch has a screenshot function

anybody can explain to me how buying power moon with coin work?

can you just buy the rest that you can't find or you can just buy 1 for each map?
i didn't buy a single one so far because i assume that you can find all of them on the maps and i don't want to spoil the fun

Buying at least one is required for each kingdom if you're referring to the list.

each kingdom's got it's own power moon that can be bought in the shop. it's a one-time thing, you'll be wanting to pick those up.

I thought the idea was to use the Switch's snapshot mode and use that as reference, but it's not that difficult to memorize it either.

alright, thanks
that another easy 10+ to the list

Buying 1 moon per kingdom is required for 100%, and until the post-game is reached only 1 moon will be available in each shop.
During the post-game, you can buy unlimited moons, but they only pad your moon total. Padding your total is useful for unlocking post-game worlds or costumes.

you must buy one in every kingdom

>but they only pad your moon total

so it count toward the total but it won't be listed on the map as "found" moon?

Is there anything when I get 999?
I've collected all the power moons in each Kingdom and I don't wanna end up grinding coins just to buy power moons for no reason

that 1 moon per kingdom will be on the list. other moons won't be

still trying to get 9999 to buy the skeleton suit but i keep dying while trying to collect other hard moon so the number is kinda stay even now

They'll keep track of how many you buy on the list, the number is next to the "Shopping in X" entry.
I've heard there is, but I've also heard it's not much. Grinding out for skeltal mario is the real struggle though.

I'm not sure why, but after I finished New Donk City, the game went from being magical, pure vidya bliss to "just" being fun. Am I just a faggot?

Yes, seaside and luncheon are top tier. After that though, the game goes to shit

New Donk is objectively a 11/10 level desu. The rest can't compete.

You unlock the other painting in the chapel which is a harder Bowser fight.

or just press pause and look at the picture in your capture list you fucking idiot

Not that guy, but while I agree on luncheon being amazing, seaside kinda blows. Probably the second weakest kingdom in the game for me (worst being the snow one). Not counting cloud/ruined obviously.

looks fine to me. how many tries did it take?

I was wondering about that blank painting.

Don't get your hopes up, the fight is essentially the same. Bowser just spins his tail around more.

don't even need to press pause desu, i don't think it even has timer

i think it really depend on each person, i like seaside and wooded kingdom a lot

the seed capture and music in wooded kingdom make it top 3 for me
i even like the dragon boss map and wish it is much bigger desu

only one that seem unanimous great is donk city

I like Seaside more than Luncheon actually, I really love using the Squid guys over Podoboos for getting around.
Plus dem rocket flowers for water running, it's just fun.

i just traced the fucker

Yeah, I can definitely see how some people wouldn’t like that one. It’s pretty small and the main story moons are kinda lame, I think I just like it because of the aesthetics, and those water shooting things you can capture are really fun, they do some cool shit with it

the octopus fight going around nearly the whole map was great


>missing 3 purple coins in New Donk City
I'm never gonna find these...

just look it up and youtube and backtrack.

Did you get the ones in the power plant, there’s 3 there that are really well hidden

That feels kinda lame, but I might.

unlike the moons, there's no way to track down the purple coins.. unless you have the bowser amibo which is bullshit to begin with.