What do you want to see in the next Zelda?


Add a peripheral to add the sense of smell

BotW but with large optional dungeons for you to find.

This, and dump the weapon durability or at least give me a way to repair them.

Link transforming into things, like he turned into a fairy in zelda II, or the transformation mechanics in Majora's mask. This mixed with open world concept of BOTW, but with a lot more indoor areas. I'm okay with the overall map being smaller if there's more interior dungeons. I think I'd also prefer it not being fully open world but having certain areas locked behind having certain abilities. you can travel anywhere but there's still a sort of linearity like in older games because you can't get into x area without y ability. I think a sense of progression is good, even though BOTW was pretty cool to try something new.

Id like them to try another 2d zelda like zelda 2.


Link with brown hair

BOTW already has those with the amiibo items

More traps

This but make them required and a large part of the game. Basically breath of the wild as a regular zelda game.
Also I'm unironically in the mood for something a bit darker than usual.

this, more lgtb stuff, and feminism, lots of feminism

BoTW but instead of being a tech demo it's an actual game.
It'd be great if they had traditional maps instead of one huge open world. Just make the borders of each zone unclimbable.

A strong black female protagonist

The ability to pick which Triforce you start with, and by extension, being able to play as link, Zelda, or a young ganondorf. Link would stay the way he is, using tools and essentially being a pseudo green lantern. Zelda would play as a mage, and use spells for all the same effects as links tools. And ganon would use brute force instead of tools, but with some magic as well.

But that will never happen so whatever

A game like Breath of the wild but with more enemy variety, no weapon durability bullshit, more towns, more and better dungeons, better bosses, a good story, and a good soundtrack. That would literally be the greatest game of all time

Souls-like combat. Maybe some Lovecraftian boss designs.

pretty much what's pictured darker, more lore, better combat, interesting enemies and more of them, customizable weapons, status conditions, better less monotonous cooking, more npcs, a return of actual dungeons.

Basically I want to see dragon's dogma and zelda fuse and fill in for each others weaknesses.

I want it to not be another fucking reboot

>but make them required
Nah, that's gay. You're gay

>All the previous Zelda games were gay.
But actually you are kind of right. Just do something similar to BotW where you can still run straight to ganon it's just a bad idea.

If not this, I'd like a more long distance kind of game. Maybe it takes place after botw the way Link's awakening did, where he now travels the world. Always on the move, always going somewhere new.

>Link with brown hair


personally I would like to see more than two or three tree models in a forest

BOTW like game with the artstyle of your pic, made in collaboration with FromSoft to make it difficult (lol) but not the way Souls is difficult, Nintendo would not let shit hit boxes pass and would help polish the combat.
This, and more like Hyrule Castle.
Improve the weapon durability or remove it
More armor and abilities, another brown hair link, better house stuff (weapon/item storage) etc..

BOTW but:
>a smaller map packed with a bit more content (about 2 regions removed), more shrine quests like eventide island or the DLC content (these will be mini-dungeons basically and replace shrines) scattered around the world
>caves that allow the player to venture deep in the depths of whatever land they use
>8 Hyrule castle/traditional dungeons with more focus on being maze-like and puzzles, not the toddler tier shit puzzles these games have
>divine beasts should make a return but be optional, make them longer and each have a different aesthetic
>more movement options added to increase the players mobility even further
>durability is back but the player can repair it, all weapons last slightly longer also
>make the game actually fucking difficult and some improvement to combat like having a stamina system (stamina is infinite when not in combat), can't cancel your attack animations with a dodge, removing flurry rush completely, eating food/drinking potions now are assignable to a hotkey and when use take up a few seconds that again can't be interrupted and you no longer need to be lock on to dodge
>more runes to play around with
>story about the same as in BOTW, completely optional that never wastes more than a few seconds of the players time
>more weapon and armor variety
>a lot more enemy variety
>bosses are a mix between action and puzzle rather than the standard, "use x item on x boss to beat said boss" and instead test the player on their critical thinking skills and reflexes to make than more memorable

i wanna sniff her butt

I just want some actual dungeons.