
Even the title of the article contradicts your post. How fucking dumb can you be?

>One day

Looks more like a subscription model. Which I actually think is a good idea for sports games. Rather than buying a new game every year you pay $60 per year (or ideally less) for the roster and other similar updates.

Not as dumb as a fucking newfag like you!

>Buy Madden whatever the last one one is
>The yearly updates come in lootboxes
>You have to acquire you're new team updates, jerseys, coaches, stadiums etc through individual loot box chances
>If you go online you can't use a certain team until you've unlocked it yet

>giving a shit about sports game
Like, just go outside and play the actual sport.


EA seem to be coming out with a statement detailing a brand new way to fuck over consumers every other day it seems.

Crash when?

Yeah alright m8 I'll just call LeBron James, Cristiano Ronaldo, Tom Brady and Connor Mcgregor for a quick game at the park

Literally who?

>games-as-a-service model

There's been that many EA Sports games that releasing another year's worth would be tantamount to littering.

Seek sunlight

EA marketing team here, you'd be really fucking surprised how much your typical consumer enjoys being fucked over by stuff like this. only Sup Forums and reddit care about their games, but the actual consumer base that buys and plays the games dont give a fuck.

tldr the industry wont ever crash

Is franchise mode fun again?
Haven't played since 09

GAAS is the death of modern video games.

They want to derail this industry so hard so they can go back to making as much money as possible from mobile titles.

The solution is always the same:


what's wrong with that?

The last title I bought by EA was SSX in 2012. It was their last chance to redeem themselves, and while the game wasn't terrible, it was no Tricky or SSX3 and had many major problems with it.

Sports games actually make sense as DLC. Why spend 60 bucks each year for the same shit? Might even be cheaper if they just sell the current year stats.

They'd probably save tons if they just made 1 final game each and every year put out DLC content that updated rosters, stats, teams, etc instead of trying to fit in some god forsaken story mode.

That was uncalled for.


Honestly major releases like Madden done as more of an MMO season subscription would make some sense.