Which modern controller has the best d-pad?
Which modern controller has the best d-pad?
whichever one that meets the needs of the particular games you want a dpad for
This one
Bone pad.
Speaking of Dpads I find it interesting that back when they were designing the NES dpad Nintendo specifically wanted to go away from the 4 separate directional buttons thing but then over 30 years later went back to that same design they wanted to get away from for the Switch.
hahahahah no
I'm sorry, but the 360's dpad was great.
Can say that the Vita has the best d-pad i've ever used.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting faggot.
Wii U Pro controller.
i'm not being ironic, i genuinely prefer it.
I don't like the X1 controller. it's fine, i suppose, but the 360 is superior in every way except the battery compartment.
My controller's d-pad makes a really annoying click sound if you go from pressing left to pressing right
Wow so you really are retarded. The 360's d-pad is worst piece of shit ever made, the NES d-pad is leagues ahead for fucks sake, they thought they were being innovative by making it a d-pad/joystick hybrid type, but it ends up being this flimsy unprecise piece of cheap plastic that only serves to upset when you try to press right, but veer slightly diagonally down and it ends up being a down input instead.
How does Sup Forums have such shit taste in everything,
It's just one guy being a contrarian to piss you off
liking something shit doesn't mean you reject popular opinion, it just means your preferences are shit.
i'm retarded for liking something you didn't like?
huh. this really is the internet.
i've never had an issue with wrong/inadvertent dpad inputs. and the x1 controller takes more effort to press repeatedly. makes navigating menus a bitch.
i'm not being contrarian. I genuinely dislike everything about the xbox one controller when you compare it to any of the three previous xbox controllers (360, Controller S and the Duke.)
I like the triggers of the Duke and Controller S, the sticks of the Controller S and early 360 controllers, face buttons of the 360/Controller S, bumpers of 360, and i kind of wish the 360 controller retained black/white as well.
to me, the x1 controller just feels like cheap garbage. the feel of the bumpers and dpad is bad, and those bumpers break really easy too (roommates used my console while i was at work one night and i came back to the bumper fucked.) the triggers are too shallow too. the only things i find objective improvements are the lack of battery bump, the headphone jack/microusb port and the vibration motors in the triggers.
Can we just agree
>fighting games
dpad is good
>anything else
its bad
Why can't every d-pad just be a faux analog stick using microswitches like the neo geo pocket?
Unironically the Xbox one controller. It isn't objectively garbage like the switch or Wii u pro controller and it isn't mushy like the PS4 dpad. Shame it's in the worst spot possible and it hurts your hands to use
>What are platformers?
I thought it was nice enough for Mario Maker
switch pro controller best dpad tbqh
NO TASTE. The dpad on Nintendo's recent controllers have all been super shitty. Their last good dpad was the Wii classic controller
didn't they patent that design?
also fuck namco for patenting minigames during loading screens. how the fuck did they even get away with such a broad concept?
because our lawmakers are fucking retarded and don't understand how games work.
>tfw use d-pad exclusively only for menu navigation or movement abilities that involve double tapping a direction on d-pad
>tfw some games don't allow me to use d-pad to navigate menus or commands
Goddamn FF7 on the PC.
>the 360's dpad was great.
Said no one ever.
>any Microsoft dpad
>good for fighting games
you even felt the switch pro controller d pad?
anything invented after 1970 is like alien spacetech to the people who make those kinds of laws
This, the dpad on the gamepad is even better than on the wupc. Too bad that the gamepad isn't as comfortable.
Good joke. Use 4 360 controllers for my PC. Works great for parties.
Vita easily.
Yes, I own one. It feels decent enough but it has a huge problem with accidental inputs. Try playing puyo puyo or anything that requires fast and precise dpad movements, it's impossible
Vita has a god tier dpad
I prefer 8-way pads to 4-way pads.
SMS pad was great for playing Turrican 1 and 2 on my brother's Amiga.
I second this
Same. I like Saturn then Genesis pad.