ITT signs of a low test nu-male gamer
>I just play for fun!
>I only play single player
>I hate competitive games
ITT signs of a low test nu-male gamer
>I just play for fun!
>I only play single player
>I hate competitive games
Whatever you say, fag.
Biologically true.
More testosterone = more competitive and manly
>play games
>any test at all
Yeah why would anyone want to do anything other than clock 2000 hours into the same map over and over and over?
signs of a faggot
>makes shitposting threads on Sup Forums
eh, online multiplayer is the cancer that began the death of video games
Hello, Redddit.
>I masturbate
>tfw pretend I'm a virgin on Sup Forums
This is a trick list because all gamers are low test beta-numales
I used to be hard into Tekken but I feel like an old man who's over the hill at this point.
The day someone told me "you need more than 50/50 mixups" is the day I realized my skill has plateaued and that I'm too obstinate to be bothered to learn frame data and punishment scenarios.
>let me pick out the popular ideas about video games and say that people who believe these are "nu-male"!
>Fun is just a buzzword
he sounds like a pretty chilled dude, would befriend
>tfw I get too competitive and want to win all my pub games and my friends hate it
Single player games are fun too
>posts a simpsons image
>prefer singleplayer games
>only really like fucking with people in multiplayer games, by fucking up opponents or trolling teammates
>otherwise find multiplayer boring
the true high Q
>playing competitive gaming
>plays healer
It's not even a meme, they are always fags.
Gimme the sauce, boss
Nu-males love multiplayer games like overwatch though
Well, yeah, that's casual bait designed to *feel* like it's a "hardcore" competitive game even though in reality it's just a bunch of smart design tricks like rubber banding, tactical matchmaking, auto aiming, timed special moves / events, all these things made to equalize the playing field and give players an experience where everyone feels like a winner often enough to feel accomplished, no matter how shit they are.
Reminder that the people who most often use the term "nu-male" are themselves nu-males. It's projecting as fuck.
Sign of a low IQ fuckwit that loves repetition
> plays multiplayer
look at him actually try to justify his joke of a thread