What is the most depressing game you have ever played?

What is the most depressing game you have ever played?

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I have that game in my wishlist for so long since it has Overwhelmingly Positive
Is it any good?

SOMA comes to mind on the topic.

Corpse Party

It well written and the narrative in represented through gameplay in some neat ways and it is more interactive than the average walking sim.
This is really a nitpick, but there I think there are some corny moments in the game. I specially dislike the scenes where text comes out of objects like in the pic from the original post, but some people like it and it is not something that could ruin the game anyway.

Unequivocally SOMA.
>diagnosed with retard disease that will kill you
>last hope is to take part in a study where they scan your brain
>wake up in a deep sea base hundreds of years in the future
>the remnants of humanity are suffering in dysfunctional robotic shells
>what is a man?
>your companion convinces you to kill "you" two seperate times
>ending involves getting trapped on the bottom of a trench, in the dark, alone

Tales of Xillia 2.
The game figuratively kicks you in the nuts all the time.
It was a good pain.

Dark Souls 1000%


I didn't pay attention well enough on my first play on thought maybe gwyn was a cool guy. Didn't pay attention so hard that I didn't realise what everything was leading up to. Wall through that last fog gate to see a hollowed gwyn, that music starts, I felt bad for having to fight him. Got the rest of the story from playing more, learned gwyn is kind of a dick, but it's still sad.

The game of life. Specifically, my life.