So has anyone picked up on this?
Is this a good or bad thing? I'm fearing the worst for the future of the studio.
So has anyone picked up on this?
Is this a good or bad thing? I'm fearing the worst for the future of the studio.
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Oh no, another company falls to EA.
They're already a dead company walking.
Hope you enjoyed Titan Fall 2, becuase Titan Fall 3 will turn out worse than the first one.
>they haven't learned from the Infinity Ward fiasco
money's money though.
It's bad
I mean it might have been a good business move for Respawn but bad for the creative world. Titanfall 2 is really good and it would have done much better if it wasn't associated with EA at all in the first place. And I mean really good.
>"fuck this shit, working for a giant publisher lik Activision sucks cock, we're out of here!"
>few years later
>"Yes EA please take our studio"
They're fucked. And also fucking stupid, since Zampella and West left Infinity Ward for the same thing that's going to happen to them at Respawn. Apparently they were hurting for cash.
>455 million dollars
Titanfall 3...
>slow movement - It will just be Destiny
>microtransactions and lootboxes
>paid DLC season pass maps
>Respawn shuts down and its employees are shot execution style
They really are fucked aren't they.
I fucking hate that I called this before Titanfall 2 even dropped.
It's fucking obvious and disgusting what EA did, the release window of Titanfall 2 was in hopes that it would fucking fail financially so that they could purchase the company.
RIP Respawn, you were a young studio with a ton of potential and now thats gone.
>EA buys Developer
This has never been the case since EA was a founded.
You're right to fear. EA will probably shut them down after their next game.
Well seeing as Titanfall 1 & 2 failed financially I'm pretty sure they are hurting for cash.
>Is this a good or bad thing? I'm fearing the worst for the future of the studio.
That's a terrible thing. Expect the next Titanfall game to be crammed full of lootboxes and the franchise to die within the next 2 games, the studio gets gutted shortly after that.
Nah. they got roped into making a third Titan Fall and working on a mystery Star Wars game Battlefront 3.
>force developer to release game inbetween your mega hits in the same genre
>just as you fucking predicted, it tanks
>"gee you look like you're in some money trouble now that your game hasn't sold well Respawn, how about we take all your IPs and creative integrity off your hands?"
This is like watching someone livestream themselves raping innocent young women over and over but no one is doing anything
EA is literally killing videogames
>that one image that lists all the studios EA gobbled up and then shut down.jpg
>Is this a good or bad thing?
thats for the chuckle op.
Nearly half a billion dollars for a video game studio.
Yep the industry is fucked.
Why is EA buying studios just so they can shut it down later?
They keep the employees AND ips.
Corporate culture is toxic and kills creativity. Quick profit is everything.
It explains why EA fucked over the release of Titanfall 2. It was so fucking retarded that it was rather suspicious already. Hope you enjoyed your season pass and microtransactions free Tf2 because the next game will have EA their slimey hands all over it.
I'm genuinely mad as fuck. I've seen EA kill so many studios I loved and bullfrog still hits the hardest. EA treats their studios and staff as disposable talent if they can't make a billion bucks
The other option was getting bought by Nexon.
Honestly they were fucked either way.
Was saying no not an option at all?
Titanfall 2 didn't make ends meet. EA made sure of that.
They needed to take money.
>$455 million
What the fuck?
Why so much?
Why do people pretend anything of value was lost? Respawn made two fairly medicore CoD clones that didn't sell as well as CoD itself and from lack of revenue put the studio in this position. In ten years nobody will remember Titanfall games, they're not a keeper or golden oldie, merely another mediocre entry in an oversaturated market.
Yeah but after what just hsppened to Visceral games was there no fucking foresight to that very soon future of selling your rights to the fucking antichrist of gaming? I'd rather put all my faith on Titanfall 3 and live or die on my own terms than be devoured and have my companies bones spat out by this disgusting monster.
Read the article faggot. And no, not the IGN one.