Haverst Moon/Story of Season/Rune Factory thread

So I just bought Trio of Towns since it's on sale and you guys shilled it to me. What mode should I start with? Seedling or Veteran Mode? I got a lot of experience with Rune Factory and Stardew Valley.

Oh and Elf Pussy is best girl.

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Veteran has not retarded requirements for things this time around compared to the 1st Story of Seasons, so feel free to go that route.
It's really more of a choice between faster progression or a slower pace in the end.

The main thing the difficulty affects is the stamina. Seedling also lowers the prices of the general stores.
On veteran you're a flimsy weak farmer who's never held a tool in their life and can hardly do any work without almost fainting.
Seedling halves the rate at which you lose stamina.

Tool upgrades are a big thing in this game, so the early game is just stamina management for the most part.
You may find it unfun, but personally I didn't mind it since playing on veteran makes every tool upgrade feel significant.
You really have to decide what you're going to do on that day with an early Veteran save.

Eventually you'll get a kitchen and have tons of food on you with upgraded tools, so the stamina becomes kinda an afterthought.
You also get stamina upgrades as you progress.

What about the new neighbor DLC? Worth it?

DLC is worth it if you're just starting a new game.
You get the most of it that way since it adds events and new dialogue lines for everyone.

From the localization blog:
>Marriage candidates Woofio and Stephanie
>The ability to have a child with Inari
>Events such as cultural exchanges among the three towns and a visit from your father
>Events immediately following the New Year’s Festival and Starlight Gala
>About 50 new lines of dialogue per marriage candidate, including clothing/pet reactions
>5 special winter outfits
>A performer story

I suggest playing with it. Just pirate it if you don't want to spend the 8 dollars on it.
It'll definitely lose some of its appeal if you decide to grab it during the middle of a playthrough.

Sounds like a mini expansion. Alright, cool.

Play some of Trio before you decide to start speding money on DLC. You might not like the game all that much.
Keep in mind that the game is a little slow to start, but picks up by week two when a new town opens to you.


Well, too fucking late for that. I hope my love for Rune Factory will serve me well here.

Good luck, user.
It's a very good HM game, so if you enjoy the farming an d waifuing you should have a good time.