>the switch is underpowere-
The switch is underpowere-
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Looks like Doomguy lost his glasses in the Switch version.
but it is. and that's ok!
still cool they made doom for it. I won't get it though. I already have it on pc
There's no shadows dumbass
your picture proves that it is?
Looks very blurry on the switch, and this isn't even in motion.
Also, why don't you show an image with shadows, lighting, and textures more up close than that?
The switch picture makes my eyes hurt
Taking Doom wherever you go is still fucking cool tho
The Switch is a fucking joke. Jesus christ
>Playing an fps on a console
The argument should go no further than this.
So yes
720p console gaming in 2017
This can be improved with a simple patch.
>that ps4 shot
@sub 30fps
You can't patch in better hardware.
show me a $300 laptop/tablet that runs doom better than the switch
D44M on the Switch is more novelty than anything.
As long as the game is fun (which it is), graphics don't mean shit.
>Stable 30 fps for a current gen game on a portable console
Not sure what’s so funny, that’s pretty good
That screenshot is not helping your case. Also, take the dick out of your mouth, it's easier to finish your sentences that way.
>playing a first person shooter with anything but a keyboard and mouse
>current gen game
not after that downgrade
You can make the same argument for consoles 10 years ago.
>1080p in 2017
Fixed your argument.
>Nintendo considers the Switch a "hybrid" console; it is designed primarily as a home console, with the main unit inserted onto a docking station to connect to a television.
>even the HUD is blurry
someone post pc low next to switch
Couldn’t give a shit if you can use it as a home console, I use it portable only so this is still pretty impressive for me.
Sonyfoundry making Nintendo look worse than they actually are again. Shocker
Looks like the Switch version is upscaled.
If is accurate, then native res of the game is 540 and then stretched to fit the screen
I still have no idea what you're trying to say
half resolution.
No one cares about your low standards nintentoddler
falseflagging shitposter.
When you upscale something to particular resolution (in this case 1080p apparently) it makes the picture blurrier to compensate for the difference.
Usually you can render a HUD at the native resolution and do the geometry processing lower. I guess that was more than they cared to do or something, I dunno
it's dynamic res to keep relatively stable framerate just like ps4 and bone versions
shouldn't affect the HUD though
What is wrong ith it?
At least Nintendo advertises it as a 720p system. What the fuck is going on with the Xbone?
It's a handheld. The system is smaller than a PC's graphics card. No shit. Fucking die.
>Own PC, PS4 and Switch
You cared enough to reply to me you dumb shit.
>why is the switch so expensive
>why is the switch such a piece of shit
So butthurt
>no gyro aiming
What's even the point of the Switch version?
Keep burying yourself deeper friend.
>people legitimately paid $300 (and sometimes more with bundles) for this piece of shit
Holy shit Nintendo
Nintendo pulled a stroke of genius with the Switch. It's the perfect criticism deflection mechanism for fangirls
high end PC cost 800~1000$ + game (60 or free)
for whatever quality you can at 60fps
keyboard + mouse or whatever you want as controller
>Switch (portable btw)
300$ + game (60)
low - medium quality at 30fps
joycon as controller
300$ + game (60)
high quality at 60fps
dualshock as controller
don't be silly user, this shit really run games?
Ok well if i'm not dumb i'll go on PC coz that's a fucking first person shooter, but i want to mention that the switch did well for his capacity. Not all phones out there can run DOOM at 30fps. It proves DOOM's engine is pretty strong and can make games on different platforms, so actually this one is the most impressive from my sight.
But well if i want quality over portability, i'll head on ps4 for sure.
>keeps replying
Literally seething
>hey user come over :)
>PS4 owner: uhhh....
>PC owner: uhh...
>Xbone owner: uhh...
>Switch owner: On my way :)
not him but compare it to the pc shot, looks significantly blurrier, like it was upscaled to 1080p or something
but why do people get so upset about it?
Is it because it doesn't fit into their preconceived notions of how gaming devices should be?
nobody gets angry about the price of an iPad.
>why is the switch so expensive
Compared to what?
NOW SHOW THE ACTUAL RESOLUTION YOU autistic horsefucking retard
not to mention you don't need a high-end pc to match consoles, a rig that costs about as much as a console will perform similarly
>Spending his free time obsessing over a console he hates
>Y-you’re seething
Nintendo living in your head rent free.
No it just looks like DOF...
after 11 almost 12 years Nintendo still can't make a successful home console with 1080p
>handheld games
>they cost the same as console games
>spends his time defending a company for free
Is there there anything more pathetic than that? At least proper shills get paid
>Switch has added dof
No, it's just extremely blurry because it's low resolution upscaled.
Why did you stop your sentence user?
no it doesn't, depth of field only blurs selectively, every single aspect of the ps4 shot is less crisp than the pc version, even the foreground where the difference should be less noticeable. look at the little protrusion on the top center right of the foreground, it's pretty obvious there
>PS4 owner: ok, should i call tyrone first
>PC owner: new phone who dis
>Xbone owner: the number you have reached is currently out of service
>Switch owner: let me ask mom first
>you need a 1000 dollars pc to run nu doom better than consoles
more like $200 for a 500gb model
>this shit really run games?
yes, and better than Shitch kek
>Claim I’m satisfied with using the product portably
>Have PC and PS4 for gaming at home
>Don’t have a single post defending Nintendo
>Some autist on the Internet spergs out because he can’t handle that notion
And you just keen digging yourself even deeper.
If you insist.....
didn't want to hurt your feelings. Sorry you bought a shitty system :(
How the fuck did you construe I was batting for the Switch when I asked for the resolution?
now add Mario Odyssey resolution (640x720)
You being satisfied with your Nintendo™ Switch™ product doesn't make its flaws disappear shill-kun.
How the FUCK can consoles compete?
It's a portable with the power of last gen console hardware, pretty fucking good all things considered.
And who says they did? When exactly did I say it was flawless retard-kun?
>he fell for the 4K meme
ummmm my PS4 Pro can do 4k too you know...
Stop responding to that retard. He's either being Le Ebin 4chins Trolle xD or he's so fucking stupid that he isn't worth your time.
>he bought a 4K trash korean garbage
>he actually spent 1500 dollars in a ghost panel with artifacts
>he actually fell for the OLED meme
>he thinks playing in a 65 Screen with 18ms lag is acceptable
So you admit this is a shit port?
>ummmm my PS4 Pro can do 4k too you know...
d. Show fps count also.
Switch is a meme
Its pretty good for a handheld, but I'll be honest, that blur looks awful and they really ought to try making a game built for the weaker hardware rather than just porting it and reducing quality options.
They can't. PC had superior display tech since forever thanks to vga, dvi, etc.
Not him, but how hard is it for you to understand that the switch is a portable?
>b-b-but you can plug it into a tv!
That doesn't change the fact that something the size of a tablet with a built-in screen is somehow running a current gen game at all, even if it's super downgraded to do so. That's like a gameboy color somehow managing to run Tomb Raider in their heydays.
At this point it was more for entertainment, just seeing how many times he’d move goal posts but you’re probably right. Poor guy must be pretty dissatisfied with his life if obsessing and sperging over a console he hates is what he does in his free time.
They would if the system had a decent install base. It's the same for the Gamecube. The base for games just isn't there so devs don't make games for the system. It doesn't help that exclusives are becoming less and less of a thing outside of first party games so nobody is going to make an exclusive for a weak system with less of a base than the other consoles.
Let us ask what Arlo thinks
>Stable 30 fps
Evidence to otherwise? Out of curiosity, I’m sure you have some.
It looks and plays like shit. I can literally do the same shit on my old laptop from ages ago. What's impressive about that, retard?
I think the switch is fine for what it is. It's not disgustingly underpowered like the Wii. Only thing I've played so far is Mario and I never notice it looking bad at all even on the tv so it's pretty good for a handheld.
The PS4 version is not a capped 1080, it uses dynamic resolution all over the place, to varying degrees.
bing bing wahoo
There are definitely some slow downs. Not a lot, just noticed a few within the first 4 levels I've played.
Other than that, it runs great and looks decent.
>high quality at 60fps
PS4 and XB1 run the game on medium actually.