>tfw graphicsfags ruined gaming by bloating budget for unnecessary visuals and making companies recoup losses by microtransations and loot boxes since the "standard" $60 isn't enough
Should videogames increase in retail price?
>tfw graphicsfags ruined gaming by bloating budget for unnecessary visuals and making companies recoup losses by microtransations and loot boxes since the "standard" $60 isn't enough
Should videogames increase in retail price?
No, especially when they're as bad, and incomplete as FFXV.
FFXV wasn't that bad compared to your average jap game
You're right, it was much worse.
Games are already $80 in leafistan and will probably continue going up. Myself and several people I know only buy games used and second hand or just pirate everything so just increasing it won't help at all
Agreed. There are rushed Japanese games that turned out much better than FFXV, like Yakuza 6 for example.
Why don't more jap developers try to sell smaller games on console instead of having the divide between AAA and mobileshit?
Why not just encourage companies to make lower budget titles? Why does everything need to be AAA? Mimic companies like Spike Chunsoft, Gust, Marvelous, NIS, Compile Heart, etc.
You can make good games without breaking the bank
it wasn't graphics that fucked ffxv up dude.
Fuck no, games are already too expensive. Too games are like $80-$100 in Kangaroo Island.
I feel bad for anyone who bought FFXV at full price.
Oh fuck off, nearly everyone and their aniki complains how Yakuza 6 is one of the worst entries with the worst story and with barely any content compared to previous games
>listening to secondary parrots
It's no different from 3. If anything it's slightly better.
Pic related is proof I've actually fucking played it and not some fucking parrot who started with 4 or Zero.
Even rushed it has much more polish than fucking FFXV.
>worst story
That's not saying much. All the games except Zero had bad stories. Zero was a fluke and a half. As far as content goes, only retarded newcomers would complain about this as it just goes back to being Kiryu solo which shouldn't be a problem at all for fans.
Just play AA, AAA has been ruined by grafix bullshit and open worlds alike
worse than that the obsession with graphics ruined gameplay in platformers.
Horseshit, no one made anyone do anything, the companies themselves take major risks bloating the budgets of games to unnecessary levels.
They chose to gamble big, no one needs to put 50+ million dollars in one game but that's their choice instead of modest investments for good returns they gamble big for big returns and no one is owed success.
Put the blame of bloated budgets on the people that make the choice, the companies themselves, games don't need to go up in price, companies don't need to nickle and dime you to get money back, they chose this.
Like hell I'm going to subsidize their risk taking, you gamble big you lose big, no one is at fault but those that chose that path.
So hell no prices shouldn't go up.
>All the games except Zero had bad stories.
Majority of complaints are just parrots who've only played the demo and not the actual game.
Nothing wrong with loot boxes
They did. The first game's
story is passable but also dull and predictable. Stories from 2 onward went full retard.
People as kids wanting games to look better didn't realize that it would have a detrimental effect. Good graphics were selling points for generations anyway and good games continued to be made so it's not entirely at fault but devs ran it into the ground and won't stop requiring it for every game.
Capitalism only works with infinite growth. Any company needs to grow, so they can't just keep making small games for all eternity
>meanwhile in reality, the cost of making games has actually gone down
>Should videogames increase in retail price?
if they sold complete games instead of day 1 patched product with day 0 season preorder pass, along with year 2 season pass
No, they should instead ban all western-made "games" so that the industry doesn't have these problems any more.
4's is possibly the most retarded in the series, ironically.
>op's pic is from a jap game
Oh right, only niche Jap games and AAA Western games exist
Blame Intellevision.
This. Plus 80% of their budget goes to marketing their shit games to hype up day 1 purchases so idiots fork out the most money without even knowing if the game will be good, which they almost always aren't. AAA is a cancer that needs to die.
then support new companies until they decided to make games with bloated budget
> average jap game.
Tell me a good western aaa games made in the last 2 years
Yeah its getting crazy, you just have to be smart about your purchases and make sure its a game you will be happy with.
>Not buying one game and exhaust every single thing about it for 100s of hours
>Not pirating vidya
No because it'd be the exact same scenario as we have now only you'd have to pay $80 upfront in addition to the lootboxes and microtransactions
>Just play AA
AA hasn't existed in the west for over 10 years, and will cease to exist in Japan in the next 5.
mr hulk, I need to ask you to stop moving the goalposts, we're trying to play sportsball here
>op's pic is from a westernized "jap" game that exists wholly due to the west's market stranglehold on Japan
Fixed it for you.
Canada is irrelevant and to be honest I have no idea why you bringing this up.
>t-that's not a true jap game!
No, what the fuck? Videogames already cost a fortune, fuck you.
the issues with bloated game budgets are due to the following
>publisher executives taking more and more of the profits and writing it off as a 'loss'
the fastest way to fix the industry is to get rid of these corporate sociopaths. gaming was good until these parasites wormed their way in and took more and more control to line their own pockets. this isn't a political thing, socialism, whatever. it's just a fact.
why not stop trying to make photorealistic games?
AA died after 7th gen.
>Monolith soft made 3 Xeno games before squeenix could ever finish FFXV properly.
It's all about managing the budget properly and having a good art direction.
Realism never ages well.
artstyle and gameplay >>> graphics.
You're right, it isn't.
user, 90% of the world's gamers are graphicsfags
It's another zero sum fallacy episode.
Good graphics does not mean you have to sacrifice something else.
Good gameplay does not mean you need bad graphics.
Because some games have microtransactiona does not mean it is profit maximizing for every game.
because more lootbox microtransaction games exist these days, does not mean less games without them exist.
Because some games have good graphics does not mean every game needs to target good graphics
Yeah because if we ban western games CoD shitters will just all buy Senren Kagura!
either that or they'll just not buy any game, console install base will plumit japanese publishers will lose revenue to reinvest in games you like and your shitty weeb games will die out with the Vita.
>tfw graphicsfags care about vidya more than autistic weebs
You fucking losers just want to number crunch and play with virtual loot for the end of time. At least graphicsfags care about improving vidya at the fundamental level, which is immersing the player.
I should have picked another hobby when I was a young boy then. I hate graphicsfags.
Graphics are necessary, although it depends on the game. Also, it hasn't been the big budget studios that have pushed graphics, Crytek wasn't really a big studio when Crysis was made. How the hell did Bethesda make a game like Fallout 4 with as big of a studio as they had look dated compared to Witcher III