What is Sup Forums's opinion on this Pokemon?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on this Pokemon?

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I havent actually played any, the only time I played it was when I was at a friend's house a long time ago, since I got a ton of free time now, I got an emulator and i'm gonna try platinum.
also, since Christmas is coming, I'm probably going to get a cheap DS to try one of them out

it completely stole the show from the other great pokémon when it got leaked



Eh, I don't particularly like it, but at least its sexual angle feels more natural, in that it would actually work in some sort of setting, than Tsareena which is just fetishbait for the sake of it.

>that series of pheromone-induced orgasm .gifs
hello new fetish

It actually seemed cool. Fire/Poison is an interesting combo, and it wasn't overdesigned like most Pokémon since Gen 3.

And then the furfags came.


Fuck off brainlet

Poke waifus are top tier

Only enough room in my heart for one pokemon.

Thats a pokemon? I might have to get back into pokemon.

>those feet
into the trash iy goes

>he's not into lizard feet
Get a load of this guy

>The depicted individual killing the furfaggot is a potato faced trenchoat fedora wearing edgelord

Not sure who in the picture is more of a colossal faggot

it was a different time when that image was made

>we want the kobold audience

i'm not discriminating, the srtist just quit at the finish ;) line

>And then the furfags came.
They sure did!

What is Sup Forums's opinion on this Pokemon?

salandit is one of my favorite pokemon

Pikachu clone #392246. Been there done that

my friend

One word: Skyrim.

Never liked her, avoided catching her. Pretty much the only Pokemon this gen I didn't like, aside from Necrozmos and those fairy mushrooms.

well she is smol

You can't really catch her since she's evolve only.

Eh, I don't really like em. There are other gen 8 Mon that I like better. People only like Salazzle because they have Viagra breath or something.

>a bunch of great non-furshit pokemon exist
>user focuses on the furshit ones

The plant ones are cute. I like the mantis looking one.


Aren't people that are attracted to reptiles are called scalies?

Seath, what the fuck are you doing outside your archives?

Scalies are a subgroup of furries so the term applies to them too most of the time.

Can't wait to get the giant version in UM.

oh the irony


>he thinks being grass automatically makes it not "furry"
>when it's being pokemon itself that makes it one

kill yourself, word mincer
you know exactly what they meant, acting obtuse and deliberately missing the point makes you look even more retarded

You're delving into a broad spectrum of fictional inhuman things people want to fuck.
The problem is they're not "all furry", Xeno (Alien) isn't considered Furry, for example.

yes, and now we're accepting of fur since they're not shitposters like the pedo weeb

>not focusing on them all

Funnily enough, this is meaningless, since retards throw that out the window and just say "snout its out lol", so, the sangheli are furry because snouts.

Makes me feel weird.

I want to own one so I can kidnap and do things like this with my crush

Furries are just people who want to fuck animal/human hybrids. Think of them a anthropomorphic zoophiles. Scalies and whatever the birdfuckers are called are just subgenres of that degeneracy.

>Furries are just people who want to fuck animal/human hybrids.
So monsterfags are furries and especially the ones who want to fuck Polt?

who is this guy, and why do I see it posted on every board?

don't lump trashy monstergirlfags with anthro lovers

I like some of monstergirls and certain anthro ladies. I'm just trying to delve deeper into the mindset of why there has to be a huge autistic sperg out about what the fuck type of exotic female you fap to.

sounds like 3rd rock shitposting



>I like some monstergirls
Get out pitiful weeb

I wish it was a boy.

A sexy scaly boy.

It's hip to fuck cacti

Really, faggot? Now you're gonna sperg about it?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on this Pokemon?

you can fuck off with your cancer

>ywn have a zoroark gf (male)
why even live

Big-tittied Salazzle is god-tier

The only anthro lady I care about is Isabelle from animal crossing

>not loving all of them
you're missing out xD

user, im saying this as my cat tries to gnaw through my wires, but i really dislike animals, i just think Isabelles subservience is hot

>For some reason, only females have been found. It creates a reverse harem of male Salandit that it lives with.
>Filled with pheromones, its poisonous gas can be diluted to use in the production of luscious perfumes.

It's the only Pokemon that's canonically horny all the time.

I would say the picture is an exaggeration of how she normally looks but no, the in-game model definitely comes off as sexual, and looks like it's just seconds away from twerking.

Not that I mind.

Show that cat their place in the relationship if you know what I mean ;)

I mean, theyre on my head as i type, so... I guess its the right place?

>not zoroark gf (male) (female)
Weak taste to be desu

So it literally has a bunch of beta nu-males orbiting around it.

I thought the top pic originally had her holding a probopass
not that i mind

She's a fucking bitch.
The only reason Salandit males cannot evolve is simply because the Salazzle that controls them forces them to give her all their food.
The dex notes that they're suffering from malnutrition and that the Salazzle will slap the shit out of them if they can't bring her food.

I mean stick your wiener in them haha

>tfw mega evolution splits the heart of a gardevoir in half

No user

Theyre males

Every new generation gets closer and closer to outright sexualizing at least one Pokemon. They WANT the porn. Next new gen we're getting a Pokemon that outright fucks people.

That's Mitsuzune from monster hunter.
Dumb scalefags and furshitters like to lewd the bubble leviathan. And he's not for lewds.

>Pokedex entry makes comment that the pheremones work on people.
I think that this is about as close as they're going to get.

>lizard pheromones work on people

God thatd be weird as fuck

>Pheremones are borderline mind control.
>People make pheremones from it.
How is it even legal?

Mizutsune from Monster Hunter Generations. One of the game's four flagships and the one that gets the most porn.

Power of suggestion isnt illegal, otherwise most ads would be illegal

So? Stop being a faggot

>Totem Salazzle's pheromones become more powerful with her increased size

In reality pheromones don't really do much to people except maybe get them horny, we aren't primal enough for it to just force us to do stuff.

Does that mean Snu Snu?

coz krogans totally arent

>is canonically a dominatrix with a shota harem according to the Pokedex
>rubbing her openly exposed thighs after battle in Refresh

my fucking dick

My opinion is that Good.ra is a fe.male


There's a market for it

not sure if real or deviant art

>this entire post
why am I even replying

>literal balloontits
She's ruined

Don't cut yourself with that edge faggot

so what if you mix BOTH OF THEM

The USUM dex entries literally state that, yes

I still find it fucking hilarious that furfags lash out at people that are less degenerate than they are
>reee not furry enough!!!

a lot of good plant pokemon

shame most of them aren't competetive

Not saying he's right, but weebcunts are just as bad

>Salazzle: It punishes Salandit that couldn't bring it food with a fierce slap of its flame-spewing palm.
>Salazzle: Salazzle lives deep in caves and forces the Salandit it has attracted with its pheromones to serve it.