battlestation threads
Battlestation threads
>look at me, I drink!
fuck off
>marlboro red
>ford car keys
>Windows vista
How american can one person be
those aren't reds. They're the rusty brown pack
would you let me fuck your ass irl user
I'm nice
I don't see why not if you're nice.
At least it's not OC.
>Nazi flag
>Anime poster
>Messy desk
I though you wanted data first.
That's not very nice.
Only if you like playing video games.
He's nice, how can I say no?
ur pathetic.m8
Wheres the gross rooms at?
show me your worst.
I like videogames user
we can play videogames after fucking or viceversa
What about just playing video games?
>spice & wolf
>made in abyss
>bottle of ketchup just sitting there
no cleanup done plznobully
No bully
What's with the midget closet?
what am i looking at
Can I rub and lick your feet?
league of legends ruined the room
post tummy
pls be my gf
clean your fucking desk you miserable mother fucker
almost got banned user
hope you got free
Excuse my retarded fanboyism for squids.
I'll probably get rid of my figures soonish, they're kind of needless.
Boys can't be girlfriends.
Why's that?
Here's mine.
sorry for shitty camera.
That sounds gross.
Make me
post your tummy so I can fucking cum already user
you can lick it after I cum
Ok, quick question: Is comparing battlestations the same as comparing dicks?
And if it is, is it gay?
Yes, and no.
pretty plain
I'm pretty much a free cpa for my ailing mother
how is comparing dicks gay?
I mean, maybe if you're both faggots it would be pretty gay. Apart from that, unless the balls touch it's not really homo at all. Didn't you ever have sword fights as a kid?
what does that mean user
don't make me waste tonight's load
U're a kid or a squid?
The Worst of both.
>implying I care about that
it's okay user
I know I'm not getting tummy
Have this instead
Maximum comfy.
>X-Files written on the wall
Do you draw squid lewds?
Haven't, YET.
I still need to finish some stuff before I go back at drawing Squids/monster girls again...
No bully
Playing Odyssey while roommate and friend play Diablo 3.
>40 year old virgins room
Wow I said don't bully
you're one of the few people I've seen in desktop threads who also puts plenty of room for their forearm on the desk
Stop buying useless shit
Missed y'all
Looks comfy
The new coke zero is kinda trash
>he doesnt drink
Clean your keyboard you lazy fuck
That window looks false.
Can I sleepover, user??
My little corner of gaming love
trash beer
t. corona shitter
I'm comfy
Life is hell
*heineken shitter
I'm a very boring man
that feel when you don't drink piss wasser, but you see others do.
It's okay dude. You make up for it by being cute.
don't worry my dude your taste buds will evolve soon
that's all that matters.
Nah, bro.
Enjoy such boring existence.
Small time.
they would be ashamed
Where'd you get that white shelf? That's neat
>Custom Char suits
lose weight you fat fuck
>boxes of Gardesil
>when you're so fat people can just tell by looking at your calves
>Disliking big, strong calves.
Big strong calves =/= big fat calves
Nice pup user