Just finish emulated both of these

just finish emulated both of these.

to my surprise, not only FF12 is better but it's also one of the best FF game ever.

Other urls found in this thread:


FF12 is a fantastic game. Once you go in with the knowledge that Vaan is a side character you can appreciate the fantastic characters story and world.

i wish i could get into xenoblade chronicles but i've quit the game at least 10+ times as i made it to the first city

This and also Penelo.
Basch was supposedly the lead.

What did you like over Xeno?

>LITERALLY can't play as a Bangaa
what even is the point of FF12

better how?

xenoblade is FF12: the good version, it surpasses ff12 in virtually every possible way. I'd love to hear your reasoning

FFXII is a half-finished game but the setting is god tier. I really hope another Ivalice game gets made. And I don't mean that dumb MMO bullshit.

>What did you like over Xeno?

story, characters, setting. both have kinda ok gameplay so it really comes down to this.

Xenoblade's music is good to listen and all but I feel like their uses are very out of place.

I disagree but both are worthy of their praise

>mmo garbage games

FFTA3 never ever

no chocobos

Gria are superior, lizards can get out.

I will pick medieval Star Wars over weeb trash any day

>Once you go in with the knowledge that Vaan is a side character you can appreciate the fantastic characters story and world

This fucking sentence should be copy pasted every time this game is mencioned holy shit so true. In my emulated playthrough i didn't even put that faggot in my party once. ARGG where is the PC port!

I Know Right! I wanted to Play as a Bangaa or a Nu Mou

they should've made Vaan a self-insert character you created like in cRPG. FF12 would have been GOAT

On that note, how's FFXIV's Ivalice?
I remember Matsuno was involved.

Gambit system is the best mechanic and the pleb filter

I love FFXII but the gambit system lets you brute force almost every enemy with tanks attacking and one person occasionally casting heal. This problem is made even worse with the fast forward function (which is honestly a really great feature).
This problem is less the case late game but you can beat almost every boss with surprisingly little player input in FFXII

Pretty much my sentiments. I definitely preferred the combat in 12. Xenoblade was good too though.

They essentially inserted the entire story of tactics as lore into FFXIV in a way that kinda fills ill-fitting and also reversed the chronological order of Tactics and FF12 so there's a Rabanastre in the present day but Tactics-lite story happened way in the past and the kingdom of Ivalice is just a far eastern legend.,

>it's another "FFXII is an underrated game" episode

It's getting stale now.

I loved em both. What do you think of that?

Neither are very good. Xenoblade plays okay and has impressively large areas but the characters are awful and the story sucks. XII has a better story but the characters are mostly boring and the game plays like shit.

>music out of place
Are you serious?

Agreed. FFXII was shit.

Fucking Balthier was the lead, user!

Reminder : You will never be as Chad as Matsuno

Reminder that Gabranth did nothing wrong.

The xeno games have a higher influence from start wars than FF12

you don't know what you're talking about

literally everyone knows this, it doesn't change the fact that 12 is unfinished/rushed with plot points being glanced over or prematurely culled

I liked Xenoblade Chronicles better in every way but FF12 is still a great game, especially the HD remake.
I really didn't enjoy grinding for endgame bazaar weapons, though.

no, I don't think you do. play xenogears/saga to educate yourself. Blade's main weapon was a lightsabre for fucks sake, and it was coupled with its own race of ewoks. The premise of blade is exactly the same as SWIV, your village is attacked by the enemies killing off loved ones, you take the weapon of your mentor and travel out seeking revenge

Liked both, no way 12 is better than blade though, maybe if it was finished but then again the combat, exploration, and music would probably still not be as good

you just proved my point. it has nothing to do with weapon or tech

>completely ignored the second portion of my post

huh, no Penelo's ass.

Good counterpoint.
But I liked in that how much creativity and freedom it does over party behavior. You need to know the right gambits (along with the right party composition in International ver.) to turn an impossible boss to a cake walk.
Like an alternative to simple "party behavior" menu in party based WRPGs.
It's still better than typical JRPG design that basically handholds you.

>Xenoblade's music is good to listen and all but I feel like their uses are very out of place.

Really now? I feel that every time they used "You will remember our names" in a storyline cutscene, the situation for it was perfect.

FFXII party is the same with Star Wars party

your "influence from start wars" is stretching. it's just generic sci-fi and overused premise

Star War doesn't own that shit.

XC has better asses.

>FFXII party is the same with Star Wars party
outside of Balthier not really, Ashe is pushing it. You can argue Vaan being similar to Luke but he's obviously shoved in last minute

But the circumstances in which is happens are undeniably mirroring SWIV, especially when you consider the SW influence from the previous games form the same director

Name one FF character with good ass
Hard Mode : No Tifa

Fran goddamnit.


>you will never a Balthier and Fran spin-off skypirate game
Why live?



have you tried nicoblog?

>final faggotry
opinion descarded

Gambits are stupid, half of the battles are just me giving out commands myself since my magic users won’t attack with magic on their own and setting them as gambits just blasts through MP


Are you high, FFXII was a fucking joke.

The early section is mind-numbingly boring, though.

>xenoblade is FF12: the good version
No, Xenoblade is FF12 but not as irredeemably awful. Xenoblade polished a turd, but it's still a turd.

>hey guys I hate video games do I fit in?

the man is right final fantasy 12 is shit and only the ds version is somewhat good

FFXII cities actually felt like cities, kudos for that

I hated that. I kept getting lost and just got frustrated and quit the game when you reach that desert.

Archadia was tiny compared to Alcamoth.

No you didn't you fucking idort

FF12 question. If magic rocks are what keeps the city in the sky afloat, and the citizens make their economy around mining and selling these magic rocks, aren't they on the path to having the city fall from the sky?

>setting them as gambits just blasts through MP
Then set an MP < % use attack, or ether, or something other than magic at the top.

This actually happens far in the future.

There aren't people on Sup Forums who legitimately believe Xenoblade is better than FF12, right?

I mean, how is such shit taste even possible

Can you elaborate more?

"Once We Part Ways" plays at the perfect moment every time. It's why Shulk and Reyn leaving Colony 9 is one of my favorite scenes from a videogame.


play literally any other Ivalice game you goofball mong

Friendly reminder that pic related is objectively the best way to play FFXII. Dual classing is fucking amazing after years of vanilla and IZJS.

So is it Ivalice or not?

Yes. wasn't it officially confirmed?

I love video games, I just hate shitty ones. Guess which category FF12 and Xenoblade fall under?

I always quit because the combat is boring and listening to the same lines of dialogue over and over drove me crazy

It has an even better ass.

>Dual classing is fucking amazing after years of vanilla and IZJS.
It's certainly the best. The original gave you a ton of options which was great but some marks were absolute bullshit. IZJS was retarded restrictive with the job class bullshit and not being able to switch jobs and having to start over the game from the very beginning if you don't plan shit out was the worst thing you could have done. At least Zodiac Age tried to remedy this by giving everyone a second job.

All FFs are just myths and alternate worlds in 14 thanks to Iroha and the memories of Vana'diel. It's all just void memories.
The FFXI event and FFXI final expansion story even implies that Eorzea is just floating in the void itself like a dream. Everything in FFXIV itself is just a reflection of real worlds.

Thank you my man. I could kiss you.

What PS1 game is this?

Vaan - C3PO with half of Luke
Penelo - R2D2
Basch - Obi-Wan with the other half of Luke
Ashe - Leia
Balthier - Han
Fran - Chewbacca
Vossler - Half of Lando
Ondore - Ackbar with the other half of Lando
Gabranth - Vader

Don't be deliberately obtuse, user.

>emulating XII

is the city by the same name or is it part of the spooky ruins likethe airship graveyard?

ff12 is so bad I cant replay it

Witcher 3 sucked
"If it's not fun, why bother?"

They fall under the category of types of games you dislike but played anyway because you're retarded

>doesn't change the fact that 12 is unfinished/rushed with plot points being glanced over or prematurely culled

I would have agreed with this 2 years ago, but after playing XV my standards are low as fuck.

Now XII is a masterpiece in my eyes even with the plot holes and the rushed development.

I agree, 12 is a GREAT game.

your dead skin is showing in your poorfag sheets.

Try a wash. Buying less videogames might allow you afford better comforts.

>Every single FF tier thread has FF12 at "shit tier" or "mediocre"
>be salty because it's my favorite FF
>suddenly everyone loves it for some reason

Feels good, hope the same thing will happen with FF8.