Should I try Deltascape v1 as a i296 BRD? I feel like I'm a shitter who will die and MTQ's video makes it look like hell

Should I try Deltascape v1 as a i296 BRD? I feel like I'm a shitter who will die and MTQ's video makes it look like hell

>the state of XIV's playerbase
lol, what a fucking joke.

what datacenter? I'm just getting started with this on WAR, about to do some temple of the fist to gear up some tho

v1 is boring as hell

Anyone else still getting random disconnects?

Janny clean up this board, 'they' posted it again, we're trying to have WoW discussion here.

aoes and indicators don't go full potato until v3, and it doesnt matter when you're BRD.
Even then the only class that needs to care is BLM until you become a leyline squatting cd weaving rap god

It's easier than these e-celeb fags make it look. Only way to learn is to do it.

So Yotsuyu was a literal cumdumpster? Why do people like her?

Because we want to be stepped on and ground into the dirt like a worm

just let urself die, dont rez up, and u get free gear

im guessing youre talking about regular version.

go for it, you'll die and 99% chance people wont give a shit. If they do they are the biggest autist for caring about regular content.

Good point, I'll queue

>tfw find o2s easier than 1

Fuck thin ice. Also when healing savage trials and raids I as a whm tend to use too much mp. I don't just spam heals too just try to keep as close to 100% uptime on regen on the highest enmity tank,cure 3 all stack mechanics, I medica 2 the strong aoe and,tetra/cure 2 when a target is 30% or below.

I can manage mp for the fight but I start to run dry after a res. I like these fights so far easy but enough to teach the player how to properly play.

I've done all of Deltascape in pugs and didn't find any joy in the weekly treadmill, especially when all I'm working for are gear that makes my dick on trannylogs a little longer.

I've heard many people say they prefer to ignore the game until the month before a new expansion drops and I'm contemplating doing the same. Now the problem is content in this game has a lifespan of however long a major patch takes to release. Can anybody who has actually done this before the transition to SB tell me if you're still able to get parties for all HW raids/extremes?

tl;dr I want to play the game but not be part of the treadmill-invalidation cycle.

O1S is clearly easier than O2S.

Between Lucid Dreaming, Assize, and Thin Air you should mostly be self-sufficient, but if you don't use them on CD you'll be hurting for MP. Also, you didn't say so but I'll assume you're keeping high uptime on Aero III, Aero II, and Stone IV.

Resses will quickly bottom out most healers though, shit is expensive.

How are these servers still being DDOS'd for almost a week now?

Because it's not their server directly but the ISP of the server, they can't do shit personally and have to wait for the ISP to deal with it.

Well fuck I just got booted out of the game

O1S is like the easiest savage fight in the game. Even easier than A9S

The entire server just crashed.

Same. I can't do my fucking dailies. Just want to get this shit overwith

You on Primal too?

Same on Coeurl.

I'm 116th in queue? I don't think I've ever had a login queue

Bye bye servers. They're getting raped and murdered now.

Cuz it's not a DDOS it's just California servers being garbo.

California was a fucking mistake

Marlboro went down too.
Gonna be a long night

I am fucking pissed. This is bullshit. Fix your goddamn servers, Yoshida. This is completely unacceptable.

Nope, Aether. I think it was all NA.

I have an alt on Coeurl too, was about to do some creation farming on it before this happened.

Everyone's been claiming DDOS, which i believed over these servers being this shitty. Never had this much of an issue before

I literally cannot play any caster job on progression in NY. I die fucking feet away from aoe indicators.

>old servers never had issues with DDoS attacks
>two now after they moved

I wonder if DDoS is shorthand for "our new servers suck and we just don't want to admit it". I mean, it's an awfully convenient excuse.

>everyone in NA datacenter getting disconnects
Well I guess being NA on an EU server finally has its perks

Because she was justified in hating Domans just like Fordola is justified in hating Ala Mhiggers.

Alright, I think I remember at least one or two times it happened before they moved. Possibly during HW.

Let your co-healer or RDM res, you are the main healer, you should be healing big numbers on the party/tank. If they don't res they suck

ZR a shit and ruin the ultros server

But you have to deal with the french fries.


Ultros server got wooped.
630 in que

Nobody is a "main healer" in this game. Both healers heal and DPS pretty equally.

Cactuar, just got booted from the final boss of Abania. Now 630 in queue.

Kings Honor, friend.

It happens whenever there was a major WoW patch/announcement, even before the move.
However, their servers are shit and need to be upgraded.

>PotD ruined

731 in queue on Leviathan

That's where you are wrong, in savage it's better to assin these roles in order to avoid overhealing and mana waste

If they made it just like XI's gearing where every piece of gear you get has some use then we wouldn't have this problem with gear treadmills.

Plus it wouldn't make old content irrelevant since there would always be a reason go to back to old content.

Yeah, no.

What what were everyone doing before you got booted?
potd floor 69,sigh.

Just got to 70 on Ninja. It's kinda like DRG where you have to vomit OGCDs all over the place basically. Going to level BLM now, any tips?

Farming V1/V4

Was about to jump into Shinryu.

Decorating my home.

Is there any omnicrafter here on Leviathan that could help me put my BSM (55) and ARM (50) to 60 so I can finally repair with them?

She's 'kinda' hot?
I hope she never recovers and joins the scions or something.
Just for shits and giggles.

Just queued for my 2chest run of O2S

Less than 2M EXP from leveling my final combat job, MCH, to 70.

WoD for alliance roulette

You answered your own question

Would someone link the English OF thread where we can bitch about this. I see a couple but no "main" thread.

I've just about had it with this shit.

Temple of the Fist. I'm actually not mad because we got the first boss down and were booted from the 2nd boss. I'm in a weird position where I needed 90 Verity to get the last piece to get my BRD at iL300.

Since it gave me 15 verity for the first boss fight I only have to run Ala Mhigo or Temple one more time instead of what would've been two full times

Thanks Yoshi

>highest tax state in the union
>SolCal is Mexicunt 2.0
>non Whites are starting to take over Commiefornia
>30 years of libcuck polices
>biggest distribution of poor and rich
>only the rich can afford the high taxes
>non Whites keep voting in these corrupt libcuck politicians because of gibs me dats and non Whites have no souls and have been touched by the devil
>is the bluest state in the Union and so different from the rest of the states that is communist
>poor and degenerates such as the lgbt treated as people and not with contempt for the trash they are
>highest target to get nuke by Noko(Which isn't a bad thing)

Why wouldn't people like a cumdumpster?

You fucking virgins do realize that women with more experience are a better lay, right? Or do you all hope for a virgin wife so they won't realize how bad a fuck you are?

Idk 2s has like 4 main mechanics you can learn that fight in like 3 pulls max. That pic with the 5 weak o2s clear is all of a sudden scary now.

Ok o haven't been using them on cd. On what % of np should should I lucid? I also picked whm because of the damage I have act up so I can have as close to 100% uptime.

That's what I figured. The other healer was trash. I hate when I have to solo heal like 6k hps and outdamage the mouth breather sch because fuck mechanics right?

>go to the English OF

Learn moon and go complain on the jap forums or make peace with your irrelevance.

if the same dps dies twice it's fine to let them lay there for a bit until your next lucid/thin air, it's not like they're gonna contribute much with Brink of Death

>some cum slut sex slave
>good lay

>got my 4s weekly
>got my tome capped
>not having to play for the rest of the week
feels good, yoshi

You know you pay per month for this game right?

2m away from 70 in a fresh abania run. Tomorrow, I guess...

>want to go lala
>mention it to friend
>says he'll stop talking to me if i do
what do

rest of TO sets w h e n

You know you don't pay user's sub?

You do what you want, if someone stops talking to you because of your shit taste in video game races they weren't much of a friend to begin with.

make a lala on a different server and emote until you get the cancer out of your system

Listen to him

post it in the next thread and maybe i'll answer

we already got valerian dragoon, we don't need the rest

I don't even play a female character and even I think that a armored dress would be nice.

well i didn't say i unsubbed although i fucking should at this point. i'm one week away from full 340 and i don't feel any of it matters. i get to temporarily inflate my dick on fflogs, but that's it. it will all mean nothing in 4.2. i can craft better gear in 4.2. i never HAD to play 4.1. i still don't know why i'm still paying monthly fees for this game t b h

Finally managed to beat v4s yesterday and I even got my chest. That fight really is fun

>Not being a lala healer with the valerian set

Shit friend with shit taste. Like lalas or hate if you like caster and someone gets on you for picking lala then they need to go somewhere.

At least you experienced the content I'm still 320

>Chocolate elezen

>I even got my chest
I lost a 68 and a 89 roll after DAYS of shuffling through trap parties. It's a shit fight. SHIT. Completely static boss outside of Emptiness which only occasionally gets me because of muh uptime.

>someone gets on you for picking lala then they need to go somewhere.
Friends don't let friends play Lalafells.

I do though

Have another one then

Are you the kind of person that does hits back when a negro attacks you because it would be racist and poorist?

>shuffling through trap parties
Your mistake is not having a static

I don't like those who bully lalas but the illberd got me.

what chest and legs


Ao dai and some kinda swimsuit piece

Not really. You assign CDs for use in parts of fights so both healers avoid hardcasting a heal as much as possible to efficiently get DPS uptime from both healers.

In the case that you do need a hardcasted heal, whoever does not have to reapply DoTs, or have a DPS CD up should be the one doing it. Otherwise yeah, assign somebody for like the 2-3 times in the fight a Benefic II or Adloquim is needed or something.

The main healer is actually Eos,
Eos is MVP.

>mfw the people who suffered with me told me their statics were stuck on o1s and o2s for WEEKS
>statics that can play the game are full of trannies or expect you to farm with them while I'd rather skip trashcan fights that give nothing relevant for my job like o3s if i can
>playing an MMO with a small group
at this point it's cancer vs ebola

Lalafell hate is 100% justified. It's a shame that there are normal players who may simply just be playing lalafells, but unfortunately, their peers are the most obnoxious memelords in the game and they absolutely deserve to be bullied.

This is one of the only good Elezen I've ever seen.