Did the Dwemer fuck up?

Did the Dwemer fuck up?

>Ascended their race to a higher plane of existence becoming literal gods
They did pretty good I guess

Except they didn't. Kagrenac fucked up and turned them into the skin for athiest mech.

It was one nigga that fucked everyone up

Did anyone fuck up if it's all just a dream?

That one guy in the College of Winterhold tries to replicate what they did and disappears but then you can summon his ghost.

if real life was a simulation and the same shit happened, would it still be a fuck up?

That has something to do with you being the closest representative of Lorkhan. I think he became your skin.

They developed enormous underground citadels and autonomous robots but still managed to go extinct while shit flinging retards like the Nords and Khajit thrive, yeah they absolutely fucked up

Do you think that the DB was mantling Lorkhan the whole game? Absorbing souls into its skin and becoming stronger?

DB are literally retards, Oblivion showed this.

I think all player characters in TeS are Lorkhan mantling.

>Oblivion showed this
You know I'm talking about the Dragonborn right?

Well I know that the HoK ended up mantling Sheogorath so hard he literally became him...

Where did they go wrong

Slightly off topic but help me out lads.
I remember reading somewhere that the college of winterhold questline was cut short. While this seems obvious I read that the actual questline was supposed to be about how the last dragonborn went back in time with the eye of magnus and inadvertently caused the great collapse but I haven't seen anything concrete about it.
It makes sense because there is a loading screen that cryptically mentions the great collapse and the psijic talk to you as if you have a huge choice or upcoming event that will have a huge impact on the world when in reality it's just ancano goofing around with the eye.
Can anyone confirm this because I can't find anything on it? Did I just make it up because I'm sure I saw it somewhere confirmed.
It would have been pretty cool desu


>dwarves have to be extinct because Tolkien
>okay, but they're not really dwarves
>they're weird, Mesopotamian elves that live in underground steampunk cities
>and they aren't extinct because orcs killed them all
>they just all disappeared one day because some guy was fucking around with a robot
>they all became the robot's skin, although people still aren't 100% sure what really happened
>and they're technologically advanced because they eschew religion and traditional magic

How do I write lore this comfy?

How the fuck is lore comfy?
What does comfy even mean anymore?


Slightly off topic but help me out lads.
I remember reading somewhere that the college of winterhold questline was cut short. While this seems obvious I read that the actual questline was supposed to be about how the last dragonborn went back in time with the eye of magnus and inadvertently caused the great collapse but I haven't seen anything concrete about it.
It makes sense because there is a loading screen that cryptically mentions the great collapse and the psijic talk to you as if you have a huge choice or upcoming event that will have a huge impact on the world when in reality it's just ancano goofing around with the eye.
Can anyone confirm this because I can't find anything on it? Did I just make it up because I'm sure I saw it somewhere confirmed.
It would have been pretty cool desu

There's nothing about it in the UESP page, so I can only assume it's some bullshit somebody said once and you believed it

Maybe it's non-canon nonsense from the Imperial Library

>What does comfy even mean anymore?
Nothing, thanks to retards like the one you replied to.

Someone post the screencap.

Wew, I never knew turning into the metallic skin of Numidium is ascension to Dwarves. Wtf I'm woke now?!

Since when?

I thought the big thing was that they are literally roaming the planes right now.

why are Auriel and Altmer such whiny faggots?

>tfw they will never make a elder scrolls game set in the past where you can play as a dwemer or any other loss race and have a whole bunch of questions answered ever

>Since when?
Since people took one source and declared it absolute truth because it fits their headcanon

Yes they fucked up. They thought they could defy the gods with technological ascendancy but it ended up backfiring and I think sending them back in time. Their origin is mysterious. I think they exist up until the point the heart is hit with the tools, then bam they're cursed to loop in time infinitely. It's the best punishment for a race that thinks they can defy gods with technology. Doomed to forever loop and never advance, as their empty cities and technology rusts and rots, a symbol to the remaining races of Tamriel to not defy the gods.

also binge on ancient history and religion

but definitely drugs

i vaguely recall something like that
my memory vaguely associates it with that Immersive College of Winterhold bonus quest

really just one fucked up for a second

The dwarves exist in the universe to fulfill the need for a long lost advanced race whose ancient structures you explore. Having them playable would make little sense.

What questions haven't been answered that would be answered by hanging out with Dwemer?

Well the Augur (talking orb in the basement)'s dialogue make no sense with the questline we have, so there's that

I don't think it backfired at all. I think they got exactly what they wanted, in a monkey's paw sort of way.

Their denial of the gods was so strong that it destroyed their own ability to exist within the Godhead, and just like that, they were gone.

I suppose that depends on whether "print 'Hello world!'" means computers are capable of conversation.

>Their denial of the gods was so strong that it destroyed their own ability to exist within the Godhead, and just like that, they were gone.
I never understood that. If their existence within the godhead was removed then shouldn't all their halls and constructs be removed as if they never existed?

I thought it was because they fucked with the heart of lorkhan, which is why it only extended as far as mundus, if it was the whole godhead than Yagrum should have disappeared as well but he didn't.

Isnt the plot of Morrowind that you are mantling Nerevar? Or is Lorkhan also Nerevar or some bullshit

it's tonal architecture niggas, I aint gotta explain shit

Nerevar is decidedly Anuic so no he's not Lorkhan.