How did we go from this...
How did we go from this
to this this?
...To this?!?
to this?
Imperial City is shit.
To this
to this?
>exists in one of Skyrim's more interesting biomes
>home to based Falion
>named after the great Morihaus
What's wrong with Morthal again?
To this?
>When you eat too much delicious McNuggets™ THIS!?
> like,10 buildings
I know video games have their limits, but stuff like that has always been a pet peeve.
was there anything even interesting there? shit was way too big.
Bethesda was in charge of its size and aesthetics.
I miss the good old days when Bethesda wasn't in charge of ruining Elder Scrolls
I don't really have a problem with the aesthetics, it looks like what it's supposed to; a Nord-style village awkwardly built on water. It is pretty small though, even if it is the biggest of the towns that isn't in its own cell.
To this, right?
You forgot to mention Fallout.
I love building walled-in houses/towns in Minecraft due to the high level comfy that they exude.
the imperial city sucks
There is nothing to see or do, its a boring shithole, it doesnt even have comfy going for it
Bethesda cities have really come a long way
>delet dis
I love how everyone in Beauclair just works.