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What saved Battlerite
Started playing this the other day, seems good. How regular are the updates?
pretty regular
this month 1 new hero and new pre-historic even
next month same shit
Lucie is better than either
she needs helmet
i like her VA
That fucking nosering
Nothing saved Battlerite. The Steam store had it on top of the frontpage as new f2p game and that draws in people. You can push any game by presenting it that way.
The player count will drop back down again in a few weeks and nobody will stick around.
Is there a news blog like mmo-champion or surrender@20 to keep up to date?
dev blog every monday
Thanks user
we need more cuties
i hope "Destiny" will be alright
Tell that to Lawbreakers and Battleborn
the shills are being extra blatant today i see
metal warden or go home
can't wait
this and paying streamers to play your game. It's too bad they started out with a decent game and turned it to trash and now have to rely on advertising to get players.
Im sure its someone's cup of team, but the game just isn't for me. The mechanics are solid, the characters I thought were actually pretty cool, the girls were waifu-able. I just don't like it.
can you put your finger on why?
so is this game actually worth a try?
>Like how she plays
>Hate her voice
Here comes second best healer anyway
how the fuck do I not suck at lucie
why the fuck does she have to stop to cast everything this is the main reason why I can't do jack as her why can't I move and shoot like every other hero in the game?
i like her made-up accent
Yeah, plus it's free, not like you're losing anything but time.
Literally everything relies on advertising for attention.
Hell if I know I play Ruh Kaan. That chick is hard.
who /moon-and-star/ here
I think its the flow of action overall. It feels start and stoppy and slightly choppy.
nah, generic finland casual game production line garbage.
>Literally everything relies on advertising for attention.
completely disagree, if you make a good game people will play it and it will grow naturally. They're putting all their money in the advertising bucket because they know they fucked up. You should never have to pay someone to play your game.
How come in every BR thread there's this same guy trying to convince everyone how cool advertising is
Its like these are shill threads or something
no because it's not KoH flavor of month game
Nothing saved it, you just have streamers on it
t. nigger you said it won't have more than 5k peaks
Are the servers fixed yet? I kept trying to do the tutorial earlier today but would always get an error after finishing it.
Why did the game get a sudden revival?
>tfw a healer does only 12 less damage than the main DPS melee teammate
What did they mean by this?
That's not entirely true. Pretty much everything relies on paid marketing in some form, and the rest is just word of mouth. If no one knows your product exists then people aren't going to buy it.
I fucking hope so. At the very least they're giving out compensation rewards as an apology.
_ _ _ _ _
I just finished doing the tutorial. Should be good to go now
is this guy actually melee dps disguised as a support? those charged blades absolutely rape
Blossom > Poloma > Lucie > Freya > Jade > Pearl > dogshit > Taya
i wish i could see the shareholders board meeting where they discussed the creation of this character
P oses?
Its free now.
How did the game get worse?
the cute little tail is the icing on the cake
The better your game, the less advertising you need. People will find out about the game naturally because people will be talking about how fun/good it is.
They've already spent plenty on advertising before when the game first came out in EA. The game died pretty fast because of the gameplay changes they made. It's also worth noting the game was only mostly popular in EU, and as such they've always garnered to EU players. NA players got neglected and as such they lost the scene. Doesn't matter how much advertising you got at that point, all they can afford is short revivals for lootbox money and hopefully cash out.
Is the game still about who has the most healers? Water Toph was the only character I enjoyed
As an early access nigger (former BLC player) I can tell you guys that the game will probably die out again.
It's fun, it's interesting, but there's absolutely nothing more to it than 2v2 and 3v3 arena. You'll go through a few fights, try out new heroes, and see that it's mostly the same shit. After a few dozen hours, you'll fuck off and play something else. There's just no depth to it even with battlerites changing how you play your favorite character.
You'll also probably love/hate the fotm OP new character that Stunlock never thought about balancing before release
wtf I'm a furry now
Too bad her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Gets grating after 3 matches. Basically mute the game whenever I play her
>such a great design and such a weird voice
i'm somewhat new to this game but it feels like the main reason i lose matches is because it seems like my character fucking sucks against the characters my opponents are using
i went against pestilence and freya as jade and it seemed like i couldn't do shit
Big lesbian clits?
Bloodline Champions. Battlerite is basically the spiritual successor for BLC
how do they get a way w/ a character a centimeter away from exposing her butthole in a game whos target demographic is teens
jade is kinda shit in 2v2, no wonder
I don't really expect this game to maintain massive player levels, but at the same time interest spiked more or less through word of mouth. The game was always going F2P but what fucked it up even more was the damn near total radio silence and them dragging their heels on finally releasing the game. The marketing isn't even that major outside of being on Steam front page and the occasional streamer. If you want aggressive marketing campaigns to the point of smothering people for an overall shit product you look at Overwatch and literally any form of cross-brand promotion (food and such).
>land whale voices Loli
Wow that’s actually surprising
>How did the game get worse?
Personally I believe it all started from the October patch in 2016. But even after that patch it wasn't all that bad, and I was a bit biased because they completely changed my main's fundamentals. The game was still fun though other than a few characters who became too strong.
3v3 was always the more interesting game mode to me, but they seem to be favoring 2v2 because it was more popular (And probably still is)
Then this F2P patch is really when the game got incredibly stale. Yes there's a new hero, but they shouldn't have reworked the battlerite system. Loadouts are fucking retarded and each round is going to be the same. There's no more adaptation per round, no more round 3 turnarounds. No real strats. Its just been watered down to plain arena.
I don't even think the small community who stuck with the game wanted this change. And these people are also going to be largely ignored even though they love the game and want the best for the developers and battlerite as a whole.
The scyth character.
i like her middle part
whats wrong with having fun with a free game for a few dozen hours?
I play her quite a bit I can give you my 2 cents.
Her defensive options are pretty limited, you really only have a shield and roll which requires a bar. Beside that you have ways to separate with panic flask and clarity potion which pushes people away.
It is important to land these skills, if you get caught by yourself with nothing up you are as good as dead. You always want to position yourself so that this situation never happens. Play around your teammate.
Her shield is super powerful and should be your first defensive tool for you and your teammate. Of course, you don't want to use it after all the damage has already been dished out.
Her ult is very good at finishing people off with your partner. If you throw it on someone when they have no way escape it's very easy for you and your teammate to get good damage. You can also use clarity to knock people back into the poison.
Besides that, her attack and heals require practice. They are not too bad once you play her enough, but as you play better people it becomes more imperative to land as many things as possible.
damn there's a bunch of popular people playing this shit right now
did they get fucking terrible voice acting on purpose? is this game supposed to be some ironic commentary on league of legends? These fucking lines they gotta read arent helping either, holy shit someone at the office had a kid and asked them to write lines for the game
user please youre making me hard
The thing that bothers me the most is it COULD be a game that maintains a massive player level. They made bad decisions all around, it's not just advertising that I'm getting at here.
Overwatch definitely has a crazy amount of shilling, even more so than anything else I've seen, and I played a shit ton of that game too and played at a high level in both overwatch and battlerite. I almost feel like both developers made the game mistakes with the lack of content and poor gameplay changes.
summits been streaming it for 2 days now seems like he enjoys it
> just land every skillshot breh
guess I'm staying off that bitch and anyone that requires aim
sure lets see him keep playing beyond the time paid for
Hoping it last honestly. The fights are the most enjoyable parts of MOBA's for me and having a game that's just a couple minutes of beating the shit out of each other with full powered characters and no extra stuff like laning phase or leveling up is great
Fuck Raigon.
I'd rather play against Thorn. He's in almost every single game too.
This. It's fun as fuck. Skips right to the best part, with no bullshit fluff like mobs, laning, etc.
are they paying him? wouldnt it say sponsored in his stream title
what's with all the ironic furfags
It's a goddamn deer. How the fuck are you this desperate?
this is a literal shill thread and blossom was a character made specifically for the purpose of thumbnail-bait
The game should be judged and criticized on its own merits. Faulting a company for trying to raise awareness of their product at all is dumb though and saying good games need zero marketing is honestly naive.
That said fuck Overwatch.
I'm looking to have fun from time to time, not make this game my life. I don't need much beyond versus.
very few people actually play mobas for the combat. all the stuff you mentioned is what i find about mobas. i love laning and working the economy in moba games, and i love translating that to an advantage in a future fight
I'm with the other guy, all that shit you like is boring. Landind skillshots is fun.
please stop calling aiming "skillshots"
reminder that this month we'll get the really progressive character
I enjoy MOBA's for what they are as well, I actually like the slower matches of your typical MOBA where every little action could lead to an advantage somewhere down the road, but its nice to have a quick brawl option with this game
You can put battlerites to make your panic flask aoe and much easier to land. You can also hit walls and it will explode.
Your ult and clarity flask are big aoes, if you want to separate yourself you have to just click between the enemy and yourself.
You just have to target near someone for shield and roll is directional, those are mostly cool down based.
More like "We want the Metroid and Ghost in the Shell audience"
I hope she's boorish abd aggressive, that shit turns me on.
Who here /croakbois/
>she does a perfect ohoho
W-what is this feeling?
i hope her VA won't be fucking trash
tell that to those games werent f2p at launch
He probably got paid the first day and now he actually enjoys it
Battlerite was buy to play for over a year
What is its monetization model? Do you have to grind to unlock champions? Is it full of third-worlders?
You have to unlock champions in this game? Or is that just a cosmetic thing?
You have to unlock characters but with an option to buy all of them for life, similar to Smite. There's a handful unlocked at the start.
You get Jade for free (tutorial character) then you have to unlock others which range from ~900 gold (easy-to-play characters) ~2200 and like ~4500 for the new characters.
Couple characters are free-rotation