Which one do you pick?

Which one do you pick?

push the fat man

Push the fat man

wait until the train hits the people and then push the fatty

Pushing the fat man is always the correct answer. Even if there's no other people on the tracks.

Push the fatass. Fat people are literally SJW/liberal tier.



jump in front of the train
im fat enough ;_;

push the murrifat

>tfw ~360lb

just end my life

Can we push the fat man behind the five others?

>it doesnt even state that pushing the fat man would stop the train
>still push him just to watch him die

oh hey i just finished this game. i really enjoyed it

>implying i give a fuck about fatties
push the subhuman waste of oxygen on the tracks

>being more than 190pounds
Unless you're over 6' you disgust me

Jump in front of the enormously fat man.

>Which one do you pick?

Its a trick question. The answer does not matter as much as how ones brain reacts to the answer which one would have chosen.

So it really does not have any right answer. Since the goal of that question is make better known a persons psyche by measuring the reactions the brain has to what answer is chosen.

If you don't push the fat man, you're a piece of shit, and no mater how hard you try to convince yourself, you ARE responsible for the deaths of those 5 people.

The Law has had an answer for this for literally over a hundred years.
You have no positive duty to act at common law to someone you have no prior relationship with (some exceptions apply etc).
Pushing the fat man amounts to murder as you intentionally pushed him with full knowledge/were able to forsee he would be hit.

The answer must necessarily be B there is no quandary here.

I prefer to be a murdered than let 5 non-fat people die.

>being under 6'

lmfao when will you little ones learn?

>if you're not above 6' you're a manlet
fuck off

There is literally no indication on the facts presented that any of the 5 people are not fat.


geoffrey the giraffe lookin nigga

just lose weight retard
eating less than 2000 calories a day isn't that hard

If 1 fat man can stop the train, those 5 people aren't as fat, so, better that way.

I enjoy the creativity of this

I decided to eat severely less and dropped 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Didn't even increase the amount i worked out

I see none have taken a psychopath test

It's easy to say that sacrificing one for the good of many is the correct answer when that sacrifice isn't yourself. The answer is B, because I wouldn't want someone to push me to save 5 other people. In a situation like this, I wouldn't mind sacrificing myself for like mmm, maybe a thousand or so people? But 5 people is barely anything.

post more ameriorcs

>Americans past this point aren't considered human
But they are at 0%?