>that guy who plays a Dwarf in fantasy games
That guy who plays a Dwarf in fantasy games
Other urls found in this thread:
t. manlet
>that guy who plays as elves in fantasy games
Objective fantasy race tier list
Elves"Dark" Versions of Above Races
Furry Races (Cat Men, Wolf Men, Rat Men, Lizardmen, etc)
Meme Non-Races (Skellingtons, Wookies, etc)
Literally everything too special to not be listed already
>god tier
maybe if you're a boring faggot
>not god tier
But dude don't you know playing as a human is red pilled? Doos volt! xP
objectively correct
>hur i'm the special snowflake
>shit tier
Tolkein races
>god tier
actual effort put into races
>that guy who plays as a Human
Robots are snowflake tier, Pelinal.
>That guy who is actually interested in the lore and aesthetics for a furry race
You're suppose to fap to them and make everyone uncomfortable as you descent into madness.
>doesn't like skellies
Horrid taste. Never post again.
>Not liking being a stylish Blood Elf
Alliance is too faggy.
>dwarf race
>has an english accent
dwarves are always the most insufferable faggots who's only trait is LE WACKY ELF HATE XD. I;d rather play with a tiefling then a dwarf.
No seriously, I fucking hate gnomes and I don't even know why, when I played warsong gulch I wanted to crush those little shits the instant I saw them.
>t. elf
>not playing as dwarves
That goes to the book.
>he's never had the misfortune of playing with a dwarf whose sole defining character traits are "im and obnoxious drunk and i hate elves"
im envious
>be literal homo
>see blood elf DHs get added to the game
>half of their tmog options let you be shirtless so you can dash around as a hot half naked elf boy
Legion was a good expac.
Yeah, the blood elves are kind to the eye.
>Several cool fantasy races to choose from
>He plays a human
>play game with multiple playable races
>the armor is all made with the human model in mind first
>the devs are lazy pieces of shit so when other races wear the same armor it just stretches, clips constantly, and looks awful when on Humans it looks perfect
>Played a Dwarf
>Everyone wanted me to be the loud drunk comic relief character when I just wanted to be an honorable warrior
being a dwarf is suffering
I like my deviant humanoid races divided and subjugated. All non human races should be "the other", rare and persecuted.
Fuck them
Who /Orc/ here
>played Dwarf Cleric
>neutral good
>Garl Glittergold
>DM wanted me to come up with an excuse better than "I get access to a greater variety of spells"
>picked amnesia
>later refined to normal dwarven cleric blasphemes against gnome god
>mfw I pranked my enemies
>with death, and shitty shitty jokes
The best part of that, I was completely validated in my spell choice and putting points into bluff.