You start up a new MMORPG in the same vein as World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy 14...

You start up a new MMORPG in the same vein as World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy 14. You're greeted with these choices of shoes.

Once you select a pair, they're equipped immediately and can never be removed. These are the only shoe options in the entire game, too.

Which do you choose?

Leather Boots.

>Which do you choose?
I'd uninstall and refund the game, that's fucking retarded.

Leather boots is the only correct choice really.

If it's about as hard as WoW or FF14 i'm picking boots of haste.

Boots of haste are objectively the best and magic boots are the worst

Boots of Haste, ez.

Magic boots are worthless

Haste are tier 1

>Once you select a pair, they're equipped immediately and can never be removed. These are the only shoe options in the entire game, too.
i would uninstall this shitty game

>outside combat and aggro range
Fucking useless.

haste haste haste haste
gotta go fast

Leather for tanks/melee
Magic for casters and ranged
Haste for faggots

>in the vain as WoW or FFXIV
uninstall because I'm not an idiot who plays shit games because of peer-pressure. FFXI and Everquest styled MMOs are actually fun unlike your dogshit WoW which started off as a second-hand rip-off of the worst elements of Everquest and FFXI


>Only one boot does anything during combat.
>The other two are during safe, non-combat times.

The only answer is Leather.


Movement speed increases efficiency.

Leather is the only one that actually has an in-combat use. There is no other option.

This, and with an MMO that I would guess makes you pay for teleportationt, and assuming you're not some sort of mage that would have a skill like that, movement speed outside of combat increases your efficiency, +20% is a vast improvement and you would likely earn enough gold to buy a separate piece of armor that would offer a much higher damage reduction.
l o l

You'd be more efficient, but at endgame in fully geared sets, you'd be taking 5% more damage than a leather boots user.

Tanks would require the leather boots, it simply wouldn't be a choice.

Efficiency doesn't mean much at end game. You'll see a whole bunch of people spamming chat with "LF2M leather boots only".

I've never stuck with an MMO to get that far into it and moving slower would make me burn out even faster so that's not really my problem, I can see how they would be more valuable there, especially since you would likely have a mount or something by that point.

>hold w for three hours
gotta go haste

Leather, not invincible nut every bit counts
>not using the autorun feature

But you cant take off your boots.

>prioritizing 5% DR over literal hours of your life
just get a decent healer

>implying you wont save more time by not dying thanks to 5% DR
At least you can run back to your corpse faster, scrub.

>implying i ever go to 5% HP
who's the scrub again

>fighting shit so low level you don't lose HP
No wonder it takes so much time for you to level, holy shit. 5% DR means you can fight stronger enemies and level faster, kid.

Who the fuck WOULDN'T pick leather

None of them
Freeing my feet

it's mmoshit if you can't fight enemies 7lvls higher at all times then you're literally stupid

Maybe you just play shit MMOs.