Am I a huge pussy or is Doki Doki Literature Club the scariest game ever made...

Am I a huge pussy or is Doki Doki Literature Club the scariest game ever made? I literally feel sick the more I progress through this, and the fact that I can relate with the depressed girl only makes me feel even sicker.

Anyone here beat it? If so, what tips can you share with a weak pussy like me to get through it?

Kill yourself.

>what tips can you share with a weak pussy like me to get through it?
It's a fucking video game, how can it be scary?

You wouldn't understand if you've never played it. It will give you anxiety and fuck with your head. You'll literally never want to be alone again man. That's why it has warnings, I wouldn't be surprised if someone kills themselves after playing it.

You're a huge pussy, dude. It's not really scary, just a little creepy-like.

Kill yourself.

image being this gay lol

You're a huge pussy and this trash is nothing but cheap crap - ripped off from another VN, no less.

Take your edgy metashit and shove it up your ass, you faux weeb.

Kill yourself! ^_^

>kys kys kys xD Kappa

It sure is the weekend.

Don't worry OP: it's pretty scary

Kill yourselves.

Nobody would even care if they killed themselves.

When does the game go nuts and get not boring? I don't know if I can handle playing this, I'm falling asleep on it.

ddlc is many things. Depressing, relatable, emotionally manipulative.
But it's not that scary.

Play it pussy.

Did you get to hang out with Sayori yet?

It unsettled me more than any horror game has done in years.


>I find the only good part boring.
Don't worry, your creepy pasta bits will come soon.
Or you could just read any shitty creepy pasta and be good.

Depends on what you mean by hanging out, she hit her head grabbing some crayons. I just wanna get with Monika already and see what her deal is, from what I've gathered by the spoilers I've seen so far she's aware she's in a video game so that's all I really care about.

Are you serious? I wish I could get into a game this much. It's pretty cool what this game manages to do and it is very creepy. Anyone else still fapped to it?

But Natsuki legit scares the shit out of me. I don't wanna spoil anything, but there's a scene where she gets real jealous and I jumped out of my seat. Then the Sayori imagery...oh God the Sayori imagery.

I can't take this man. I'd rather fight 20 knife wielding niggers than continue with this.
Save Me.

I did, I don't know why everyone though it was scary.

She controls the game

Kill yourself.

I figured she wanted to find a way out of the game after her first two poems. Does she turn out to be more of an evil mastermind?

so, whats up with this pussified Sup Forums? wheres the download link?

This game made me realize that depression really is an illness. If you know anyone who you think is depressed, please help them. Treasure your friends anons.

I'm a pussy too my man. That being said if you find the characters interesting neck yourself the only good one is Monika and that's after the tweeest

Please don't put your filthy and violent words into my girlfriend's mouth, you ingrate. Thank you.

Never had any interest on this game but still kinda bummed the whole twist is out of the bag and no one will be surprised now.

Still, meta4thwallshit is such a cliche when it comes to VNs

The game isn't that scary honestly. If anything, it just made me extremely depressed.

Free on Steam.

Why is the song that plays during the weekend with Yuri so relaxing to listen to?

Western garbage, even worse than Katawa Shoujo.

Why did that chick talk about Super Smash Brothers to me?

6s.ogg in the trackrip.
It's just 'Play With Me' slowed down but I fucking love it. Still salty Dan didn't include it in the OST.


So is this game being shilled or what?

it was shilled here since the day it came out a few months ago

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.

Kill yourself.

I really think you should kill yourself, Sayori.