
Which version of nep-nep is your favorite version of nep-nep?

For me it's a toss-up between 4go nep-nep and anime nep-nep, but Re;birth 1 nep-nep is right there, too.

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Nepbike is great.

Probably VII, then anime. I do like 4GO nep though, but I haven't played it yet. The sprite art has really improved since re;birth 1, but it's always been good.

Nepbike was good, but she never really got a chance to shine

So what's the deal with Nep? Is she good to go or what?

Of course

She's a crossborder though.

A what


>Which version of nep-nep is your favorite version of nep-nep?
Whichever nep-nep could nep the most nep if a nep-nep could nep nep.

Why would I go to neppit? All theu do is post lewds and talk about fucking rom and ram. Even nepgen is better

I like this nep, you can see her cute butt in some of the frames


Best butt


Even Nep can't help me now.

So what was the most recent nep you played and which is your favorite

I never played one of them, but i liked the anime. Wish they made more

4go was my most recent

Favorite is probably VII, but 4go is up there too. It was a blast.

Nep vs SeHa is my most recent. V-II is the best so far.

PH best Nep

>most recent
HDN It was subpar, but not as subpar as people make it out to be, in my opinion

Original not Rebirth 1?


Most recent: Cyberdimension
Favorite: VII

Vert game soon.


I want to have sex with Nep. She's like 12, right?

I want more midriff IF

>So what was the most recent nep you played
4go. Just got the 4 Goddesses. They kinda suck due to all 4 of them HAVING THE SAME FUCKING MOVES.

Plus their weapons are worse than Rom's 200+ power katana

>and which is your favorite

> They kinda suck due to all 4 of them HAVING THE SAME FUCKING MOVES.
Just the magical attacks
>Plus their weapons are worse than Rom's 200+ power katana
Well, it doesn't matter much if the PH and BH deals more than double damage than Rom

>Well, it doesn't matter much if the PH and BH deals more than double damage than Rom
maybe at max levels but right now they are at 40.

Rom is at 63


Who thought it was a good idea to make the goddesses start at level 40.

This series needs more straight relationships.

she already have 4go, what else she want?

The best 4GO characters gameplay wise

Nepgear/Green Heart for breaking boss break gauges almost immediately

Noire/Rom for dps. You can kill most bosses in one break by spamming the right move.

Is that Warechu a trap or a girl?

Maybe before clearing the game. For end game fights, no character can come close to Purple Heart or Black Heart.

That's not true.

a guy

He's a male (male) with 100% working male parts.

I'm taking you don't know what you're talking about. Neither Noire nor Rom can deal even 50% of what Purple Heart can do.

The game is easy enough no matter who you use.
I just pumped all the stat increasing items into Vert and only player as her because she's my favorite.

It's true that PH and BH are the two highest damage dealers, but people like to grossly exaggerate the damage difference between the next two below them, including taking into account skill animation canceling.

Try soloing the level 200 multiplayer missions with Vert lol.
The main story is easy, but end game fights are intense.

It's taking into account animation cancelling. PH can deal 3.5M per guard break, BH can do 2.8M, and Rom and Noire somewhat between 1.5M and 1.8M depending on luck.

She's a goddess, so no. However, her body may be like that of a 12 year old




For lv200 online quests I prefer using Black Heart and White Heart since their strongest skills are AoE Both of them can clear Cheater Cheetah in 1 guard break by standing in the center of them and spamming skills. Never actually tried spamming PH's AoE skill instead of Up Slice, though, so I don't know if she can do that as well. But anyway, I don't even play 4GO anymore since I already capped stat boosters on the characters I care about.

You can get the 4 Cheetahs with the same Upslide, and use the AoE skill only to break guard and build Awakening for the 20% bonus damage/200 combo for the extra damage. Purple Heart would still be faster since not only does she breaks the gauge faster with her AoE, but also does more damage with Uplice.

I hope if 4GO2 comes out, there's more stuff to do. There was only like 2 weeks worth of gameplay for me.

Well, it's a spin-off after all. Remember that Nep U, SeHa and Blanc game barely last more than 10 hours.

Why do people hate the makers?

I don't think people hate them, but the makers that aren't IF and Compa don't stick around for many games.

The last Nep game I played was Re;birth 2, and couldnt be assed to finish it even though I loved MK2 when it first came out. I really fell off this series

I do hate them though. Generic and bland characters with no development.

Why aren't you helping CWC right now and praying to the goddesses?

Except Iffy did get development.

Gotta love those token black officers.



Do you have any more winter nep
Or winter anime girls in general? Really need some.


Winter Nep is good.

Reminder that if they put the guy who tried to marry Blanc in this game if Cwc keeps this up he will be in the next one

if (put guy tried to marry Blanc into this game)
if (cwc keeps this up){
cwc will be in next game

Can you please structure your pseudo-codes better the next time around?

You all are absolutely disgusting individuals and there is no hope for any of you.

>on this imageboard
you should have known better


thank you for the winter neps
something about anime girls bundled up in warm winter clothes makes me happy.


Best version of Nep is slutty PH

Big Nep is better than PH honestly.

best one


Cute chibi nep.

oh yes
very good too


This one is even better than the snowball fight one. They look so comfy.

imagine touching their cold butts

eh wet clothes suck ass to wear
no good

>not liking your neps wet

I prefer my neps J O O C Y

I want them to be comfy and snug. Wet neps are no good




I guess she's comfy but that beanbag looks like a mound of shit.


Did Nepgear break her sister's knee so she could dote on her?

This reeks of Misery, please make sure that Nep is safe!

What present are you asking for from Santanep this year?


A real live Blanc.
Or just her hat.

She doesnt have to give me anything, instead I will give something to her

>welcome to welcome to neptunia park