Salty Sup Forums tales

>break leg 3 weeks ago. Compound fracture.
>be in debt from medical bill.
>can't use bank account/bank card online, bank will suck up due to overdraft from medical bill.
>suddenly remember champion amiibo release.
>The only store near close enough to my place is a target and it's 30 miles out, can't drive with leg in cast and giga-drowsy painkillers.
>Call over niece before phone dies, tell her to get Revali.
>She understands and drives out.
>nod off
>She returns with Daruk instead.
>Literally the last Daruk in stock and no other champions to be found.
>she attempted to call to tell me but my phone was dead long before I nodded off.
>Can't blame her, can't order online now. Remain Revali-less.
>She busts out Powersaves portal.
>Bought it with her own money at a gamestop even farther off.
>Figure out how to use the power tag really easy.
>Spend all day to find out that nobody bothered to dump any of the champion amiibo data anywhere.
I guess I have Daruk now, Was gonna get it way later when it was cheaper, and it's not bad... but I wanted that fucking Vah Medoh helm really fucking bad and the Revali Amiibo just to match my only other Amiibo (Falco).

Is there any user on the planet salter than I?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, and quit being a bitch. Amiibos are terrible.

>Paying for healthcare
You silly, silly boy

amiibos normally get dumped after a few days, calm the fuck down and be patient

I think the best part about your story is that Revali is the only one still going for MSRP online, but thanks to your dumb ass being in debt due to not having insurance, you can't even get it.

I guess if you count bitching about them being terrible as an opinion, that could qualify as you being saltier...

But then again, It's a tough call on me from a lifestyle standpoint. Working at a wildlife
preserve and having a collected a bunch of bird-themed material as a hobby while being
in the middle of nowhere seems less something that's unrelated to why you personally
have grievances with Amiibo.

You're entitled to have whatever opinion you want, but please, do at least make an effort
to offer a personally salty tale of your own. I can only extrapolate so little from your

Revali is the worst character and you sound like a gay furry.
How’d you break your leg? Some kind of kink gone wrong?


>wildlife preserve
>bird themed shit
Goddamn furries

I have Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Social Security Disability, Vocational Rehabilitation, Pell Grants and Subsidised Loans.

I literally do nothing but get A's, fuck 18 to 24 year old grillz and play vidya.

Oh and I'm 32.

Living the Dream

I went to the store with my mummy. I only had enough good boy points for 3 of them. I begged her to buy me the fourth but she wouldn't. WHAT FUCKING BITCH
I made this thread because I wanted to hear Sup Forums tales of salt from other anons. If the thread title wasn't indicative of that...

Literally encouraging a reseller market by paying for artificially rare toys is a terrible platform for business when the rare toys include in game content. Your priorities are way out of line and you are an entitled bitch thinking that having at worst to wait for what you want once it gets dumped.

Nigga ain't nobody gonna do exactly what you want them to do, especially if you fucking TELL them.

Do you not understand niggas at all? We dumb. And we angry. And we gonna do the exact opposite just to spite your ass. Nigga.

You just have to be smart about when you order them, as well as patient. They do random unannounced restocks all the time, because that's just how Nintendo rolls.

>Want hear tales of salty Sup Forums moments from other anons.
>Tell own story first
>Get shitposted to oblivion by anons trying to look cool on an anonymus message board by ignoring the point of the topic.

I work the same type of thing that Steve Irwin does minus the popularity and
fame, It's no different than having interests in cars, films, book or whatever else. I practically work at a museum, but it all gets reduced to Freudian shitposting. I expected some shit, but damn.

Seems the best Sup Forums had to offer really did migrate to 8ch during the Sup Forums and sjw invasions. Damn I miss pre-2010 Sup Forums.

nowhere did you make it clear that's what you wanted

literally nobody reads the title

>make a shitty thread
>blame everyone else
Sup Forums hasn't changed a bit and neither have you

Professional negligence on the job.
My harness came loose from a cliff ledge when I was scaling down to inspect a tagged nest since one of the eagles didn't move for 3 days.

Confimed that it was dead and my assistant lost focus on the harness after I called it and I slipped a bit when I moved to retrieve the body. (standard procedure is to relocate the eggs and destroy/bury the body.) Since the top pin wasn't completely secure, I dropped an additional 20+ feet and against a pine on my way down, forward with leg snagged between two thick branches. Left shin in two pieces and knee bent completely back.

But I guess by edgy nu-Sup Forums standards, this is considered bsdm. I'm sure somebody will find a way to warp it, given time.

I either didn't infer it clearly through my replies, poorly worded it or I simply overestimated Sup Forums's ability to process information because honestly after I saw , I started to realize that people weren't reading, because I don't recall begging for a dump. I even stated that I spent all day figuring this out.

Nice blog

>muh healthcare
Should have voted for Bernie, bruh.

Thanks for reminding me that these came out today. I drove over to my target even though it was an hour before closing time as a long shot. And they still had 2 of each ones.

I'm sure Nintendo will make more of them.