argue as to why I should buy fallout 2 over NV ultimate, or vice versa
I'm somewhat leaning towards Fallout two as it's half the price of new vegas ultimate, and contains the whole game without needing to buy DLC
Or spend a little more and get both. How broke are you that you can't get both? FO2 has been out for over a decade. It could run on a toaster, and can't be more than 10, considering nv:u is like 20 max?
m8 you can get NV ultimate for $5 and FO2 for like $1 on Steam/GOG sales. There's literally no reason not to play both.
pretty sure DLC never goes on sale and I'm looking to buy ASAP
Nv is $20, FO 2 is $10
Also, I'm trying to save up for college
Have you played Fo1 yet?
Nah, I hear Fallout 2 has more freedom which is why I chose that over fallout 1
Fo1 is better, play that first.
And don’t pay for them, just pirate the GoG versions and install the Fixt patches for both of them. What are you, some kind of moralfag?
>I'm looking to buy ASAP
You can't wait a month and a half?
I already have NV, just w/o DLC
Just something to note