Tfw no maplestory classic

>tfw no maplestory classic

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But you have reboot already which is a non-pay2win world.
Unless you count the pet tax which is required to have a good time.

Reboot is not the same concept as what OP wants.

Honestly I don't understand why Nexon hasn't done an actual Maplestory Classic. It's a goldmine waiting to happen and it would destroy all the private servers out there in one fell swoop.

private servers my dude

I've actually been wondering the chances of something like that happening
The shitty thing is while it'd be fun at first, I don't think it'd have the charm of discovering and playing MapleStory for the first time again
You'd know exactly what to do, where to go, what to point your AP/SP point into; the magic and feeling of adventure just wouldn't be there

>Farm Meso to buy a Fruit Knife and a Wooden Shield
>Get a Red Bandana drop
>Feel like a badass


Maplestory pre-bb was my life back in the day. But going back to it wouldn't be the same today.

it wasn't the game that kept me playing, it was the friendships that I made. Sadly, they're all gone and there's no way to get them back...

literally some of the best days of my life now that I think about it. fuck.

prebb maplestory was pure cancer and will not hold up in 2017

You guys know that old Maplestory is ACTUAL shit, right?

>Each class has two stats
>Only one of those stats ACTUALLY matters
>Because of this, no one wears class gear, everyone just runs around in awful looking bathrobes
>Mages have no accuracy stat, it's impossible to miss for them
>Warriors are the only class that isn't ranged besides bandit, meaning they can get kill stealed all the time
>No reason to party up
>Horrible class balance, Cleric/Priest/Bishop is BEYOND broken
>"Let's give a class a heal move that kills high level monsters and also a buff that literally increases XP gain lol"
>Certain classes like Page don't even get a new attack skill until like Job 3/4 meaning they literally use Job 1 attack skills for hundreds of hours
>The fucking grind, dear fucking lord, the grind. I get that it makes sense, but come on, no one would play on a x1 EXP server.

And this is all shit I just thought up of without any research. HP washing is especially the fucking worst, ESPECIALLY if it was an official "classic" server, because then HP washing would cost you HUNDREDS of dollars and literally be Pay2Win. In conclusion: Fuck off, Maplefags.

This is not me saying that modern Maplestory is better by the way, it does fix some glaring gameplay issues with old Maplestory, but in turn creates tons of it's own issues, like feature creep, tons of fucking events, tons of meaningless quests/events, WAY too many classes and abilities and shit. Just general a fucking piece. There are literally level 10-250 "speedruns" of Modern Maplestory.

>ywn kill slimes in the slime tree on your christmas break from school with the christmas events going on
the amount of cozy I felt during that break was something else

neo tokyo when

post your mark of the beta

>MSfags are actually rational and can separate their nostalgia from facts and reality
Holy shit, this is brilliant. Another blow to the dumb masses of WoW shitters that have poured in recently.

>maplestory was some of the best days of our life
I consider people like you guys to be my closest brothers in this world...

>so much fiction dreams about the future of video games and MMOs and online interaction
>you already lived to see the golden age of it quickly pass away in the blink of an eye
I’m on the verge of crying
What the fuck went wrong?

Somewhat, but I want a big community again, but I don't see that with a classic server. I do like how some of the classes played pre-big bang. I seriously don't know what the fuck they did to the archer classes.

I only played open beta, so I never got it
I fell in love with the game though, and it easily became my secondary MMO to FFXI

>Implying nostalgia fags wont play for a week before realizing how shit classic was and how they were blinded by rose-tinted glasses

>golden age

hasnt started yet. The REAL golden age will be when VR figures out how to make a real MMO. With movements and attacks that arent clunky and realized fishing and farming

fucking this, I did mapleroyals last year and even with 4x EXP the grind was way too insane

Private servers aren't the same, they lack the robust community that made it fun despite the flaws. An official classic server would fix that.

>vr runescape
>now I can look around and see people chopping trees and ask fishing lvls while someguy doing the moonwalk glitch passes by
The potential is there

Yeah you're not going to get the same community that classic maplestory had. Early 2000's was a different era man. Look at Old School Runescape as reference.

Maplestory classic wouldn't work in 2017. no one is social anymore.

Warriors and bowmen don't require a secondary stat for their gear so they often do use their class gear. It is true for the other classes though.
I thought that is what the secondary stat dexterity is for :^). Dexless warriors are for those who are willing to fund them or are willing to be very patient to merch for the money and items required to get the accuracy for a decent hit rate.
>Mages have no accuracy stat, it's impossible to miss for them
They do miss, at least more so than archers and thieves since magic doesn't net as much accuracy as dex or luck. Honestly there shouldn't be any punishing accuracy restrictions on mages, you want them to be like the warriors you are complaining about?
>Warriors are the only class that isn't ranged besides bandit, meaning they can get kill stealed all the time
>No reason to party up
Holy Symbol in a party nets you a bunch of experience with a few other people in the party. Was great doing Goby parties, or even Newtie or Skele. It helps monsters spawn in the map faster in various areas along with that HS exp boost. Though the longer the game was out the less willing people were to party up.
Don't even know if it was initially intentional, but they did keep it in and it is crummy that ranged characters need to do it to do Horntail early, or even do Pink Bean.
>Horrible class balance, Cleric/Priest/Bishop is BEYOND broken
They are only good for training and getting into boss parties with buffs. They aren't known for their one on one damage. Are Bishops much better than the other two mages? By a long shot. Can anyone stop a Bishop if they decide to nuke their map? Only if you're a mage. You could have pointed out other classes on how under powered or over powered they were in situations. The worst are the under powered ones.

nothing like some pasta for dinner

I guess it's that time again:

Are you sure you don't wish you could go back?

I've already walked that road of regrets user.

This is the unfortunate truth
I'd love for MMOs similar to FFXI and Maple to make a comeback; where they were grindy as fuck but also rewarding at the same time
None of that party-finder bullshit
You want to do something? Form a party with people

Most MMOs nowadays have party-finding features, or even worse; content and dungeons that can be done completely by yourself
Couple that with a generation that is already used to MMOs that require little to no social interaction and it just wouldn't work

Half the fun of playing early MMOs imo was coming out of your shell and talking to people, whether it was to form a party to level up, do a party quest or simply asking for help

that's where you fucked up
bad server overall

I'm not done yet:

Remember all those friends you made? Remember just hanging out in the low level areas? Remember how crowded those low level areas were? Remember chilling in the sauna? Remember playing the drop game?

This exactly.
People don't talk the way they used to before.
People were more open and such.
I was in a guild back in the day where everyone acted like buddies.
Never saw that again and I was with the game for years.

Why does Oldschool Runescape work then?

It is funny because I was never a chatty person, but if someone hit me up to party often times I'd be down. Then depending what they needed help with I would help them. I have escorted low levels out of Sleepywood and even gave some poor guys Eos Tower scrolls when they were stuck in Omega.

1. xXDexl3ssS4suk3Xx
3. are you israeli?
4. Got track?
5. cc plz
6. B>SCROLLS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2
7. Pan Lids and Kumbi were FKING expensive
8. Tiger and Suuushi
9. Falling into that golem pit when going from Henesys to Sleepy woods
10. That damn iron hog at pig beach
11. When everyone wanted a thief in the party for Haste
12. Accidentally taking the black cab to Sleepy Woods as a noob, and have no messosfor the ride back
13. Hidden-street
14. Going to Orbis and El nath, not having money for the ride home
15. Waiting for mushmom
16. Get freaked out when the C. Balrogs arrived
17. Party members going apeshit when their leader didn't get them into the PQ
18. Autoclick hack
19. Only Scania, Bera, Broa, Windia
20. Screwing up your hair with Amoria hair coupon
21. Hype when Ludi came out
22. People losing their shit when they got defamed
23. Henesys hunting ground
24. F3
25. Do quest for 60% ATT gloves scrolls, then sells it for like 1.5 - 2 mil
26. +15 speed with Red Whip
27. Playing cards or that omok game with strangers
28. That noob with the buzz cut, white tanktop, blue shorts, red boots asking for mesos
29. Those ATT work gloves that were freaking expensive
30. Fangblade first to reach lvl 200

I wish I could go back and tell her that I loved her

Yeah exactly
I was the same way, but if anyone wanted to party or needed help with something, I'd be down for it
A lot of my friendships that I made were made through people helping me with quests or me helping people with different things

I know private servers are shit, but the Sup Forums guild we had on Mapleroyals in 2015 did recapture some of that 2005 feeling. We had like 100+ people join in the first week. Unfortunately, as with all Sup Forums guilds, there were some bad eggs that ruined a bit of the fun.

Wish we could get something like that rolling again, but Royals is the only one with 1000+ players but it's still broken and they've barely added anything.

It doesn't. If you've played it recently most people are attempting maximum XP potential and socializing is an XP waste. Sure there are some cool clan chats but other than that it's just not the same and pretty much feels like an offline MMO. Don't get me started on Sup Forumss OSRS clan chat... full of autists and literal trannies.

What was the highest level you reached ?
19X here

>3. are you israeli?
This is the one that hits me. I miss those israel noobs who begged for meso.

who knew that a korean mmo would be my most nostalgic game ever

I don't know why but I always lost my shit when someone mentioned mushmom. ThenI found out there was a mushdad and my sides left orbit

I recently joined a new v62 server...its in beta right now so theres only 8 players on a day max. theres some Sup Forumsros in here. it's p nice.

I literally can't believe this. I searched my old guild on a whim, and found someone that used to be in there on Steam. After 9 years, and he still remembered. How crazy is that?


It's because people who play Maplestory routinely go back to the game for at least a few weeks, and then quit again.

What made MS so good was the music and the atmosphere of the game; everyone was working together, there were people idling in basically every location to chat, and things like that. That doesn't happen anymore, so you don't just run casually into higher level players in Henesys Hunting Ground, who are willing to hang out and talk to you. It was a different time, with a different style of game being popular, and it'll never come back.
I miss the people I met along the way,
but the journey was one of the greatest times of my life.

Sup Forums's OSRS clan was pretty chill in 2013

>Do quest for 60% ATT gloves scrolls, then sells it for like 1.5 - 2 mil
tfw they were 5-6m in scania

there was this really weird chick who used to play this autistic shit in r9k tinychat like 3 years ago

i never understood how anyone could get into this game

someone here should make a game based on classic maplestory and kickstart it. at least the positives: comfy music, nice artsyle, and social integration, make it so people are more confined and have to communicate.

You know there was a Zombie Mushmom too right?

Best Boss.


MapleStory now, for better or worse, is pretty much a 2D cutesy graphic ARPG flashy moves; even moreso than it was before
Every class has some form of quick movement now to get around the screen quickly and attacks that are crazy strong, flashy and combo into other attacks, giving a form of style (and power)

It's not quite how it used to be, but if you don't mind grinding and you like action games, it's not all that bad

Thing is, Nexon made some improvements on the game. Going back and undoing the good along with the bad is not worth it.

That said, if they can focus on balancing enemy and player power better, as well as encouraging more social and team building content, it could get close to how things back were.

>Feel like playing Maplestory for the sake of nostalgia
>Reboot doesn't have pets available as loot
>Private servers all died or have a shitty vote system that takes days before you get the nexon items you want

What they really should be doing is combining the good with the good.

Keep all the new late-game content.
Collapse all the new class bloat.
Emphasize the social aspect again. Force people to cooperate, bring back PQs, discourage the solo grind.
Bring back the old boat rides, get rid of that plane shit and hyper teleport rocks.
Make classes feel distinct again. Stop fucking giving warriors flash jump and mages multi-hit critical attacks.
Restore the old maps. The revamped Victoria Island is a joke and destroyed so much of the adventure.

i have 3 on scania if i knew my login. i know the username but not the login pin or password and i don't have the email anymore

Who /bera/ here?

If you really wanted to, you could submit a ticket with their tech team and let them know as much as you could about the account, but you'd need to go through the trouble of submitting valid ID like a passport image / driver's license. But that's only if you really wanna go through the trouble of playing again.

Game was fucking shit, the only thing that made it bearable was the chat.

It's a shame you had to fucking pay for world or server messages. Wasted potential due to korean jews.

GOAT video or GOAT video?

>enemies use to do big damage to you, so much so that some classes needed to outright not touch them
>thus aggro was important
>thus knockback and other cc skills were important
>map layout and map gimmicks also were more important

I mean, I don't want enemies to oneshot us, but at least give them something interesting. Make elemental attacks/weaknesses be a thing again, undead status, or status effects in general.

>Vanilla server

Man, I sure miss having to roll these stupid fucking die for a perfect stat roll. Boy was it fun.

It sometimes took me HOURS to get a perfect roll.

If you're not memeing and actually want to play classic Maplestory:

>no more making friends looking for party quest
>no more exploring new maps
>no more asking new players best spot and rumors

i want to go back to internet 2.0

kult you autistic piece of shit

NOTHING destroys pirate server and not certainly a Classic server. The only chance is sending strictly enforced C&D warnings and lawsuits. Many games from that era already have 'classic' servers. Everquest, Ultima, Nexus, Ragnarok, etc.


would that shit even work if i never gave them that info before that? i think i made the account when i was like 13

>Reboot is the same concept as what OP wants
Have you ever fucking played Reboot? It's pretty much just the same shit as normal servers except instead of spending $1,000 on every piece of equipment for 24%+ stats you're farming mesos on Kanna's for hours on end hoping that your 9b mesos is enough to get 24%+ stats. And don't even fucking get me started on node farming.

>basically just make everything good
This is not how it works

That's ignoredfence, a massive autist who's idea of enjoyment is non-stop grinding and never socializing.

mapleglobal is a match made in heaven for people like that when you think about it. It's also dead.

It should, if I remember right. They ask you for as many details as possible, like what world you played in, the names of some of your characters, etc etc. If you can remember the old email, username, etc, you can give it a shot - I mean it's better than not doing so if you /really/ want to try and get the account back and all.
Just again, you gotta factor in the personal info with the passport / driver's license / etc. I tried recovering an old account I had some of the info for, and they were willing to help me out, but I wasn't comfortable sending an image of something like that to them especially since it was a throwaway account back when 3 characters was the max for an account per world.

>Reboot is the same concept as what OP wants
He said it wasn't the same you fucking moron.

Sometimes you just have to accept that good things don't last forever.

Well then imagine I'm replying to

>ever interacting with people from Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums

I've had a lot of bad experiences, but it can work, if only temporarily.

Can you like, fucking stop?

Grinding is fun but god damn is bossing boring as sin. You basically stand around in one spot holding down your attack key.

That's only for stationary bosses. All the PQ bosses move.

No I'm not. But that's at least a name I recognize so I guess it's getting warmer.

>yfw he jumps on the platform

Royals is shit, fucking can't grind enemies for quests without some faggot sperging out about you stealing their kills and threatening to report you because the first player to enter a room is the owner of that room until they leave.


Will there ever be another good private server?


I still remember having that image as my wallpaper for a long-ass time. And for a long time having never seen the horny mushrooms.

what made you drop maplestory, Sup Forums?

>finished high school and started looking into design courses
>picked up a macbook to learn adobe software
>maplestory wasn't compatible
>couldn't get bootcamp to work properly
>using PC at home, fell victim to the trade shop exploit around 2011
>got hacked a third and final time in the six years playing, shortly after peaking at 2.1b for the first time ever
that was probably the biggest sign I needed to drop the game before going to college. It wasn't easy..

My computer couldn't run it anymore for whatever reason in 2009 or 10, and I couldn't play it again until I got a new computer in 2015, and by then too much had changed.


>you now remember applesuits

Oh I remember them, but I sure as hell didn't like them

I thought Maple Island was a fine tutorial area, and that the new stupid tutorial area was pretty dumb

Which of you fine gentlemen would like to play the drop game with my +10 work glove?? Just step in this free market portal right over here. I assure you it is perfectly safe.


been looking for this for ages. thanks.