Is she going to be in the next Smash Bros?
>implying that version will ever get released in NA
It's possible though I imagine her only screentime will be in the background and it works like reverse Pokemon Trainer where when you Switch out blades, Rex gets new weapons.
Final Smash would be the Driver Blade combo attack.
I'd smash her, bros
Depends on how well the game does, really. Either the game does well and it becomes their new golden child to shill whenever they can, or it does poorly and they shuffle it under the rug for another few years of REALLY FEELING IT
I wanna furiously plow Mithra!
I'm looking forward to 2 but I don't want them to shelf Shulk.
Look at that juicy pussy mound. The people designer her knew exactly what they were doing.
i hate games that made my dick think for myself. Do you guys think that this will be a good game? never finished xenoblade chronicles btw
What version? They are all the same.
i'd smash her, bros
what a disgusting design, good thing nintendo will fix her for the western release
>just noticed someone already said this
Thank goodness Nintendo is finally getting with the times.
if she were to get in, i think it would be a cool idea to have rex and pyra together as a type of ice-ys duo
I'd smash her, bros
Nah, there's an alternate costume version.
If you didn't like the orignial Xenoblade you're probably not going to like this one either. For me it's GOTY material though.
I'd smash her bros.
is she the monado? I'd fuck that sword
she wears a poncho in some story scenes to hide her identity
They won't it's practically guaranteed that they will work off of the same engine as Smash 4. Keeping in and adding tweaks to characters will be simple. Remember this is the new era of the Yakuza man he will want to be effective.
i'd smash her, bros
I was just saying what the alternate costume is
I'd let her smash my bros.
Nigga you gay
i'd let my bros smash me_
Too slutty, it would change the rating to Teen instead of E10+.
So we'll get the boy protagonist instead.
I seen an in game pic but cba finding it again. Pic related
Villains aren't welcome in smash
Mythra >>> Pyra
I think we can all agree
>says that when bayonetta exists and is in smash for wiiU, a E10+ game
she will be censored like kamui was
I like the red one more.
Yeah I would like for both her and Elma in the next Smash so all Xenoblades are represented. I get the feeling the next Smash will just throw in anyone they can if it really is essentially being a Smash 4 season 2.
Just to go off on side note, I feel like Nintendo should always try to get a Smash game out early in the console's life and support it through the entire generation. Use it to promote new characters in big first party releases. Add new stages frequently both for fun and for competitive. I feel like Smash would actually be well suited for a "games as a service" platform because rather than making you open lootboxes for random shit, they can sell new characters and stages and you can just buy whichever ones look appealing to you. I think the content rollout out on Smash 4 was decent. I'm happy with the DLC characters but in the end I wish we would have got more stages too. If the Wii U was a huge success the game would probably still be supported. I feel like the intent really was too support it for much longer considering the games were just called Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS. It seemed to imply they were trying to be the definitive Smash experience. But the home console version just didn't sell enough to warrant continued support for even longer than it got.
I'd smash her bros
But she's a sword?
if i download the jap version will there be an option for english audio?
Don't you have resetera to scurry off to, gaffurgee scum?
Don't tell me you actually fell for this Know Your Meme image
Why would you download the japanese version?
Going to buy a used switch just for this.
Seems like it might be more of a issue with Japan. Smash 4 got a A rating there, and a A rating is strict as fuck. They even had to actually censor one of its trophies, even included that dark void they throw under skirts. I guess those are panties. Also the Smash series ain't no stranger to a T rating, Melee and Brawl had it.
This is true, although they did alter some parts of her costume, mostly just the exposed skin along the back of her legs making it look like she's wearing stocking underneath, and that was probably from Japan's A rating.
Are all switch games blurry?
Nah just your eyesight.
I'd smash her bros
What a good slut design wasted on a shit series.
what the fuck, is this real?
Yes, and this family is eating with an bear.
no it's not real. stop believing ruses. check the archives.
I want her in, and you can switch between her and Mythra.
What bear? I only see a knight
Shes gonna be my next smash, bro.
Her boyfriend will likely bring her along.
I'm hoping to be in her and smash, if you know what I mean.
Rex for normal combat with Pyra coming in the arts/smash
No, it's Elma's turn.
I, for one, welcome the return of the iceclimbers.
Honestly I wouldn’t count on it.
In the eshop it only lists the languages for European countries with no Japanese option.
Most other simultaneous release games get Japanese voice options, which probably means Japan is getting a different uncensored version.
Only if them give her an ass to match those tits
It’s been a while since I’ve seen this, bravo user
Xenoshit will never get a second character in smash
It's too much of a filler flop franchise.
Gimme milky
>Giving her a com device.
My nigga
Bayonetta is in lol.
>Can't even leave her arms uncovered
>But leaves her ringers uncovered
I can already tell from these posts that this game is going to disappoint me
Please don't die.
Why don't you post about this on your tumblr blog?
He's gonna die.
Does this game have even one character design that isn't fucking stupid?
Why did you post a Tombstone user?
If she does, I hope it's not at the cost of actual best girl's roster slot.
Which is why she needs to come paired with her Driver.
>No personality
>Still cool
How did they do it?
>Everyone is going to ignore him because he looks like a fatass
the people who actually need to start a tumblr is you and all the thirsty betafags in here worshipping pixels
japanese version only has jap and chinese options for some reason.
>japanese version only has jap and chinese options for some reason.
How the hell can you tell?
Never has a pixelated female urged me to buy a console this hard.
Pyra is perfect.
pre order website is up on nintendo jp, you can tell which languages will be available for each game.
god I fucking love her
If it's censored you can just buy the JP version right? No need to jump through hoops? Will you be able to update and buy dlc?
yes you can buy the jp version just gotta set up a jp account etc but the jap version of this game wont even have English text.
I never played a xenoblade game so I'm starting with the first one on Wii before xenoblade 2 comes out. I'm liking it so far except its kinda annoying without a proper quest tracker, but other than that its good. Anyone got any advice for me?
Treehouse is going to Japan and telling the developers what to censor now. No region is safe from burgers anymore.
Final Fantasy on the Switch has downloadable Jap audio for US
As part of Rex's final smash, probably.