Mario Odyssey

Anyone else a little down on this game?

Moons are everywhere, and exploring feels compulsory. I know there's another moon around the corner, and I have to scour every square inch of the map to find them.

There's very little platforming in this game outside the hidden rooms. And a lot of that platforming isn't nearly as challenging or fast-paced as 3D World or Galaxy 2.

Everyone hyped up the endgame, too, but I'm just breaking open boxes and then going to the Xs on the map.

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You guys are so bloody fickle

Nice blog you fucking faggot nigger dike. Kys

Galaxy 2 > 3D World = Galaxy 1 > Odyssey > 64 > 3D Land > Sunshine

maybe you should talk to talkatoo so you dont autistically wander every inch of the worlds with a fine tooth comb.

3D World > 64 > Galaxy > Galaxy 2 > Odyssey > Sunshine > 3D Land

Having the "Darker Side" area be so easy makes it feel like a hollow victory. That's my only complaint.

Personally never wanted this. Sunshine is the low point for 3D Marios in my opinion, and I see no reason to return to its formula.

Is Odyssey better than 64? 64 had a lot more distinct worlds. I enjoyed the meta exploration of finding the worlds more than the exploration of stumbling into another moon.

I don't want to hunt for things though. I want to scramble from platform to platform just before it all collapses.

Honestly I felt like the dark side was such a slap in the face. More Broodal battles? That's my prize? I couldn't be bothered to go back to the old worlds and play hide and seek until I had 500 moons to get to darker side.

so play dark side over and over

Did you finish dark side?

>And a lot of that platforming isn't nearly as challenging or fast-paced as 3D World or Galaxy 2

Yeah, I did. I beat the Broodals again and that wooden crate thing and got my power moon. Was there more to it?

3D World crown-crown is probably the most challenging Mario level.

its a fine game. 8.5/10 for me. i enjoy how dense with secrets (most of) the levels are. it has plenty of flaws common with nintendo games, but i definitely like it better than galaxy. of course it doesnt recapture the magic of 64 but nothing ever will

Did you think it was harder? I felt like Challenge road in 3D world was the pinnacle of platforming.

The hardest moons in the game open up after that.

I do dislike how a lot of the moons feel like filler, but the level design is actually pretty damn good. There's a lot of times where you can get through a section that you'd otherwise think you'd need to capture an enemy for just with some clever jumping.

Glad to see the Mario Odyssey honeymoon phase is ending.

i played land but not world, i just assumed they were equally shit. what makes it so much better?

I knew something was off about this game when I entered the large main hall in the underwater course and collected three moons in less than 30 seconds. I still like the game but something is seriously questionable about the game design choices.

This. I still haven't beat it.

>Moons are everywhere
Stop. With. This.
There are plenty of moons that are difficult to find. If you're such a hardcore gamer then look for them instead.

Whats wrong with that? Why is that questionable?

You're right that champions road is the hardest, but that's because Mario's movement is stiff and limited compare to the sandbox Mario. Have 64 or the Odyssey moveset and it would be the same as the darker side. Mario moves at a snails pace in Galaxy 2 and 3D World.

If you take away the filler moons, there's still just as many that are the same way 64/Sunshine/Galaxy are.

korok seed syndrome. lack of creativity, just dumping collectibles all over the map to give the player something to do. cheapens the experience, makes you question design, makes the feeling of repetition set on faster ,etc

this. the filler are moons are there so literal toddlers can progress the game. there are plenty of fun, challenging, and secretive moons

these were both me btw im drunk

I just want mario 64 2

it's not that difficult

Land feels like a babby mode alpha compared to 3D World. 3D World has MUCH, MUCH more content, is much more creative, looks beautiful etc. It expands on every concept introduced in Land (except bosses, those remain shit outside of the last one) and essentially turns that game obsolete.

please respond

its called mario sunshine

Here we fucking go again.

no, sunshine is shit

I want a good 3d mario game with interesting levels

Why do people hate Sunshine? Its platform mechanics was interesting with FLUDD

The filler moons kill the excitement of getting the few not obvious ones. The process gets tedious.

Then don't fucking 100% it. Get 300 moons and end the game.

If Odyssey isn't good enough for you, you're never getting anything better.

The most engaging segments of this game are the challenges on Dark side of the moon, but those are restricted to 5-6 pipes/doors. Even the 500 moon challenge felt pretty easy. The filler really becomes noticeable when you activate the boxes. I recrntly did it on Lake kingdom and it added yet another female Goomba, another butt slam, an very easy long jump and also just placed one lazily behind a gate. The sludge wave thing was better buy it was the only thing that didn't seem lazy

>collected all regional coins
>have all costumes
>only one moon left
>it's the jump rope genius

Wish me luck guys

Worst camera in any 3D platformer ever released on Nintendo consoles.

What the hell is with this list

NSMB U as #1? I agree it's an underrated game, but come on, it's barely in the top ten.

mario sunshine

64 had interesting levels?

I see people complain about some of the filler moons in Odyssey but then I look back to shit like this where you could easily collect every star in like 4 minutes if the level didn't kick you out every time you got one.

There was nothing really complex about 64s stars, and it doesn't even have any dedicated platforming segments like the later games, and yet people still like to tout it as the best.

But I already did

just buy it from the shop

Harder platforming sections and less exploring. Call it Super Mario Odyssey 2.

Where is my money Nintendo?

>just itnore the moons in front of you to artificially inflate the fun and challenge!

Dumbest idea I've seen today, but even if I were to do it, it still wouldn't excuse the amateur game design choice of adding too much boring shit to collect.

>Anyone else a little down on this game?
No. Fuck off edgelord.

neat gonna emu now thanks user

Holy fucking shit, you're an idiot.
> it still wouldn't excuse the amateur game design choice of adding too much boring shit to collect.

Get the fuck out.



>he hasn't played the sadistic Dark Side levels

I probably died 10 times total to all dark side levels, I couldn't count how many I did on crown-crown and I didn't even do it with every character yet.

Mario used to be great because every star was meaningful, it wasn't a collectathon. Now it's dangerously close to one, because they decided that the game needed MORE shit to do, instead of BETTER stuff to do.

Congratulations Nintendo, now you have 1000 things to collect in your Mario game and no one remembers any part of the adventure because it all blends together.

>been moving places the past few weeks
>realize I can't find my Switch anywhere
>look for it everywhere
>notice two emails from Nintendo
>one confirming the addition of 8.49 to my Nintendo account
>the other confirming the purchase of NES Classics Super Mario Bros.
>luckily never saved any payment information so they used their own card
>email is a receipt so I have their last 4 digits of their card number
>contact Customer Support, they tell me that their receipts are the only thing saved from any transaction
>go to local police, I know the sheriff and all deputies personally
>they tell me there's no way of knowing from just the last 4 digits
Bull fucking shit. I was excited to play this game, too. I live in the very bottom part of Southern Illinois so I really doubt many people have the same last 4 digits of a card.

Can't you just cheese champions road with the tanooki suit? It's much easier to hat when way. Also you should only be having trouble on that level with Mario and toad. The other characters abilities make it a Cake walk.

yeh uuhh
y-you got the new uhh
you uhh got any idea where all dese hidden moons are?

>get extra heart before entering dark side
>boss rush against the easiest bosses in the game

>beat spinning boss when you start the darker side
>get an extra heart
>answer the sphinx's question
>get another extra heart before entering the easier second half

The levels would've been sadistic if you were forced to do them on just three hearts.

Stop lying.

That's not the only reason behind Champion's Road being harder. If I recall, there are literally no powerups in the game. When you fuckup, you're fucked. Dark side not only gives you plenty of hearts, you're given a 6 heart upgrade in the middle. Plus, many of the challenges like the forks and flying really weren't as hard as the disappearing blocks, water section, and speedboost section. I think, even with the extra movements Mario has in Odyssey, it would still end up being harder than Darker Side. It's just more strict, all things considered. I mean, even with the Tanooki suit I had a hard time with it, and it's similar to cappy in that it gives you extra air time.

Yeah I'm with you. It's a 6/10 game. Worth a buy once its on sale

I don't think people hate Sunshine as much as some shitposters LIKE to make you think they do. Anti-sunshinefag just likes to spread his propaganda around.

>once its on sale

So do a damageless run?

Again 64 didn't even HAVE any levels like these and people still think that games the best.

am I the only one that's not into the combination of 'realistic' and cartoony Mario graphics?

Where? I mean... Peach is in the worlds now? And if I find a metal box it will put some moons on my map?? What am I missing here.

I mean, I'm not making a judgment on it. I'm just saying that I feel Champion's Road is harder than Darker Side. I don't think Darker Side is easy by any means. But when I compare the two, I had a much, much harder time with Champion's Road, even when I factor in limitation of movements.

>someone gave me an Amiibo
>hold Amiibo against joycon

I just finished it and it's probably my favourite game of the last few years. Zelda was amazing too, but I guess I got burned out over weeks of completing 100 shrines I wanted to do. Odyssey was short and sweet for me - played it for a 3 days and at 403 moons, with about 80 bought, so I have more to do before completing the game with 500 as I wanted.

It really is great - the movement mechanics are great, because there's always stuff to find or ways to travel. Had some problems connecting all my jumps, but once I got a hang of it, I was ready. And the ending, even if some called it, was still anime as fuck - I'm all in for this shit and I was grinning like a little kid. Game started at maybe a 7 for me, got into the range of 8 slowly, but now, when I saw how much there is to do and how much the devs put thought into it, i understand all the 9s and 10s.

I dunno, I think doing a damageless run of Darker Side I should more difficult than a damageless run of Chanpions road.

go back to dark side shitposter-kun


>anyone else
No, OP. You are so very unique and special that whatever your thoughts are on this game are so revolutionary and will shake the video game world for decades to come.

That may be true. I've never attempted it before. Either one would be one hell of a job. Not something I want to attempt.

>There's very little platforming in this game outside the hidden rooms
This is the biggest problem in the game for me. Aside from a few strays (like Luncheon Kingdom) every map just felt like flat ground with a few platforms scattered independently around. Running to platforming was like 50:1.

Darker Side was a fart of a finale, especially after Dark Side.

Can you tell me how to factory rest this thing?

The part with the hedgehogs and the ringing bells before the pecky peck was the worst part by far. The first time I did it the platform INSTANTLY disappeared when it stopped at the end, causing me to fall and have to restart the whole damn thing again.

Darker side was a good final challenge though. Reminded me a lot of the Sunshine Secret levels