Why is this board crammed to the brim with unironic weebs?
We need to cleanse this board of degeneracy.
Why is this board crammed to the brim with unironic weebs?
We need to cleanse this board of degeneracy.
Oh, no one cares
You're the degenerate.
When will you learn unironic is not a word?
Fucking moron.
This is a false flagging controlled opposition thread for weeaboos. Do not fall for it. Sage. Slide. We must quell the sinners back to Sup Forums.
Westerne cuck, try harder
Jesus, you are clearly butthurt
Web manlet detected.
Mods, please redirect this user to his rightful place.
Try harder, pal
They keep at least some normies away, that alone makes them invaluable.
Sup Forums was literally built by, and for, anime fags.
All newfags please fuck off to reddit thanks
Nice samefagging
Hell was literally built by, and for, anime fags.
All anime fags please fuck off to hell thanks
Nope. But nice try weeb manlet.
I dunno, maybe because Japan was a huge player in the video game industry for several decades or something.
Oh boy it's another "weebs don't belong on Sup Forums" episode. They never get old after all.
No they weren't you fucking faggot shut your fucking mouth before I make you
Try harder
Your mother´s butthole was literally built by, and for,anime fags.
All anime fags please fuck off to anons´s mother butthole
This post gave me cancer.
Would you say that everyone in America has a super high frequency transmission device in their kitchen? NO, you'd say they have a microwave oven. Intent is not the same thing as application. Sup Forums's precedent as an anime-centric website will cease, and that is a good thing.
>Weeb gets so butthurt he has to post an inforgraphic that some weeb faggot spent hours on to justify being a weeb pedophile
>ironic weaboos
My mother is 56, weighs 210 pounds, and her left shoulder is broken.
Hell works just fine.
>bating this hard
>This post gave me cancer.
I don´t give a fuck. Your opinion is not important
You are the only butthurt here
>weebing this hard
>opinions I am bigoted towards are bait
Are you serious, dude?
No, your mother´s butthole works better
>Says stupid shit
>Get's called stupid
Are you serious, dude?
My opinion is not any less important than your's. Stay mad.
pic related
>I'm going to claim that he said something stupid earlier so that I can then claim that he was pretending to be retarded so I can claim that his opinion is invalid
Two nukes wasn't enough