What are some fun sega genesis games?

What are some fun sega genesis games?

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battletoads/final fight crossover

Thunder Force 4 and Contra Hard Corps are my favorites

Alien Soldier
Langrisser II
Dynamite Headdy
Thunder Force III/IV
Comix Zone

Thunder Force 3
Castlevania Blood Lines
Spider Man
Chakan the Forever Man


Ranger X

Vectorman 2
Phantom 2040

Needs a High Definition Genny in that pic

Ranger X
Baseball 2020
Sunset Riders
Xmen 2: Clone Wars (music is fucking amazing)
Lethal Weapon

*Lethal Enforcer I mean

ranger x was fucking amazing

Wani Wani World

>No Altered Beast

Are you kidding me?

It was a technical wonder, but it really was not a fun game. Compare it to something like Strider, Shinobi, hokuto no ken, castlevania etc. It doesn't stand up.

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master

please play pulseman, a lot of people don't like it 'cause it's glitchy and has pretty bad level design, but everything else about it is perfect.

alien soldier and gleylancer are also really fun if they're your type of thing

Rocket Knight Adventures, Ristar, Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy, Sonic 3&K, Streets of Rage 2, Alien Soldier, Alisa Dragoon, Beyond Oasis, Contra Hard Corps, Monster World IV, Wonder Boy in Monster World, Phantasy Star IV, The Revenge of Shinobi, Shinobi III, Castlevania Bloodlines, Comix Zone, The Adventures of Batman & Robin, Vectorman, Earthworm Jim, Crusader of Centy

Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Robotnic's Mean Bean Machine

How do I get good at thunder force 2? It's fucking hard.

Gain Ground.

>an entire genesis thread without Shining Force

Sup Forums needs to regain its taste

With only 16 replies you got to give it some time.

Add to these:
Rocket Knight Adventures
Gunstar Heroes
Streets of Rage 2
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Robocop Vs Terminator
Valis 3
The Strike Saga
Road Rash II
Contra: The Hardcorps
Story of Thor
Sonic 2
Rolling Thunder 2

What is the bottom Genesis, I've never seen it before?

As a kid who played mostly SNES, I remember being shocked at how different TMNT Hyperstone Heist was. I thought it was really cool that it had comic color mode, that changed the shades on the turtles. Were all SNES/Genesis crossover games this different?

The SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive has a lot of REALLY weird (& AWESOME) designs.

Bottom Genesis is the Model 2, released in 1993. There was also a Genesis 3 released in the US in 1998

If Sega CD games count, please play both Lunar games. (Silver Star, then Eternal Blue)

If we're including Sega CD you gotta include Snatcher on that list as well.

why did SEGA fail?

Bled too much money from the Genesis add-ons, Saturn, and Dreamcast then laid off all its talent.

Sega of America and Sega of Japan could never get along (they still can't to this day), which led to an over-reliance on the Genesis all the way until the late 90s. Additionally, the Saturn was, essentially, sabotaged in the west due to mismanagement from Sega of America (though it did incredible in Japan). When the Dreamcast was released, it was sold at a price that wouldn't have made it profitable at a time when Sega was bleeding cash. All of these things contributed to Sega's demise.

My nigga. Tao was my first vidya waifu

Sega is actually incredibly lucky that they are still alive. They were no better than the typical Japanese companies like Hudson, Sunsoft, ADK, etc. Their saving grace was their American roots that allowed to work with Americans easily. Every time Sega of Japan tried whatever the fuck it thought was clever, Sega of America and Europe was there to unfuck Sega. It should fail and its IPs should go to better companies that can make games better.

>Additionally, the Saturn was, essentially, sabotaged in the west due to mismanagement from Sega of America
According to the book 'Console Wars,' it was SoJ's decision to launch the Saturn during E3 with a limited supply, a high price, and no games. Too many pissed-off retailers meant they didn't bother to stock SEGA's products if they could help it.

Crusader of Centy if you like GDQ memes

Sure SoJ started the fire, but Bernie "Saturn is not our future" Stolar's no-rpg policy didn't help things at all.

Shinobi III
Rocket Knight Adventures
The best version of Battletoads

>Bernie Stolar
The book ends with Kalinske's time at SoA, so I'll take your word for it. But SoJ didn't exactly put them in a position to suceed


that is all


I've never even heard of this until now. How does it play? Looks Max Max as fuck.


Shining Force
Jurassic Park
Chakan the Forever Man
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco the Dolphin: The Tides of Time
My man

Sonic Mania

>pic not related

>Chakan the Forever Man

Wasn't that game difficult to the point where beating it is something you never tell anyone?

That todownish Diablo kinda one with the guy with the axe and you walk around killing thinfs and there's magic or some shit and the multiplayer was fucken rad

I don't remember what it's called