How such an easy boss made it to the final game i ask myself everyday

how such an easy boss made it to the final game i ask myself everyday

You could say that for every boss in this game, though.

I didn't even mean for that to happen, I'm sorry man. He didn't deserve to go out like that.

not really, some of them are really difficult and have patterns that make your life difficult, but there are also those who are only artificially difficult, like capra demon, which is difficult because there are two dogs to disturb you at the beginning of the battle, after you kill them he's no harder than a normal undead

this boss could be specifically exploited really easily and did almost nothing

The hydra is possibly easier, it doesn't even target you once it begins physical attacks

You complain about this but forget that one of the main final bosses isn't a boss at all?

That's a boss? I thought it was just a big enemy? He didn't get a healthbar when he crushed me.

This one was the hardest for me because it's impossible to dodge the arm. Of course it's easy if you cheese it

the hydra isn't a boss tho, but if it was, it would be harder than moonlight butterfly at least

Moonlight Butterfly is done specifically to punish people who were used to using shields and heavy armor at that point. It's the inverse of Capra and accessible at that point in the game.

he has like one pattern, he straight up just punched the ground like 6 times in a row and i just killed him

>impossible to dodge the arm
Its not impossible, but the hurtbox lingers so long I'd swear its a frame perfect dodge

I was honestly surprised the Capra Demon was a boss. My first and only run I killed the dogs first because I always kill the small shit first and the Capra Demon just felt like a mob in the Demon Ruins

>he didn't beat Capra the first try
It's just two dogs and then spamming air attacks.

well, if you're playing it blindly it's impossible to know that a fucking butcher with a goathead and a dog will charge immediately at you after you pass the fog, hell even if you know that it's hard to not die at least one time to them, sometimes you just don't have the right time to react

What's weird is that he's locked behind a boss like Quelaag. At least you could fight Pinwheel as your first boss.

I never beat that thing without cheesing it.
Then again... I cheesed sif too.

how you cheesed sif?

I probably died more to ceaseless discharge than any other boss in the game
I beat Biggie Smalls solo 2nd try


Quelaag is even easier though. Her attacks are all easy to dodge and she has next to no health

See that pile of bricks to the left of the fog wall? Jump up there. You can poison arrow sif or regular arrow him to 1 hp then finish him with 1 arrow after walking in.

yeah i died to ceaseless discharge like 40 times trying to fight him immediately after queelag. i just gave up and came back after getting the lord vessel
he kept shockwaving me through the wall when i tried hiding in the alcove, and fighting him on the ledge is even more bullshit because of how fucked up and huge the hitboxes are on all of his attacks. i never really figured out how to fight him normally.

why would you do that?

Oh forgot to mention you have to spawn sif first, so I went in and boned out.
I go to great lengths to cheese things.

Yeah I died a bunch too fighting him after quelaag. My friend spoiled me on the cheese strat but I wanted to beat him like a man

That takes more work than just beating him straight up. This kind of lateral thinking will take you far in life user.

I fought Ceaseless legit as a pure melee swordsman and it was fucking hard.

What's hard about it? Move out of the way of his arm slam and then swing at it with your sword. Repeat until he's dead.

>roll out of the way of his arm
>be a good meter away after it hits the ground
>still get hit

Why are there so many fucking dragon butts here?

>Hi, I'm just gonna take the title for worst boss fight, you guys don't mind, right?

because Bandai gave them a deadline

>not Bed of Chaos

I beat this motherfucker with an Astora Sword +3 at soul level 18 on my first run.

Man, all of the Lost Izalith fights are ass compared to the rest of the game
Ceaseless Discharge
Demon Firesage
Centipede Demon
Bed of Chaos

I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with that boss arena, what's the point in making it so huge when 90% of it is filled with lava so the battle takes place in the tiny amount of land surrounding the entrance? The camera gets fucked up too because of this combined with the size of the boss.

That's what happens when the area gets rushed and unfinished
Which I find surprising, considering how important it is to the lore

I'm willing to bet that in the original design we were supposed to fight just one, as in we'd encounter the other end of the undead dragon that fell off the cliff.

When the deadline hit, they just spammed that enemy all over Izalith

Centipede would be a decent boss fight if you had more room to fight it. since it's AI only does certian moves if you're not in that corner.

how such bright lava made it to the final game i ask myself everyday

This is my most forgettable boss in DaS. I never remember it exists during my playthroughs until I walk through the fog.

I genuinely don't understand the hitbox for the arm

This faggot is harder than many actual bosses
Fuck him

What if you were intended to get the ring before fighting it?

is this a photo of the screen?

no, you just havent played dark souls

I beat this boss my first time playing Dark Souls and I thought for the longest time that I glitched the game by using the ledge trick.

youtube picture

It's supposed to be light enough to see the fire you fool.
See the fire, can't see the dragon.

nigga anything in dark souls can be easy once you've figured it out

it reminds me of an old CRT i used to have where everything red was bright as fuck and bleed across the screen.

if you have a fully upgraded pyromancy flame and either the crown of dusk or the bellowing dragon ring, he can be staggered and killed by pyromancy spells

He has been nerfed at least twice since release, used to have massive hitboxes and insane damage

you can I think if you cut off it's tail

Because From was forced to rush the game part-way through production, note the sharp drop in quality after Anor Londo.

that's what lava looks like irl you tard

I wouldn't call it an easy boss, just a really fucking shit one where you have to abuse an "exploit" to win.

But by then the fight is basically over. Might as well go fight in the lava for some extra challenge and to at least get rid of the bad camera experience and fix it's AI.