>Blizzard banning people for playing off-meta.
Tell me, why do you still play this game again?
>Blizzard banning people for playing off-meta.
Tell me, why do you still play this game again?
Shut the fuck up
good fuck that retard
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I tried reading the image, but know even less about whatever the fuck they're talking about.
any proof on why he was banned? that just looks like hear say to me.
I'll buy a copy for every OHP they ban
literally banned on stream. go watch his vods. personally i hope blizzard bans every single one trick in this game, but my guess is that he got temp banned for 1 day for throwing, and not because he plays torb only
Where do these people exist in real life? I'm having trouble accepting that people that stupid really exist
i dont
They made it clear they would do this a while ago when they banned some guy for playing widow and not switching.
was he olay8ng on ranked or non ranked?
>have fun with our game
>but only how we intended!
blizzturds really are cucks
cant wait for that map editor to only be pre approved assets just like sprays.
Unless he streams 100% of his gameplay, there's no way to know the reason he was actually banned. He could have been acting like a toxic piece of shit 20 minutes earlier then got on stream for maximum drama.
Play a meta and carry me or I am going to report you for throwing.
>Getting banned for the nu-male crime of "toxicity"
what a game
if you play in ranked you ahould be playing to win if you wabt to fuck around go play non ranked and you are being told this by someone who doesnt like multiplayer at all
>>have fun with our game
>>but only how we intended!
No, now it's
>have fun with our game
>but only how we're now saying you have to play because of whining casuals!
>playing anything made by blizzard after wotlk came out
don't dew this
I'd rather be good at 1 thing than mediocre at everything. This is why Overwatch is fundamentally flawed. It goes out of its way to minimize the impact of mechanical skill.
I don't
Overwatch is so homogenized you are only allowed to play certain heros on certain maps in certain ways.
that is like saying you can be reported for not buying a deagle and rushing b on dust.
If you EVER blame your teammates for losing in a multiplayer game you are boosted garbage and you are mad about not getting carried.
>I love having 13 year olds screaming faggot at everyone over the mic
And he only got banned for a day, faggot
if you buy, or play at all, Blizzard games in the current year you are the cancer killing videogames.
>Reddit spacing AND can't into meme arrows
A crime with as broad a definition as "toxicity" makes everyone a potential criminal.
You need to hop in the nearest garbage bin, do not pass go do not collect $200.
>Literally 'play the game how I want you to play or you get banned'
With shit like that what fucking incentive even is there to keep playing?
Get better font rendering before posting a screenshot
your favorite e-celeb plays it.
This. 90% of the time people who complain about their teammates are shit and doing poorly.
Sometimes you get bad teammates, sometimes you get good ones, a good player will rise through the ranks regardless.
>Play team game
>Play the ranked mode where people are actually trying instead of the normal mode where it's okay to dick around
>Play a character that isn't working for the situation at hand
>Don't switch when your entire team is begging you to
>Waste everyone's time and elo because playing the least fun character in the game for the 9532th time was too important
>"he dindu nuffin" - Sup Forums
Mute him then.
>Inb4 t-team game m-muh comms are i-important
He obviously isn't calling out shit if he's yelling at everyone.
And all your casual friends put half an hour into it every two days.
hurr he didn't play a character I want him to play he's not trying
>get a game where the junkrat main you see every game on your team gets mad because someone made fun of him for not having gold damage, switches to torb next round and sits afk in spawn
>some dude with an open mic is chewing like a loud fuck, other teammate mutes him
>he eventually realizes this and says hes gonna sit in the back corner of spawn until he is unmuted
>I'm a bad player because of this
>get your class chosen for you by other players
There's a four letter word starting with C and ending with K that describes this behaviour
before you think of another word its KEK
Yes you are. If you can't carry with at most 4 people afk you are objectively bad at the game.
assfaggots players's opinions do not count.
>"nu-male" gender theory bullshit
> again
> on a board for VIDEO GAMES
Not an argument
Want to know how I know you're a newfag?
I mean, excluding your assmad image and post?
No I'd rather something bad happens to him to make him stop doing shitty things. I like it when bad things happen to shitheads
>even being aware that nu-males are studies in gender studies
Oh so you only report people you don't like, not people breaking the rules. Gotcha, fag.
are you on vacation or are you here to stay
"You didn't buy my game" should be the rule of thumb. If I want to play a character, even if it results in my team being at a disadvantage, I have every right to do so.
Don't know who this is but i know streaming is cancer so he deserves the ban
>"You don't pay my sub."
And this is why consumer protections are required.
I don't like people who break the rules
not anymore you don't, jeffy's chosen for you
does this just apply to "competitive" or will they do it in quick play?
I'm really sick of no fun allowed in my fucking cartoon shooty games
Why don't they just make it so you can't pick the characters they don't want you to play?
I don't see the sense in banning someone if you are still giving someone the option to pick torb or whatever.
this right here, now excuse me while I leap around the map doing fuck all as winston. Blame me, and you're boosted garbage remember?
>No fun allowed
This is far beyond no fun allowed.
Then report people who break the rules and cheat, not people who hurt your fee fees.
>playing cancer games
I don't think you understand; if I can report people I don't like and then they go away, then I will do that literally every time. I do not want them to be in the same games as me and it's incredibly easy so I'm going to do it and there's nothing you can do to stop me
>Playing competitive overwatch
>Playing any videogame competitively
>team fort the second
>entire team goes battle medic
>laughs are had
>overwatch pre-faggotry
>whole team went winston because fuck it
>enemy team all goes reaper
>still beat them
>overwatch now
>BANNED for playing half the heroes in the game because autistic children obsessed with "competitive digital sports" have ruined vidya games
I'm getting that mei nendo then I'm never looking at this game again
There are high MMR one tricks in every MOBA that do just fine in matches. Try again.
So you're a child who can dictate whether or not people should play your game. Sounds like you have some problems, buddy.
>No fun allowed the game
I just want to play sombra for one fucking game!
No, I'm an adult who doesn't like children screeching at me over mic. And I can make them have a shit day by getting them silenced/kicked from games for a couple of days then I'm going to do it.
Blizzard needs to abandon the hero switch model because it's clearly not working.
In TF2 it was acceptable because even if it had a rigid competitive meta, the game rewarded individual skill to a much higher degree than Overwatch does. Your team may be 7 Snipers, but a sufficiently good player can kill half the enemy team by himself and carry the game. In Overwatch, characters are individually much weaker and one person refusing to participate can make the entire game useless.
I'm not stupid enough to think that doing things like banning people who play attack Torbjorn or Symmetra is a good decision in the long run because you're basically telling people "Win the game, or die." If this is the route you're taking, those heroes either need to be reworked or removed. They're not optimal picks on defense, either, so they are functionally useless no matter what and if you're going to ban people for picking bad heroes it's better to just remove the temptation altogether.
You should either be allowed to switch between one subsection of heroes (and remove the defense category completely) or select a pool of heroes you want to play pre-game and get matched with a team based on that ala HotS. It's time to stop pretending free switching in a glorified moba is a good idea.
Overwatch isn't a MOBA. In MOBAs, you can't change your hero mid-game and you also don't switch between playing the attack/defense side (which some characters are designed around) halfway through. Try again.
Not him but holy fucking shit nigger you sound like one of the biggest faggit around
So you like to pretend to be an internet tough guy instead of muting / kicking them? Still sounds like you have some issues, friend.
It's just shorthand for "being an asshole", which itself is shorthand for "not following whatever the code of conduct is for this game", which is something everyone who plays the game agreed to.
An adult would accept that people are going to be annoying in all facets of life and either mute or ignore those people.
Then again, an adult wouldn't play unfiltered garbage in the first place.
Not that guy, by the way. You're just a cunt.
>Guy being a shithead and screaming at teammates
One of two things happen
>1. Other people report him for being a shithead, he gets punished
>2. Nothing
If 1 happens I'm happy, if 2 happens I don't really care either, it's just fun to make shitheads buttflustered in online games.
Came into this thread to call you a faggot user.
No spoilers, you're just a huge fucking faggot.
It's a waste of time whether you win or not.
>not picking a decent class for the situation at hand can be a bit of an ass move
>not picking the most viable class at any moment is BAN WORTHY
Trolling high level overwatch games must be hilarious. I'm sure some of those tryhards will pop a blood vessel if you play off-meta
>They're storming Normandy! Hans, you're on machine-gun duty!
>Fuck you, I'm infantry
>But Hans, we have enough infantry, we need you on machine gun duty!
>Fuck you, I'm infantry
But Hans, if you don't switch we are going to lose!
>Fuck you, I'm infantry
>not using the catalog
>I like to ruin random stranger's day over something that can be easily fixed and waste their money because I'm a child
Holy crap my man, seek help or grow a pair. Jesus.
>Actual life or death situation
>Compared to a children's shootan game
Holy fuck you're gay
>Muh spacing.
Faggots here have been posting like that since 07.
I know this is ironic shitposting and you should be banned for it.
The way that Overwatch is structured, its a fucking calamity that there are heroes that you can pick that can actively damage your game.
Granted, Blizzard doesn't really give a shit about the game outside of paying off Korean sports teams to play their mess of a product
He'd be infantry prior to going to war, retard.
Besides, if notHans needs a machine-gunner so bad, maybe he should do it himself.
>Guy is a master infantryman
>Insist on putting him on MG duty where he'll be adequate at best
Luckily in OW 'adequate' is all you need for how simple the characters are
The principle is the same; most of the people involved want to win or have a fair shot at it, while one guy wants to dick around and doesn't care about what everyone else wants.
>Pretend to be an internet tough guy
Being able to make shithead's lives worse doesn't make me a tough guy, I don't want to listen to some nasally cunt (probably from here) bitch and whine about the way a match is going when they have no medals and haven't contributed in the slightest. Being a shithead should have negative consequences, and with the current direction of Overwatch this is a possibility. Maybe if people stopped being shitheads we wouldn't need a report system. Too bad, people are shitheads, I'm going to report
ahahahaha holy shit
>Real life war
>Shooty pew pew computer game
This shitpost better be ironic user.
>Throwing the game because you are an ebin dedotated won twick who won't switch even when your entire team is begging you to and your character is doing absolutely nothing to help the situation
that seems pretty ban worthy to me
I like to ruin strangers' days because they're ruining mine. Talk shit get hit faggot.
>Luckily in OW 'adequate' is all you need for how simple the characters are
You realize you're proving his point, right?
Mute and ignore him then. Do onto others as others should do onto you.
>Muting someone automatically transforms their hero into a good one
>Play the game how I tell you too or ELSE!!!!
People have their class chosen for them before going to war with the people they know who are specialized in other things, you know, like you'd do if you were serious about any game.
Also, playing ranked in any low skill game and throwing the game to make casuals rage is the height of griefing.
Jesus Christ, you're a fucking faggot.
>Implying children know about the Golden Ruuurruuu.
Maybe just leave the match user? ;^)
you can't switch mid life and there's no respawning, hans chose infantry already you faggot just work with it
>as they flee the advancing allies, user cries "THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN IF HANS JUST WENT MG"
>Do unto others
Get fucked and silenced retard, I could either waste my time muting you and you'll go on to annoy others or report you and fuck you over. At that point you either talk like a human or cry about it, doesn't matter to me. Muting somebody doesn't do shit because they just keep doing it in other matches and ruining everybody else's time.
>Talk shit get hit faggot.
>implying you've ever hit anyone
>not realizing what they are doing and playing along just to fuck with them
You're small time.
>playing trannyborne
o am laffin