ITT: Trigger V

ITT: Trigger V

Other urls found in this thread:

I get it.

This used to trigger me, but after building up a huge backlog and only finishing one out of ten games I get, it doesn’t bother me as much anymore.
And I know, portal is an hour long, etc.


The only triggering thing is that these people would rather watch video games than play them.

It's pretty sad.

They also literally pay people to play them so they can watch them.

>-30 points
>is actually right

oh reddit. never change


she honestly kinda has a point but portal is like 2 fucking hours long

I wouldn't argue that this is wrong per se, but to sound so stand-offish about not having finished a really short game makes you sound like an asshole.

you are like a little baby, watch this.

The sad thing is that Sup Forums is often triggered by facts. No shitposting or tumblr/reddit images necessary. Watch. Allow me to post an example with how to properly make a female character.

>people would rather watch Boreizon than play it
Makes sense.


Almost had me

found the bigot


What game is this ?

>ACfag vs. Garbage Post Bitch
aaaawwwwww shit

So what is there to do in Horizon legitimately? Like, based on this webm, what is there to the game besides combat?

How about this

>Remove everything feminine about a female character
>"This is how you do women the right way!"

Most ignorant post in the history of this board.

>literally says post your best bait thread
>still gets people
Goddamn Sup Forums you are so fucking retarded.


Upgrading your gear, finding new areas, side quests etc. It's pretty fun.

post the other one about link or some other character

That's actually pretty cool. Like a retconned way of making Zelda a playable character

I haven't played it entirely, but to be honest, it's just your standard Ubisoft open world game. I'll give to it that the combat feels good, but it's nothing ground breaking.
The story didn't hook me up, so I can't sell you on the game, if what you want is something no other game give you.
Again, the combat feels good, and that scratchs an itch for me, but definitely not a platform seller as other may want you to think it is.
I'm immune to Diaz, but nice try.

>remove everything from a character that makes a game not fun, such as feelings and emotional baggage
>character is now more fun to play




if you get triggered by this you are 100% definitely an incel.


>we trigger Sup Forumsthread
>whole thread is just nintendo images

Fuck you guys got me. At first I was confused "why is everything about nintendo what the fuck this is a pc masterrace forum" and then I realized the nintendo memes taken from neogaf and reddit were posted on purpose to trigger people

well played Sup Forums




Shit, I'd play this.

weak old b8

If that were any other game, she'd have a reasonable point.

fucking 2 hour game you dumb cunt how do you love a game you didn't play for more than an hour

Only art doesn't contain bait

I'm loving EVERY laugh at 2B being in the talkative jokester STRONK FEMAIL category

>someone unironically made this


Yeah who wants to play Deus Ex, too many fucking feelings there

What's the point in separating anime/cartoons and comics/manga?

Considering that Deus Ex is mediocre to begin with, you're right. Why would someone want to play it?

>dude JC le bomb XD

Dark Souls 2 is the best Soulsborne
Kirby has shit music
League of Legends is a masterwork that will stand the test of time for generations
I love the writing in the 343i Halo games
E-celebrities are integral to board culture and you should support them on patreon
Half-life was never good and deserved what happened to it
Players who kill streamers should be banned
Dwarf Fortress is a garbage game for brainlets and closeted elf-lovers
EA is my favorite company and I buy all their season pass premium games and loot boxes


Diaz and his temper tantrums are funny, not triggering.

What was the item?

great bait my friend

Can we now talk about NeoGAF free of ban? That week was seriously insane.

I only get mad because my idea is better but I can't draw.

I don't see a problem with it. It's a pretty basic setup for what would seem a basic game.

They see me trollin', they hatin'...

You must be exceedingly new here to not know by now that ACfag is the real deal.

Half-Life isn't really that good, no, it was just the first of it's type.

are you white? don't you know it's illegal to be white in sweden?


I'm half Afghani

Where da white womenz at

I am not affected by this because its too obvious

is your mother white?

>Uncharted 2 starts off with you hanging off a train on a frozen mountaintop
>Pokemon Black/White immediately puts you in the center of a huge ideological conflict that challenges the player's preconceptions and evolves throughout the course of the story into the most riveting narrative ever to be on a Nintendo console
>The start of every PUBG match is a death-defying HALO jump
>Fallout 4 gives you everything, before destroying it before your eyes and sending you on a Tarantino-esque revenge mission and presenting one of the more complex stories in all of fiction where neither side is truly "wrong" and it's up to the player to decide as they find their missing son and avenge their wife

>Deus Ex starts out with some low-stakes fake terrorist attack in the worst, most boring and empty first area ever, in 'Liberty Island' because they were too poverty to even get the license for the Statue of Liberty

Honestly, Eidos fucked up. It's amazing Human Revolution was even competent after Deus Ex 1 is such a horrible, dull wreck. I couldn't even finish the first level.

Upgrading shit (weapons, armor and skills)
Making dino fight club
Looking at comf shit

Whenever I see these images and "Our God is an awesome God" is on there, the song gets stuck in my head.


>obviously fake font shopped in
congrats i got triggered


>tfw raised in catholic house
>Mom would have christian rock from 104.1 The Fish on every single day basically since it's conception
>mfw listening to christian rock for every single day going to and from school and anywhere involving a car ride for some 12 years

Have you ever met your father? Does it bother you that your mother is a race mixing whore?

Count of Monte Cristo is a pulpy revenge fantasy with one of the worst Mary Sues in history as a protagonist.


vote with your wallet

The layers of triggers in this one is astounding.
Congrats (you didn't get me, tho)