ITT: we pretend it's 2001
ITT: we pretend it's 2001
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Battle Realms > War Craft
why are people still making games with sprite graphics? It's 2001
thinking of going to new york this september
what a gem
Sony is finished.
Holy shit
No user no, we didn't do it like that.
Besides the Dreamcast is the shit.
>implying it needs to be 2001 for me to play that shit on the reg
Guys I work at the Twin Towers and it's always so fucking boring. Rec me some games I can play on my shitty work PC.
Do you like flight simulators? They can be pretty comfortable with the right setup.
Sir, sprites are long from dead!
>turtle forever as lotus
>grind yin by attacking trees with one of the brothers
>butter your opponent's anus with 40 master warlocks, all equipped with battle gear
Always felt so broken compared to every other clan's top tier.
This wait is unbearable. And did you see the camrip from E3?
Making 6fig$ working in the North Tower. Set for life while you virgins play your ps2s.
warcraft 3 never ever
Did anyone else notice that the WTC isn't in Deus Ex's skyline? I wonder what's up with that.
>the North Tower
Am I supposed to know where that is, faggot?
Me too! Taking a couple of flying lessons right now just immigrated.
Check out these new screenshots of Warcraft 3 that Blizzard just showed at ECTS.
I can't wait! They said it won't be out until next year though..
Wait people outside of God's own NYC actually exist? Well shit.
Yeah, and why does the media talk so much about terrorism in that game? It's non-stop. If terrorism was actually a threat, we'd have the help of our allies around the world, like the Russian Federation and those Mujahideen fellas that we helped out in the 80s!
wtf why do I have to play with that fag? Kojima is a fucking hack!
Pretend? What are you talking about. I just woke up from a coma.
i pirated this but it just crashes to desktop when i launch it, what gives?
I can't wait for what the games have next decade, I'm sure they'll be even great with the way graphics are progressing
l34rN h0w 2 p1r4t3 n00b
d4 m4tr1x 15 r34l xDDD
sequel when
Install the patch, run as admin, make compatible with win95, maybe it'll help.
Go for the eyes!
Have you heard about a new game they started development on? World of Warcraft
Apparently it's an Everquest clone. I don't know why they're even bothering, Everquest will kill it before it has a chance.
Burgmeister Achtzehnhundertneunundziebzig
something something 9/11 edgy
Are you talking about Stronghold?
2002 here. Was something supposed to happen on September 11th?
fuck melee, nintendo better actually try next time.
God that level was kickass
>"I'll show you what it means to wage REAL warfare"
why'd they get rid of the pool below the necropolis
>Go to cyber ren faire entertainemente e-shoppe
>cute ascended troglodyte-form winks its cyber unibrow at me
>Try and ask for a hypospray of Robocop's Mammoth Hunter 20,000 BCEAD
>Spermbots wildly shooting from my spear as my robosphincter stars making ug pies
>2 reps from "fire emblem"
>they're clones of each other
Fucking god damn, this shitty jap series is going to ruin Smash, I swear to god. I just can't wait for them to be replaced by my boy Ridley in Smash 3.
It's a small miracle he isn't already in.
Lets fucking go boys
It's September 11th, at approximately 6:00am. You wake up, you know what's coming. What actions do you take to stop 9/11 from occurring?
eat shit 3rd strike fags, and prepare to be dethroned
We did it lads. We finally have video games with toy story graphics.
Take a shit
pretend to be sick so I can stay home from school and finish playing pokemon crystal
Tell the steel beams that they're not supposed to melt.
The goverment would definitely not listen since they allowed it to happen. So I'd call in a fake bomb threat to all of those locations since they take it very seriously, that way they'd evacuate and nobody would end up kill.
>Kings army is a squad of engineers, 6 knights, a couple of dozen foot soldiers
>have fun storming the castle
>8 year old me goes to tell my mom he needs to get to new york to save America
>"he's autistic hun just ignore him"
>mom goes back to getting dicked by the mail man
well I tried
>that Everquest theme
>When you realize that the "2001" attacks are a case of mass Mandela Syndrome.
>The entire final portion of the plateau leading to the keep is lined with pitch ditches
I swear to god I spend more time on that level than half of the campaign
My mom is going to work to new york fall this year.
Nice desk job in the center of the city; she told me and my father we can go visit her. She stays on one of the highest floor of the Twin Towers.
We are so proud. Finally we are no longer going to struggle at the end of the month. I really love my mom.
I had a dream of a plane flying into a tall building the night before 9/11
What does it mean?
>center of the city
Don't worry your mum's a lying whore and is nowhere near the WTC.
I literally can't, so this is my actual plan.
>If pre-attack, immediately call Cambridge news at nearest payphone, who were contacted informed of a "big event" happening just hours before the attack. Explain that a major terrorist event involving radical islamists will commence tomorrow. No specific details, except that I am the scatman.
>Attack happens, ring again, play scatman down the phone.
>Three days later, call different media outlet at random of reasonable reputation, say I am the scatman from cambridge news, inform them I have vital information about terrorist attack: that they were part of al-qaida, operated under direct support of elements within Iraq and Syria, and part of an overarching new mandate to distract the West from a non-specific offensive. Scatman down the phone.
>wait a year, call the BBC. Laugh, hang up.
>wait four more years six months and twenty days call Cambridge news again mention it's the scatman again, Another terrorist attack, tell them its in Europe, claim this one is caused by Russian oligarchs. More scatman.
>wait a year, call the London School of economics, laugh at them, hang up.
>current day, I pick up phone and ring ABC news, Scatman here. Six
You're prescient and/or sensitive to world line changes.
Where can I learn more? I've always been curious about this stuff.
I often have dreams of things that end up happening in real life. Most of it is mundane stuff, either writing something down or having a conversation. Then they happen days/weeks later and I get a deja vu sense.
Tell Seth MacFarlane to hurry up or he'll be late for his flight
Where's Sonic and Tails?
Daily reminder that Red Alert 2>StarCraft.
There's nothing more pathetic than a "professional" online StarCraft player who only play "competitively". You're literally worse than people who play sports games on a PS2 because at least they're playing with actual friends irl and their game is based on a REAL SPORT.
Who else is hyped? It's gonna be even better than the first!
hi im 13 :D
1 reason why RA2 is better than StarCraft
StarCraft doesn't let you mod it hard enough to hard flying penguins that fire nuclear blasts
Jews did WTC
This makes me feel bad.
I'm sure looking forward to Donkey Kong Racing.
In a week we are going to New York to visit the World Trade Center.
Both of them will be irrelevant when this comes out
Stop 9/11 from occurring, now why ever would one do that?
Why play this when the first one exists? 2 is just a disappointment
Man you guys games in the past 5 years have been incredible. Graphics have improved by leaps and bounds every year, we now have great 3D engines, and entire new genres have been invented.
I can't wait to see how incredible games will be 15 years from now!
>too much of a brainlet for anything other than sending tanks to the enemy
I can't stop CIA from doing that. They got exactly what they wanted.
I can't wait to main Ridley!
Really? Jigglypuff Did Super Smash Brothers 2 need a Dan Hibiki? Fucking hell, i bet she'll do some healing bullshit too.
Who /NBA Street/ here
Sonics 4 life
Holy shit, we're going to the moon! Velious was great, but this will be even better! EverQuest can only get better from here.
>not spamming rocketeers and insta killing everything
who /hype/ here?
Who here preordered Duke Nukem Forever?
I highly doubt a single person here was around in 2001
There was no Sup Forums then, though.
that's because you're 15
Did you see the ad for this in Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine? It's going to feature Dante!
Yeah, you are. It's 2001.
Is this a real post
man this game is going to be such a lazy cash in all the things they are removing since daggerfall there is no way it will e any good it seems all they care about is graphics
dreamcast was dead by 2001 user. i don't count it as 6th gen.