Recommend and discuss video games featuring mecha
Realismfags not welcome
Recommend and discuss video games featuring mecha
Realismfags not welcome
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shame its never coming out
As scripted as those trailers were, they were pretty fucking fun to watch. I wonder if the final game would've actually had a campaign
looks pretty boring honestly. I hate "mech" games that just play like a regular shooter but you're a bullet sponge.
Project Nimbus
Armored Core
Gundam VS
I miss Exteel you guys.
Nobody has done a similar game and it makes me sad I can't play any cool online mech TPS games. I tried MechWarrior but it's slow and plays too much like a simulator.
>mfw playing this nonstop back in 2008
Zone of the Enders
Yes ZOE 1 sucks big time, I have yet to finish it because it feels like a chore
great leader is dead
eliminate marked target to accept your contract
If you faff about, it's like 6 hours. You can beat it less than 2 if you just cram it.
>playing the second without playing the first
It's a duology for fucks sake. The final clash with Anubis is so hype because it's built up over two games.
Garrison Archangel is looking pretty solid so far.
Sup Forums told me it was fine if I skipped 1
my buddy bought me Mech Assault for the xbox because I think it was good when I was younger, does it still hold up? I haven't replayed it yet.
It was being made by Nexon.
You're deluding yourself if you thought this game was ever going to be anything like the trailers show.
and my pic
It was never even a real game at any point. This trailer was literally part of a embezzlement scheme.
Robot Alchemic Drive is a must my dudes.
Xenoblade X
Still waiting on AC6...
The strike suit games are a halfway decent macross simulator.
What version of Front Mission 1 should I play?