Why are gamers more depressed than non-gamers?

Why are gamers more depressed than non-gamers?

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>Why are gamers more depressed than non-gamers?

Stop listening to those attention whoring fags on Steam.

[citation needed]

non-gamers aren't depressed because they don't have time to play fucking games, they're more busy partying and getting drunk

'gamers' spend more time focused on fantasy

Its kind of shit on the mind that you can be a sky pirate in videogames but in reality you're a touchstarved NEET or just a wageslave that has to leave the better world behind constantly

fap too often, not enough physical activity, bad diet, no real accomplishments.

stop masturbating, go for a walk, take a multivitamin, dream of being prime

Really? Thought it was backwards.

Other way around. Games appeal to depressed people.

Selection bias. Gaming, like most escapism, is a coping mechanism. Depressed people are drawn to such hobbies.

>People play excessively not because they are hooked on gaming itself, but because they feel unhappy about other areas of their life, according to a study that followed thousands of online gamers over six months.