Why are gamers more depressed than non-gamers?

Why are gamers more depressed than non-gamers?

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>Why are gamers more depressed than non-gamers?

Stop listening to those attention whoring fags on Steam.

[citation needed]

non-gamers aren't depressed because they don't have time to play fucking games, they're more busy partying and getting drunk

'gamers' spend more time focused on fantasy

Its kind of shit on the mind that you can be a sky pirate in videogames but in reality you're a touchstarved NEET or just a wageslave that has to leave the better world behind constantly

fap too often, not enough physical activity, bad diet, no real accomplishments.

stop masturbating, go for a walk, take a multivitamin, dream of being prime

Really? Thought it was backwards.

Other way around. Games appeal to depressed people.

Selection bias. Gaming, like most escapism, is a coping mechanism. Depressed people are drawn to such hobbies.

>People play excessively not because they are hooked on gaming itself, but because they feel unhappy about other areas of their life, according to a study that followed thousands of online gamers over six months.

Sup Forums

less exercise, less sunlight, less face to face contact with real people

poor diet, generally chubby and life is just harder in every way when you're a chubster
the absolute state of gaming nowdays sucks donkey dick

i could probably go on

That's wrong though. NEETs who play games are by and large happier than their wagecuck counterparts.

They live in a culture that innately despises their hobby.

took me 10 years to realize and accept it

Why? It took me a few months and in the years since then everything has been wonderful. Since reality doesn't matter I don't have to worry about it

is nofap legit

it's a placebo meme

They know their hobby is going to shit. Movie goers SHOULD be as depressed as gamers since movies haven't been good since basically the 21st century began but they're still in denial.


Sonic forces
Death of single player

because a sequel to God Hand has never been released

Only Sup Forums is depressed because the majority only play mainstream stuff, then wonder why vidya is shit when there are hundreds of both good old and new games they never played or heard.

Because humans are social animals and gamers tend to mask their insecurities and pain by secluding themselves from society with games, but the games aren't enough after awhile, so it can't fill the void. So all that remains is sadness. And the inexperience and unknowing how to fit in with society exacerbates the problem and encourages the gamer to give up trying to be social, because he/she doesn't want to feel the pain of failing to be social.

It's a vicious cycle. But, with persistence, it CAN and WILL be overcome. It's all about finding a community, and there are always communities that will help even the lowliest people overcome their difficulties.

Because a sizeable portion of people who play games don't see them as just being a fun hobby, but an escape from their shit lives.

> drug addicts and alcoholics are not depressed

I've never read any studies on this, but depressed people don't have the energy to leave the house usually. Entertainment let's you escape reality and vidya can be the best for immersion out of other media.

drugs and alcohol (same shit technically) are natural basic anti-depressants so ofc they arent as depresed (they only are in-between doses when effect wears off)