Does anybody still play this? Any Metagame tips?
I'm looking for a clan to join on PC
Does anybody still play this? Any Metagame tips?
I'm looking for a clan to join on PC
There's not very much to it, to be honest. If you get yourself up to 280 then you can do Leviathan comfortably on Normal (Prestige isn't worth doing). For metagame weapons I would do strikes to get the cluster-bomb rocket launcher for PvE and pledge to FWC this week to roll for The Number, which is a very good auto rifle. Do the MIDA quest because MIDA Multi-Tool is pretty much the best PvP weapon you could be using right now.
I don't know about clans on PC, I play on PS4 mainly so I don't even know how you group up with people on PC.
>Does anybody still play this?
Not really. PC player new to the series and in less than a week of play I hit endgame grinding and gear level 263. And I'm not talking 10 hours play sessions, I'm talking maaaybe 30 hours total, probably closer to 20.
Which is fucking stupid. I actually really enjoy the gameplay but fuck if there is only $30 worth of content, if that. Was tempted by the season pass but I'm not giving them another penny for tiny amounts of content.
>Prestige isn't worth doing
This is a fucking heartbreaker, right here. I loved doing hard mode on every other raid, but I just don't feel any fucking motivation at all to do Prestige Leviathan and I don't even fully understand why.
because you get literally nothing for doing so other than an aura that goes away within a week
>I just don't feel any fucking motivation at all to do Prestige Leviathan and I don't even fully understand why
It's because the changes are annoying, the drop are no more powerful or common than normal mode drops and because Leviathan isn't that great to begin with.
I've probably put about 40-60 hours into the game on PC. I now login on Tuesday, play for 2-3 hours, and don't bother again until the next week.
OP, check out /dg/ if you want a clan
I haven't played for a week or two. Is The Number better than Uriel's?
That and your normal mode drops don't get added to prestige mode. I dunno why the fuck they changed that. Also, most of your drops being tokens is kind of horseshit when those won't increase your level at all.
Okay, now I understand why I don't care about the raid, it's because farming Public Events and Crucible is a better way to level up than the Prestige Raid.
once you hit end game the only reliable way to level up is the powerful engrams
It's a push. Uriel's has HCR, Number has higher damage in the bottom half of the mag.
Game is dead already.
Uriel's is probably better because it has high-caliber rounds, but they're both the same RPM archetype so they feel pretty much the same. I just recommended The Number because it's easier to farm for than Uriel's since it comes from one source reliably.
And even then the game is designed in such a way that power level doesn't mean anything. You're supposed to try to customize your build to your perfect liking through armor mods and different weapon perks, but mods and perks are so lame that nobody even wants to do that.
The rewards aren't worth the risk.
too bad desu the mechanics and graphics are awesome
>PC gets Destiny 2 and not Destiny 1
>no $40 Destiny 1 PC Collection
>tfw you'll never play the game without gimped abilities, movement, loot and game modes on the superior platform
I'd rather they have never offered the series on PC at all.
>It's because the changes are annoying
I like the changes to Gauntlet. Anything except being a runner was a pretty fucking brainless task.
Dogs are whatever. Two extra dogs is kinda a pointless change.
Bathers are fine. The extra little step if you don't one-phase it is nice and the pool the bathers drop makes you care about positioning and killing them a little faster.
Calus is WTF. The adds in the throne room are already a giant pain in the ass, moving in the Mind's Eye is a giant pain in the ass, so you're adding another giant level of chaos to that?
Challenge mode so far is fucking stupid too. Just a bunch of crap that makes the fights longer and way more tedious.
>tfw Bungie will never create a raid encounter or challenge mode as good as Aksis ever again.
>You will never get to 2-tap people with Thorn on PC.
>TFW Your PC will never bear witness to Destiny's incomprehensible story and shit voice acting.
I agree. I played D1 since the start and even liked it when it was "bad" so I'm happy that the runny-shooty parts feel almost the same in D2 (rip Titan skating) but they eliminated everything that made D1 a game you actually want to grind, mainly powerful gear worth chasing after and things like the heroic strike playlist to keep things fresh. They would have to restructure pretty much everything in the expansions to make the game good but it's not like the engine can't accommodate that.
>Doing Gauntlet with pugs
>Explain the method where everyone rotates platforms
>"waaah that's too complicated"
>weeks later it's the challenge
wait til december when osiris is coming to fuck us all
>tfw my PC will never have time to explain why it doesn't have time to explain
What's even the point of rotating platforms if you're not doing challenge mode? It's not like Golgoroth and One-Orb where it was an unintended strategy, it just seems like you're just adding extra steps.
Why are the solar subclasses all so shit now?
I remember everyone played Sunbreaker and Sunsinger in 1 but now nobody plays that trash.
Because they took all the good shit and shoved it into the arc classes for Warlock and Titan.
At least Hunters are in a place where all three subclasses have a niche. Sunbreaker and Dawnblade are just fucking pitiful.
No pulse grenades
It's funny, Arcstrider not having Pulse Grenades is basically the only thing keeping Nightstalker and Gunslinger out of the trash heap.
For PvP? MIDA and Uriel's Gift. Just described 85% of PvP matches
>Does anybody still play this?
Why would you? There's literally nothing to do after a week.
What's everyone's class/subclass/exotic combos that you've found so far? I'm still a new fag but I'm digging the
Titan/StrikerB/Insurmountable Skullfort
It's a work in progress and I may end up scrapping it, but I don't know what to build for a titan
crack when?
Striker A with Actium War Rig. Pulse Grenades are just too powerful not to run two of at all times.
I would do
>Nightstalker/Top Block/Dragon Shadow
Warlock/Voidwalker/Nezerac's Sin at the moment.
It seems functional enough, though I might switch over to stormcaller if I can snag that crown helmet.
nothing to fucking do
Crown of Tempests is great when it works but it's kinda clunky. You really gotta be smart with your ability useage.